Has anyone ever had one of those days, you're just around, talking, show off one of your characters... and people wanna draw them? It's pretty rad. Makes you feel really special<3.
Have to admit, this made my day (WARNING DISTURBING GRAPHIC CONTENT -GOREYYY-) Click here if you can stomach it
And it's not even DONE. I was shocked. I was just chatting with this guy about Tonic and his psychotic brother Toxic, and they kept asking more and more questions. And yeah.
Anyone else have a person enjoy your characters so much they want to draw/write about them?
PS: Tonic will be fine. He's mostly android, so what bloodloss does occur doesn't severely damage him. Plus my other character X can repair him.
Have to admit, this made my day (WARNING DISTURBING GRAPHIC CONTENT -GOREYYY-) Click here if you can stomach it
And it's not even DONE. I was shocked. I was just chatting with this guy about Tonic and his psychotic brother Toxic, and they kept asking more and more questions. And yeah.
Anyone else have a person enjoy your characters so much they want to draw/write about them?
PS: Tonic will be fine. He's mostly android, so what bloodloss does occur doesn't severely damage him. Plus my other character X can repair him.
Oh, also, anyone else go crazy with commissions and art-trades? I'm a guilty-guilty art-addict.
Whoa, that is an amazing sketch/WIP!
And fff yes I love it when that happens.
It's always a pleasant surprise when out of the blue someone goes "Hey I drew ____, here you go!"
Honestly I've never gotten into commissions & art-trades. It happens SOMETIMES, just not... y'know, often.
And fff yes I love it when that happens.

Honestly I've never gotten into commissions & art-trades. It happens SOMETIMES, just not... y'know, often.
Copper_Dragon wrote:
Whoa, that is an amazing sketch/WIP!
And fff yes I love it when that happens.
It's always a pleasant surprise when out of the blue someone goes "Hey I drew ____, here you go!"
Honestly I've never gotten into commissions & art-trades. It happens SOMETIMES, just not... y'know, often.
And fff yes I love it when that happens.

Honestly I've never gotten into commissions & art-trades. It happens SOMETIMES, just not... y'know, often.
I know. I was even more shocked that they WANTED to do something gorey with those two. I can never find anyone willing to do so. Even if I PAY.

And yes! It's so so nice. It's like "Whoa! This made my dayyy<333"
Ha ha, well I guess I'm just a bit crazy with them lately. Any small amount of money goes straight into my paypal (birthday, christmas, easter, ect) and is USUALLY put to more art. Sometimes video games. He he.
Whoa, epic artstuffs. I likes. I'm going to cut off that artist's hands and sell them on Ebay.
I just happened to talk about this with my friend yesterday during Slack Hour. Three times people offered to draw three of my characters - three different people btw. Which made me feel really special and stuff.
None of them actually ever did draw my characters in the end, so I say it's a CONSPIRACY.
I just happened to talk about this with my friend yesterday during Slack Hour. Three times people offered to draw three of my characters - three different people btw. Which made me feel really special and stuff.

None of them actually ever did draw my characters in the end, so I say it's a CONSPIRACY.

To be honest, I've never had anyone doodle my characters... Haha... That's okay though, 'cause I like to doodle them, myself.
I've had people doodle my characters a few times (without me requesting it as commission or such)! It made me all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that someone likes a creation of mine to actually take even a few minutes of their time to draw it. My friend made a quick doodle of a character of mine once and it made my day, hahaha.
In fact, that reminds me that I need to work on a few pictures I said I'd draw for people. They'd be done already, except school really cuts into my time and I'm so out of habit of drawing that just a sketch takes me forever hahaha.
In fact, that reminds me that I need to work on a few pictures I said I'd draw for people. They'd be done already, except school really cuts into my time and I'm so out of habit of drawing that just a sketch takes me forever hahaha.
Evilduckie and I have NOTEBOOKS full of character doodles. Mostly our interacting.
I love when people draw my characters. It makes me so happy, because I totally can't draw them myself!
Maybe I should start trying though. Hmm.
Also, awesome doodle!
Maybe I should start trying though. Hmm.
Also, awesome doodle!

I am the doodler. Most of the time it is voluntold doodling.
People dun draw my characters. I do it so much, if I like a character design I draw it. I'm really bad at scanning art so people never know about it... like a lot of you... hehehe
People dun draw my characters. I do it so much, if I like a character design I draw it. I'm really bad at scanning art so people never know about it... like a lot of you... hehehe

I have had this happen a total of two times by the same lovable person. I love seeing other people's persepctive on my characters, it makes it very interesting. I've drawn a few other characters myself, without being asked (though they are far from being amazing gifts) but I tend to only draw those that I RP with a lot and tend to do some scenes that stick in my head - or silly ideas that I simply can't resist. xD
Two RP buddies each drew my characters from our group but in general it's mostly me drawing other people's characters or my own characters. I like to draw. And if the idea gets in my head and it isn't a rubbish drawing I let the person know 'hey I draw you. See look at it.' I don't know if it's a good trait or a bad one but I usually ask permission after I draw the picture and have never draw a picture for someone that wasn't for free. Though most of the characters I draw belong to people I've RPed with a long while so I know they don't mind.
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