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Forums » Looking for RP » Fire Emblem Awakening RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

The Ford Siblings (played by KansasVenomoth)

Alright, I want to try something I've never done before and try something that has heavy dice roll usage, sort of like DnD, but not quite there yet. This RP will simply follow the basic plot of Fire Emblem Awakening with a few paralogues thrown in there and possibly a few DLC maps, now I don't mind if you play a Canon or OC, that's entirely up to you, but regardless, Roy will end up marrying Nowi and Chrom will end up with Sumia. We can discuss other pairings and story details in a PM. Since I'm new to the whole dice rolling RP thing, I'm only looking for up to three people and please be patient with me.

Dice Rolling
Now, onto the dice mechanics. Everything from damage given and taken to skill activations will be determined by dice.

Damage is calculated based on your strength or magic and your opponent's defense of resistance, along with the kind of weapon you're using. Let's say you have a Steel Axe with a might of 10 and a strength of 50 and your opponent has a defense of 17. You'd roll 6 dice with ten sides, five are for your strength and the added ten is the weapon's might, along with a modifier of -17. If you were to land on thirty, you'd end up doing only thirteen damage. But, if you land on a number that would bring your roll to zero or negative numbers, you'd either miss it simply do no damage. This is all before skill factoring.

When you factor in skills like Axefaire or Swordfaire, simply add 5 more damage. The pair up works similarly. If you've got a strength of 50 and your partner raises it by 10, just roll for 6d10. Now, if you have the opportunity to hit twice (or four times with a Brave Weapon of any variation), roll the same dice for as many times as you can hit.

Critical hits are calculated with 3d20, these will triple the damage output, but only if the number lands on 41-60. Certain skills or weapons can increase the likelihood of criticals. For such instances, simply roll 4d20, any roll that lands on 41-80 is a critical hit.

Avoiding attacks are based on your Avoidance and the opponents Hit rate. Let's say you have an Avoidance of 80 and the opponent's hit rate is 100. Roll a dice of 1d100 with a modifier of -20, if it lands on anything below 30, you avoid all damage. The same goes opponent, if you hit anything below 30, you miss.

Pair Ups will also work with dice rolls. Roll 1d100 to determine whether they'll help you. Anything landing on 1-30 will result in them defending you, 31-69 will result in them doing nothing, and 70-100 will result in them attacking. Roll for each attack opportunity you have. If they attack, add 10 damage to your output, if they defend, you'll avoid all damage.

Skills are largely dependent on your Skill stat. Let's say you want to use Astra and you have a Skill stat of 50, since Astra has an activation chance of half of your Skill stat, it'll have a 25% chance to activate. You'll need to roll 1d10. If the dice lands under 25, it'll succeed and the skill goes on like usual. You may only activate one skill per turn unless you have Galeforce.

Skills like Miracle rely on your Luck stat. Let's say you have a Luck stat of 50 and you want Miracle to activate, you'll need to roll a 1d10, and if it lands under 50, it'll activate. Armsthrift is based on your Luck stat doubled. So, if you have a Luck stat of 30, you need to roll 1d10 and get 60 or lower. Rally skills like Rally Strength or Rally Defense will add or remove 5 damage and stuff like Rally Skill or Rally Luck will give you a +5 modifier to certain skills, and so on.

Like I said above, I just want to follow the plot of Fire Emblem Awakening, beginning with Chrom and Lissa finding the avatar in the field and then eventually ending with the fall of Grima. I'm not picky on shippings, but Roy and Nowi, as well as Chrom and Sumia will end up together. I need at least a paragraph per response, I'm not asking for novels or anything, just something to work with. Please ask me before you throw in OCs.

You need to be okay with frequent combat, though it won't dominate the plot, and mature themes. I don't mean smut or anything of that nature, just like the stuff already present. I'm looking for no more than three people to join me on this adventure and patience is required for this as well. We can divide canons between each other in a PM.

If dice rolls aren't your cup of tea, I'd be happy to figure something else out and a do have a plot figured out for that sort of thing. Of course, dice rolls don't have to be involved with the main plot.

Extra Plot
The war with the Grimleal has been over for some time and the family wanted to take a vacation, but rather than going for something typical like Chon'sin or even the Bathrealms or Hotrealms, they decided to check out another outrealm that led to [your character's world], but unfortunately, this proved to be a mistake. Upon exiting the portal, they found themselves separated. Nah and Roy managed to stay together while Morgan and Nowi emerged elsewhere. The family rarely separated for any reason, it was usually just to do something with another Shepherd, and they usually weren't separated for more than a few hours. They were unexpectedly separate and the possibility of their families being dead or worse caused panic to spread in, with them frantically searching until Roy/Nowi eventually ran into your character, pleading for help. Will you ignore them or will you lend your help?

Message me or comment below if either of these interest you!

rolled 5d8 and got 28

Magic 80%
Magic is common.
Technology 30%
Combat 70%
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.

Details: Character sheets & strict mechanics, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

The Ford Siblings (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

I'm still looking for others!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Fire Emblem Awakening RP (closed)

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus