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Forums » Forum Games » (IC) First impression of the character above you

Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He looked at her and he lowered his head growling in warning. He went and laid under a table shivering. There was something that the dog did not like or trust about the woman.
The prime adopts a much smaller, more human like size in front of the dog, offering out s gentle hand. "Canis Familiaris. Dogs, j believe humans call them. You are rather cute, aren't you?"
Divinum Imperium (played by VII)

"Oh look at how cute you are," A very short, dark haired man, dressed in what appears to be a priest's vestment, peered up at Chimerus Prime. Both his expression and tone dripping with an obvious condescending air as he files the pale nails on his metallic, decorated porcelain hands. "You remind me of the wretched dog I once had, now that I think about it..."
"You're quite the intriguing one, aren't you? The air of condescension that surrounds you is suffocating, almost." Ja'vassa mused, carefully observing the strange being before him. They were unlike anything he had seen before, and he could sense strange powers coming from him. "It isn't often I come across priests with power like yours. An intriguing development, indeed."

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