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Forums » Looking for RP » PI Looking for Clients. (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Reggie Striker (played anonymously) Topic Starter

A little office in less than safe part of the city. The door is unlocked late at night and early in the morning and Reggie is there - unless of course she's off on a case.

What I'm looking for in an rp is either someone to investigate or someone to work off of. I'll take cops, civilians, even villains. I would prefer 18+ players as I don't know what direction this will go. I'm willing to do more adult RP, as long as there is story to it. I am happy to play violence as well.

My only real limit is death. I do not want to kill Reggie. I've only just made her.
Reggie Striker (played anonymously)

A little office in less than safe part of the city. The door is unlocked late at night and early in the morning and Reggie is there - unless of course she's off on a case.

What I'm looking for in an rp is either someone to investigate or someone to work off of. I'll take cops, civilians, even villains. I would prefer 18+ players as I don't know what direction this will go. I'm willing to do more adult RP, as long as there is story to it. I am happy to play violence as well.

My only real limit is death. I do not want to kill Reggie. I've only just made her.
Hmm...Interesting. ^_^ I need to create my character for that. I have two I think but I need to double check. ^_^

Edit: OMG I do have two characters. Damn it..I need to create their profiles. X_X
Reggie Striker (played anonymously) Topic Starter

What sort of characters am I looking at here?
One is an Actor..and the other one would be the one I have in my Other Characters Profile..the male all the way at the bottom. I'm making the Actor's profile as we speak.
Reggie Striker (played anonymously) Topic Starter

What sorts of cases were you proposing for this RP?
Well either my actor character needs protection from someone who is sending threatening letters to him. Or one of his close friends died and everyone is saying its an accident but my actor knows it is.
UsagiSmith wrote:
Well either my actor character needs protection from someone who is sending threatening letters to him. Or one of his close friends died and everyone is saying its an accident but my actor knows it is.

So sorry for the late reply!
Reggie Striker (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Its fine. Did you want to start it up, or shall I?
Could you start it up please? ^-^
Reggie Striker (played anonymously) Topic Starter

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » PI Looking for Clients. (closed)

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