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Forums » Looking for RP » Children of Marvel (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

She still glared but afterwards she cocked her eyebrows and stuck her tongue out at him
Zion (played anonymously)

Zion was taken back by this action and held back a small chuckle, he wanted to appear serious not like a joke
joshua rogers (played anonymously)

are you two done?" he himself almost chuckles. "valarie, suit the kids up and get them ready for the mission."
Valarie Stark (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

"No way, you suit them up, I gotta deal with Zion and Violet" Valarie said is a tone of drop dead "I don't deal with kids remember and I don't take orders from you." Now that remark was nothing but hate and she was clear about it
joshua rogers (played anonymously)

i lead the others into the armory. "suit up"
johnathon parker (played anonymously)

he picks up a web shooter. "alright. sweet tech you guys got here"
ka'galla (played anonymously)

picks up the golden black panther suit. "this looks familiar."
Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

Akia followed behind the obediently. Only reason though was because she was planning on trying to escape here
joshua rogers (played anonymously)

a holster of golden daggers sit on the table. "heres your equipment, akia." "report back to valarie for your breifing, because i have to moniter the situation up here
ka'galla (played anonymously)

i walk out to go meet with valarie
johnathon parker (played anonymously)

he follows behind ka'galla
Valarie Stark (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

Valarie takes Violet and Zion to go suit up which only took a few minutes after that I went to the hallway to wait for everyone else, Valarie just waited while messing with one of the blasters on her suit
Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

Akia ran to catch up with Johnathan after grabbing her equipment "wait, wait for me"
joshua rogers (played anonymously)

joshua hands zion a replica of mjilnor. "we reconstructed it using vibranium. it should hold up to anything short of a high-level magical beam
steve rogers (played anonymously)

(is it too late for me to join?)
joshua rogers (played anonymously)

(dad is that you?)
Zion (played anonymously)

Zion takes the hammer, and looks at it, "Everything leads to an Asgardian don't it." Zion groaned as he looked at the hammer confused
Valarie Stark (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

(It's never too late besides we have a Tony and he just pops up whenever)
joshua rogers (played anonymously)

ok team go to valarie and she will give you the breifing and take you aboard our quinn-jet. ill keep contact via comms
steve rogers (played anonymously)

(thanks ill join in when i see a chance)

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