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Forums » Introductions » RP interests

I like to do fantasy, post apocalyptic, modern and more.
I like adventures and somtimes even horror.

I'm not picky

What sort of modern?

Welcome to RPR. They do have rp forums you can check out also.
Hello and welcome! I hope you have a wonderful time and find everything you're looking for! :)
Fantasy and horror are some of my favorites! I usually do medieval fantasy but I have done modern and futuristic fantasy as well. There are lots of adventure roleplays to be found in both groups and in the "Looking for RP" forums!

I see that you don't seem to have created a character yet! Here is a link to help you get started.

Or maybe you just decided to go lowkey and keep your character anonyomous! Either way I hope you have lots of fun here at RPR!
Welcome to RPR! Enjoy your time here, there's lots to discover. ^^
Hey! Welcome to RPR! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » RP interests

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