This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hello! Have you ever wanted to watch movies and TV, play video games, read, get a job, make a buisiness, and get married all in the same place? No? Well, check this out anyway, because ThreeGuarters technology firm presents CyberSpace, the ultimate online platform, where you can enter another world entirely! Now with complete dominance over the human brain, GuarterGear can hack into your nerves and stuff, and bring your mind here to CyberSpace! Our technology has been perfected. No errors, whatsoever! We can’t wait to see you in CyberSpace!
But what if such a system failed?
Hello! Have you ever wanted to watch movies and TV, play video games, read, get a job, make a buisiness, and get married all in the same place? No? Well, check this out anyway, because ThreeGuarters technology firm presents CyberSpace, the ultimate online platform, where you can enter another world entirely! Now with complete dominance over the human brain, GuarterGear can hack into your nerves and stuff, and bring your mind here to CyberSpace! Our technology has been perfected. No errors, whatsoever! We can’t wait to see you in CyberSpace!
But what if such a system failed?
No magic at all.
Further future, perhaps visit mars or upload your brain
A peaceful setting, but with a chance for small fights and struggles to break out on a very small scale.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
You've caught my interest.
Kaizasuno wrote:
You've caught my interest.
Yeah, it seems like it would be an interesting thing to roleplay
Okay, I’m kinda new to this role playing thing and just wanted to DO something so you can join if you want to!
Ok I'll make a character later tonight and we can start when ever you want, but for right now I'm going to sleep as its 2 in the morning for me.
I'm down, dude!
I dunno. What do you want?
Hey I like this idea, maybe I could join?
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