This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Yes, I have another RP opening to all you RPers. This RP is the exact same as SailorTitan's RP group (If you joined it you'd know what I'm talking about. ^^) Except hers has more violence and sexuality in it..which I'm making this one more for younger players (even though there WILL be some violence in it) And it will be open under a forum, not a group.
The plot is basically about people (our characters) boarding a plane from Australia to Paris. Our characters are going to start out by boarding that plane. Then, a bit after they board the plane and the plane starts going, half way the plane crashes on a mysterious island and the two pilots are left dead. So..from there on our characters will have to learn to survive on an island together. I am also planning on using my character Daisy Bell
I AM making this a closed RP once I get all the people that would like to join, join. So if you are interested please tell me by posting on here or send me a message. You can also ask some questions too.
The reason why I am making this a closed RP after is because your character can't just come in mid-way while all the other characters are on the island. That wouldn't make any sense. Your character has to be there in the beginning to actual GET ON the plane and crash on the island. So yeah. 
Please reply if you are interested!
The plot is basically about people (our characters) boarding a plane from Australia to Paris. Our characters are going to start out by boarding that plane. Then, a bit after they board the plane and the plane starts going, half way the plane crashes on a mysterious island and the two pilots are left dead. So..from there on our characters will have to learn to survive on an island together. I am also planning on using my character Daisy Bell
I AM making this a closed RP once I get all the people that would like to join, join. So if you are interested please tell me by posting on here or send me a message. You can also ask some questions too.

Please reply if you are interested!
I don't mind joining. Just right now I'm at work. So i'l figure out what character to use when I get home. ^-^
UsagiSmith wrote:
I don't mind joining. Just right now I'm at work. So i'l figure out what character to use when I get home. ^-^
Of course!

Ah, if you're going to put Daisy Bell in a multiverse, I don't want to join (from your other topic,) sorry. It's not my preferred style of handling storylines by putting one character into different stories simultaneously. My characters develop in stricter settings.
Theodore Hulick wrote:
Ah, if you're going to put Daisy Bell in a multiverse, I don't want to join (from your other topic,) sorry. It's not my preferred style of handling storylines by putting one character into different stories simultaneously. My characters develop in stricter settings.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » ...Another RP Opening ;3 (closed)
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