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Forums » Looking for RP » Children of Marvel (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

Akia peaked out from behind Johnathon to look at Joshua and Valarie before she looked up at the other boys in the room "We have to fight?". She asked, seeming to be even more scared now
johnathon parker (played anonymously)

i think they're gonna make us fight. so we're basically their version of the suicide squad
ka'galla (played anonymously)

that villian is more than you think
Valarie Stark (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

"No, you can watch from the sidelines." Valarie said as she put her hair up in a ponytail "So, I'll take Violet with me because we're better in numbers." Valarie said as she called down Violet. "Johnathon shut up. Now, I'm off I've located the suit so I gotta get that and Ka'galla what are you talking about?"
ka'galla (played anonymously)

hes the white ghost and im the son of the black panther. white is a symbol of unluck in my culture
johnathon parker (played anonymously)

now look here you. i hope you know you are talking to the son of peter parker aka tom holland aka spiderman
Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

Akia looked at Val, now unhidden from behind Johnathon. "i don't want to go" She complained
joshua rogers (played anonymously)

he leans down. "well if you dont go, youll have to stay in the prison with big people that dont really like you or your father."
Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

Akia had stepped back to be halfway behind Johnathon again when Joshua had bent down to speak with her. After he said what he had to say she saddened her look and looked down at the floor without saying a word
johnathon parker (played anonymously)

he steps in front of her. "shes just a kid. how do you expect her to be utilized in a combat scenario?"
Valarie Stark (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

"Joshua take a chill pill, you're not Captain America you don't call the shots around here" Valarie barked in Joshua's face as she stepped in front of him. "You need to calm down she's a child not a grown up, hell we're all kids here. What do you expect from us?!"
joshua rogers (played anonymously)

valarie, we may be kids, scratch that, teenagers, but we have special abiliaties. and, i would hate to let everybody know this, but we are earths avengers now. i didnt want to tell you, but most of you have lost your parents to a monster named thanos. the avengers that survived have told me to assemble this team. to fight this new evil.
Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

Akia peaked her head past John's thigh again. But she was starting to form yet another plan to escape wherever the hell they were, maybe if she went she could get help to escape and find her father, she didn't exactly grasp the concept.
ka'galla (played anonymously)

and were just now hearing about this why?
joshua rogers (played anonymously)

because i dont need emotions to cloud your judgement. because we need a certain weapon from white ghost, a weapon to stop tganos, a weapon so powerful only an asgardian can weild it. that, is why we have zion here
Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

Akia bent down and came out from under John's legs and popped up in front of Josh, then tugged on his shirt to get his attention. "i'll come"
joshua rogers (played anonymously)

he takes notice. "ok so thats one. anybody else?
Zion (played anonymously)

"Sounds like I don't really have a choice now do I?" Zion said while crossing his arms over his chest
Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

Akia's expression changed from mischievous to angry whenever Zion spoke, she turned and looked at Zion
Zion (played anonymously)

Zion glances at Akia, "May I help with you with something, you seem to stare at me a lot." Zion asked as he raised an eyebrow out of curiousy

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