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Forums » Smalltalk » NOOOOOOO. ;-; Please tell me it's NOT true!

...I... I may have...

*whispers* ...Writers block...

I've NEVER had it. But I've had art-block before.
Everytime I try to write, I'm like "Deeeeerrrrrr....p?" And just stare at the screen and like no words come out. Normally the words just FLOW out my fingertips! I don't even think! They just happen!

Don't suppose there's a cure huh?
Take some time off and rest your brain. Works for me when that happens.
A nice bath, a movie, a book, maybe just looking out your window. Like Lance said, just relax. Don't force yourself. Take some time off, do something creative and relaxing and soon those juices in your brain will be flowing in no time :)
Darth_Angelus Moderator

The dreaded writers block!

I'd suggest go to what usually inspires your creativity. For example, I personally find if I sit back, relax and listen to some music, my imagination comes up with all sorts of ideas, characters and stories. Does anything like that work for you?

The other thing I do, if I really find myself stuck is to take the rest of the day off, play games, watch movies, read, just...something. Sometimes it comes back later that day, sometimes the next day but it helps :)
Amirrora Topic Starter

I'll try that. Maybe I will go read... or play a game. Those things tend to inspire me.

I would take a bath, but my one leg still really doesn't like that yet. D;

It makes me so sad as I roleplay EVERY day. ;-; Why you quit on me now brain? After 11 years of roleplaying...? Why NOW?!
Now even mai brain seems to hate me. D;
Hopefully it will come back soon.
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Consider it a good reason to play Portal 2 again ;)
Amirrora Topic Starter

darth_angelus wrote:
Consider it a good reason to play Portal 2 again ;)

I've been experiencing this with some RPs I'm in right now ><! It sucks! Sorry! Perhaps Dadj's drunken sputtering can refresh you? :P
Amirrora Topic Starter

f0x1nth3b0x wrote:
I've been experiencing this with some RPs I'm in right now ><! It sucks! Sorry! Perhaps Dadj's drunken sputtering can refresh you? :P

Ha ha, I was reading that and smiling<3.

And yes it does suck!

I find music helps, mostly. Or inspirational films.
Well, that always helps me. Fff.
Dragonfire Moderator

Good luck with that. I've not RPed in almost a year because of a particularly stubborn case of it.

I've been suffering from this for a year now. That's why my posts have been very uninspired and/or dull/just blabbering about characters' emotions.

EDIT: I'm totally serious, I'm usually a decent RPer! I swear!

I... force myself into writing something and go from there.

Something I was told is a flawless cure is to write a silly story, not caring about the so-called 'quality'. Just sit down and write something - horrible? Even better.

I haven't tried that yet... dunno why really.
I just adjust my mind to that of the character, do or listen to or talk like the character I'm trying to write. My mum has come downstairs to see me pacing and talking to myself, then sitting down and writing like a mad feind.
I have a series of stories that have been dubbed by my friends as 'The Tofu Tales', when I run into writers block I write them for the various character's I play... basically all they are is the reactions of my various characters after they come into contact with a blob of tofu... the more interesting ones are my fantasy characters, some of the lamer ones are my sci-fi characters... since most of them practically live off synthetic food.

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