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Forums » Looking for RP » romance/comedy/fanstasy (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Arachna (played anonymously)

one night your walking through a path in the woods to take a shortcut to your house and suddenly you see a bright red pair of eyes on one side of the path and another set on the other immediatly you try to run but are then caught in thick webbing as the pairs of eyes come closer

(( if interested i prefer you pm me to let me know :)
also i'm a pretty lazy writer writing up to 1 paragraph max usually 2 lines at least though so if you don't mind this let me know! :) this can be mxf or fxf i don't mind honestly but last thing... the setting is a normal world and normal people other than the two other characters your character meets :/))
Magic 20%
Plausible legends of ancient magic, but current magic is not common.
Technology 50%
Combat 20%
A peaceful setting, but with a chance for small fights and struggles to break out on a very small scale.
Hey, I was interested in the idea of your rp and was wondering if you could give me more info on it. I'd love to rp with you

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » romance/comedy/fanstasy (closed)

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