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Forums » Looking for RP » Children of Marvel (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

Akia caught up to Johnathon and panted a little from running, and then she started trying to figure out how to put on the holster "i need help"
johnathon parker (played anonymously)

he kneels down and puts it on her. "there you go."
Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

She stood still fro him to do it, then adjusted it to feel comfortable before nodding at him, a faint smile until it kinda faded away
Valarie Stark (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

"You guys ready for your briefing?" Valarie asked as she turned off the blaster she was messing with
johnathon parker (played anonymously)

yeah. sure
Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

Akia nodded simply before getting distracted with something else and wondering off to look at it
ka'galla (played anonymously)

i hope this goes well, i would hate to pick spider out of my shoes" he looks at john
johnathon parker (played anonymously)

bro why did you become hostile all of a sudden? i thought we were cool
Valarie Stark (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

I looked at the two boys while Akia wondered off, "John shut up and listen before I get a boot and swat you with it and Ka'galla shush before i get you a mouse kitty." I fired as they bickered back and forth
Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

Akia stepped at a table with one of the black blasters on it "what is this?"
Valarie Stark (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

I went over to Akia, "that's just some tech my father was working on before he left and will you please put it down before you blast your pretty little face off. i mean their voice activated but they still have a few bugs." I said as I picked up the other three so i could work on them later
joshua rogers (played anonymously)

he steps onboard the quinnjet and opens the doors for the hold
Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

She kinda gulps when Valarie mentioned blowing her face off so she done what she was told to do and sat it down
johnathon parker (played anonymously)

he walks up to valarie. "when are we going to be breifed on our mission
Violet (played anonymously)

Violet drags Ka'galla and Zion onto the quinjet to keep them from pumbling the spiderkid. "You boys are nothing but trouble now stay here"
Valarie Stark (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

"It's short and easy, White Ghost is someone so we know it's a person and he's been stealing things off the weapon cargo for weeks now and was just recently."
Akia (played by ShareYoLean)

Akia stepped away from the blaster and went back to protecting herself by hiding behind Johnathon - who she seemed to be more comfortable around then the rest of the people here. Especially Josh. She was beginning to not like him
ka'galla (played anonymously)

"so lets go get this guy..."
Valarie Stark (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

"Be my guest, but first we have to approach the problem and sort out the details" I said while thinking of everything that could go wrong, that's the last thing we need to happen is is something just goes wrong
johnathon parker (played anonymously)

are we sure we should have a cat on this team? we might see a rat...

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Children of Marvel (closed)

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