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Forums » RP Discussion » I'm starting a Fandom Crossover

The RP will be conducted in the Fan-dom Magnefic group, if you have not already joined and were wanting to join! Hope it turns out well!
Kim Site Admin

Any fandoms in particular? Or just all of them?
kuroi_neko Topic Starter

Just any I suppose >.<
Darth_Angelus Moderator

The epic any fandom RP is about to start? I guess I'd better pick a character :D
Oh... ohmm... I wanna join... but I only have a couple fan-characters... some pokemon ones an an Inuyasha one on here. WHUT I CHOOSE GAIS? D;
kuroi_neko Topic Starter

:x just close your eyes and point to a random character and use that one! ahah
kuroi_neko wrote:
:x just close your eyes and point to a random character and use that one! ahah


Maybe I'll see what sorts of characters everyone else is using.
8D I've got some random-- I mean, FANDOM characters! :D I think I may go poke around y'all's group page!
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Do they have to be canon? I'd rather play one of my own characters I've created than one of the official characters. Although, I can do that too :)
kuroi_neko Topic Starter

ooo that is confusing... i meant you can play a canon along with your oc character
I might check it out. No promising though =x

The only fandom I can do is X-Men stuff. XD; And even then I don't really do canons. I like having some free reign. x3

So I might just sit by and watch ^^
kuroi_neko Topic Starter

blah its OCs and if you want canons.. you dont have to do canons at all xD that was my bad

You are on: Forums » RP Discussion » I'm starting a Fandom Crossover

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus