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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Teen Wolf OC & Canon

Kane (played by ddccaatt)

YThe name's Kane, Kane Hale. I have lived in the woods for as long as I can remember but I went to public school. The truth to the woods is that, those woods are my home kinda, I have a house but I have a deeper connection with the forest that sits outside of Beacon Hills, the town I live in, there's a lot of wrong things that happen in town so I prefer the woods. But I'm getting ahead of myself I attend Beacon Hill High School or formerly known as Hell. Today it wasn't that bad but I just wanted to scream at everyone who looked at me the wrong way. Especially the girls who think they're so smart and pretty just because they're cheerleaders. At least the day was over and I was now walking to my house that was about half a mile away from school. The walk home helped to clear my head. I growled at myself as I walked into the woods to clear the way of any little creatures that might lurk in my path. I felt the feel of the moonlight on my back as I wondered the wood around town.

(is based off of the TV series, if you wanna join just jump in.)
Grant Brooks (played by Keegan)

May I? I would have to recreate my character.
Kane (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

Zombie character wrote:
May I? I would have to recreate my character.
Yes, of coarse
Grant Brooks (played by Keegan)

Anything specific I should know about the story line? Or are we winging it?
Kane (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

Zombie character wrote:
Anything specific I should know about the story line? Or are we winging it?
We're just going with the flow
Grant Brooks (played by Keegan)

I’m still here. Haven’t had time to remake my character yet I apologize. I’ll get on it as soon as I can.
Grant Brooks (played by Keegan)

He is up if you want to take a look.
Kane (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

Alright get looks great for the rp
Grant Brooks (played by Keegan)

Grant groaned as he stood off to the side while his parents chatted up some old friends. His family had left when he was still rather young, which meant he would have to remake friends all over again. Shaking his head he walked to the tree line, looking into the woods and wishing he could just run. Examining the ground closely he watched as all I’ve the smaller creatures scurried about, envious of their freedom. Slowly lifting his eyes they locked on to a girl walking. Tilting his head he slowly walked into the woods, wondering if it was anyone he knew from the past.
Kane (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

(I will reply as soon as I can Happy Holidays))
Kane (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

Kane kept walking while she glanced at the colorful leaves that had just fallen off the trees. She was just thinking about what snarky remark she would make towards just about everyone. Kane soon got the feeling that she was being watched so she stopped in her tracks and looked around till she made eye contact with a boy she didn't recognize. So, she decided to take a couple steps towards him. Stopping a few yards away from him, just close enough to make out all his facial features.
Grant Brooks (played by Keegan)

Grant put his hands in his pockets as he watched her, curious to what exactly it was she was doing. Once she turned and made eye contact with him he stopped, watching her closely. Matching her steps he examined her closely, memorizing ever feature. Taking a deep breath in he caught her scent, faintly recognizing it but still couldn’t place it. “Sorry, you seem familiar, that’s why I followed you. I wasn’t trying to be a creep or anything...” he said just loud enough for her to hear. “I’ll go now...” he said and looked her over once more before turning around.
Kane (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

"I get that a lot." Kane said as she tried to remember where she had seen him before if she had ever seen him. Then she took one whiff of the air and caught on to his own scent and took a step closer. "What's the big rush, you look new around here. You need any help?" She asked trying to be helpful towards people.
Grant Brooks (played by Keegan)

Grant turned back to her and smiled softly. “I’m just waiting for my parents to finish talking with old friends of theirs. We lived here when I was still young, just moved back.” He said and scratched the back of his head. “Guess I got bored and wandered...that’s when I saw you and got curious. Thought maybe you might be someone I knew from ten years ago.” Grant said and shrugged his shoulders.
Kane (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

Oh, was Kane's only thought. Why would anyone want to leave Beacon Hills, on wait... "Well unless you know the Hale family you don't know me. I'm Kane by the way, what's your name?" She asked as she got out her phone to check the time as she heard a noise in the far distance but knew it was probably a rabbit. "And what made you guys move back here?"
Grant Brooks (played by Keegan)

Grant perked a brow, the name sounding really familiar to him but couldn’t place it. “Honestly, I’m crap with names...I’m better with faces. I’m Grant.” He said and scratched the back of his head. Looking around he shrugged and said, “The company my dad works for, the reason we moved in the first place, offered him his own branch. So back we came.” He chuckled and continued, “Have to love it when parents don’t consider how a change like that will affect the entire family. I’m happy for him and all but yeah...another life altering event for me.”
Kane (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

Wolfie-paws wrote:
Hello, are you familiar with the TV show Teen Wolf? And are you wanting to join?
luna (played by animelover)

can I join please?
Kane (played by ddccaatt) Topic Starter

luna wrote:
can I join please?
Yeah of course

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