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Forums » Looking for RP » The Embers of the Holy Mountain (Sci-fi) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Xa'Taren (played by Riik)

A remote alien world, scenery dominated by a gigantic mountain, built upon which is an incredibly ancient and incredibly technologically advanced pyramid-shaped temple. Two centuries ago, the last sapient native died as the air slowly became toxic to the species. In their final years, they engineered a resilient unageing creature to act as caretaker to the great temple. Now, the world is dying. The plants of the vast jungle withering. A biological disaster is looming, and the temple's purpose is finally seeing an end. A chance encounter with an alien explorer is the excuse the caretaker needed to finally get off-world and start a life amongst the stars.


Players aged 16+ are preferred. If you're a year or so younger than that and feel you're more mature than average, we can discuss things, but there will be extra limits set on RP to keep everyone comfortable regarding the age gap.

This is a multi-paragraph RP. If you feel you can't maintain a pace of about 2 paragraphs average per post, this might not be for you. Also, expect long posts from me early on - don't feel obligated to keep up with them and don't expect them to persist throughout; it'd be mostly due to me setting the scene.

At the top of the exhausting stairs of the tall alien temple, sat cross-legged in meditation on the floor before the entrance, the last vestige of animal life on the planet waited. They had detected the arrival of an alien vessel upon the planet's surface through the advanced sensor systems nestled deep in the temple. Of course a visitor to the world would be drawn to this place - the only standing piece of architecture that had not been reclaimed by the jungles at the foot of the mountain. It was finally time. Time to leave home and explore the stars. Or at least the temple's caretaker hoped. Though ageless, they still needed to eat. And all the plants were dying. Soon, the planet would too. And when all else had perished, the caretaker would soon follow. It was a difficult choice to turn their back on their very purpose for existence... the very reason they were created. But it was necessary. A new, exciting future awaited them. An adventure.

* * *

So I've been working on an AU version of my character Xá here (the 'ultimate fusion' AU on his profile) that I've been wanting to try out. As such, I don't really have a particular adventure in mind for this, given I've just hurriedly put this prompt together to gather interest. So it should be fairly open ended... or if you have an adventure you want to take a little alien dude along on, feel free to suggest something!

This is a one-on-one RP. Won't be any romance (I mean you could try, but you'd get more luck getting romance from a brick wall than Xá).
Magic 10%
On very, very, rare occasions there may be unexplained, POSSIBLY supernatural events. Minor "environmental" magic. Perhaps implies the existence of a deity or supernatural entity. Or perhaps it's just tricks?
Technology 90%
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (faster than light)
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » The Embers of the Holy Mountain (Sci-fi) (closed)

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus