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Forums » Looking for RP » Superhero School Looking for Students (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Batman (played by Jabberwookie)


Welcome to Chiron University, a school for budding heroes of all ages to learn and grow under the watchful eyes of their mentors. Learn what it takes to be a hero, meet your fellow heroes, and travel the world on an Island ship jointly designed and funded by Bruce Wayne and Daniel Rand. You will have both your courage and skills tested daily, and the journey won't be easy, but there's a bright new world on the other end, and you're going to help build it.

Welcome to JLUniversity, a game meant to pair roleplayers of all skill levels in order to improve both their roleplaying skills and their writing skills, as well as have a hell of a lot of fun in the processes. If you like weird and wacky plots, heartfelt story telling, and the mischief that comes from living in a school full of super-powered individuals from all walks of life, then JLUniversity is for you!

JLUniversity is a Discord roleplay game, opened fresh as of 9/7/2018, and is an All-Ages branch of JLUnited (come check us out if you're over 18!) We do real time (rapidfire) roleplaying rather than the slower, forum based roleplaying that JLUnited does, and we're open to anyone of any roleplaying skill level who is over the age of 13. We're actively looking for new students to join our game! Come check us out!


How do I join?

★ You do not have to ask us if you can join, you can just click the button and join! Our roleplay is set on Discord, so you will have to follow the link to get involved. Click here!

★ We are always looking for students.

★ You don't have to be active every day to join, or even most days. We don't have activity checks. Play when you can play.

★ If you don't have a discord, you can sign up for a discord account here. Since all of our roleplays are done through Discord, you will need an account in order to play. Discord is a chat program like Skype.

★ Your character does not have to have superpowers in order to join. They can have mundane, but useful powers like Batman or Green arrow too.

★ Yes, we accept aliens, mutants, meta-humans, half-species, humans, werewolves, vampires, cyborgs, and robots.

★ No, we do not accept characters with non-canon relationships to canon characters. This means your oc cannot be the child of Thor or Wonder Woman.

★ Talking animals with no human forms (consider making a shapeshifter instead), fandoms outside of Marvel or DC (no star wars, animes, etc. ), and shows meant for very young audiences (Krypto the Superdog, for example) are not accepted here, sorry. We do allow outside fandoms for the higher writing levels with a special token from the school store, but this is a special circumstance.
Magic 80%
Magic is common.
Technology 90%
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (faster than light)
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

I like this. May I join?
Batman (played by Jabberwookie) Topic Starter

Of course! Just follow either of the links and PM me if you have trouble with anything. I'll be happy to help you get set up.
Batman (played by Jabberwookie) Topic Starter

Bump! We're still looking for students!
Nick Fury WIP (played anonymously)

We've just added Nick Fury to our teacher roster! He must teach gym...

Still looking for students!
Kane (played by ddccaatt)

Are you still looking for students?
Batman (played by Jabberwookie) Topic Starter

We are! Check out the link to the discord game above and I'd be happy to help you through getting set up!
Batman (played by Jabberwookie) Topic Starter

Bump! Still looking!
Batman (played by Jabberwookie) Topic Starter

Batman (played by Jabberwookie) Topic Starter


Can I join?
Batman (played by Jabberwookie) Topic Starter

Anyone is welcome to join. :) You don't have to ask, just follow the link to the discord and follow the instructions from there.

...Interested! Gimme a sec (note: days, maybe) to make a character for the group. Note #2: I'm not active on the weekends. So if it does go over today, I probably won't finish it until, say, Monday.
Batman (played by Jabberwookie) Topic Starter

No worries, take your time. We're not going anywhere!
Batman (played by Jabberwookie) Topic Starter

Bump! We're still looking!
Batman (played by Jabberwookie) Topic Starter

Batman (played by Jabberwookie) Topic Starter

Bumping! Come meet our new students! We're looking for teachers too!

... interested
Batman (played by Jabberwookie) Topic Starter

Check out the link in the original post to join us, then! :)
Batman (played by Jabberwookie) Topic Starter


You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Superhero School Looking for Students (closed)

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus