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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Atsennu Twins (closed)

Sangris Atsennu (played by Kamui)

The house doubled as a flower shop next door. It was popular, really cute, and housed a pair of demon twins. As of now, the house was decorated in a bunch of dorky decorations, like orange and black lights, fog on the front lawn (that didn't come from a fog machine, oddly enough), and huge orange and black blooms leading up to the house. As of now, the male twin, Sangris, finished ripping open a bag of candy, dumping it into the hue cauldron, which was filled with an assortment of candy, along with his own special kind, candied flowers.

They did own a flower shop, duh.

He was dressed as Maleficent. Well, a male one, at least. Lots of armor, horns coming up from his head, and feathered black wings from his back. He threw away the empty bag, pushing the candy filled cauldron near the front door. His sister, Cooro, came up, dressed up as Maleficent, her own version, of course. Lots of leather, a thick cloak, horns, and of course, wings. She snickered, watching her brother excitedly set down the black pot, and dust off his fingers.

"Well, it is dark out," she said, cocking a brow.

Sangris nodded excitedly. He looked like he should've been out getting candy, not giving it. "Yeah! All we have to do is wait! I can hear them down the street anyways."
Halloween was always something Sarquine enjoyed. The humans had the decency to open up artistic creativity for clothing and costumes. He never did use the same costume twice. He'd use his abilities to create costumes of his own. This one was a sort of insect creature with 8 arms, oddly shaped legs, and large beetle wings. It had a sort of sickly golden yellow color that reflected the light from the moon and giving it an almost diseased appearance. Each limb and even the wings moved on their own as he had made them out of proper organic matter that he used. He approached the house with a grin on his face.

"Glad to see other non humans partaking in the festivities." He said as he approached.
Sangris Atsennu (played by Kamui) Topic Starter

"Ah, is it really that obvious we are demons, Cooro?" Sangris said with a pout. His sister only snorted, rolling her eyes and ruffling his hair, which made him squeal in annoyance. "Well, anyways!" he hefted up the large cauldron with ease. Just how strong was he?! "Happy Halloween! I love your costume!"

Cooro nodded, "Ah, yes." Both of their voices was heavily accented with Korean. Which...made sense for Sangris. He looked like one, with pale skin and large almond eyes. They looked like galaxies, stars twinkling and shining within the large orbs. Cooro, however, looked more to be of an Indian goddess, with deep, chocolate skin. "It cannot be a normal insect, seeing as how it has 8 legs, but the wings remind me of a beetle..." her own twitched gently, making a softly ruffling noise.
Alienna Quinn (played by That1Gurly)

Ali was dressed as an elf, fake pointy ears stick out from her hair, they almost look real. Her costume is mostly skin-tight, but she was mindful of the chill in the autumn air, not to mention the children running around. So she made sure her costume looked cute, while it’s still appropriate for this time of year.

Her trick-or-treat bag looked like a tree stump that was ripped out of the soil of a fantasy world. She saw a beautiful flower shop and sprinted towards it, while trying not to knock down some children. Ali was small, so she looked like a child.
“Hopefully they don’t realize that i’m not a kid...” she mumbles as she runs up to the shop. She almost runs into a guy who’s dressed like a spider. She skids to a halt at the door.
"Thanks. It took me some time to figure out all the nerve, muscle, and tendon connections I'd need to get this working but it was worth it." Sarquine said. One of the limbs produced a cloth bag, probably a pillowcase, and passed it over to his hands up front. It was clear he was showing off his abilities.

"I could smell your scent. Clearly that of a demon. I do like the costumes. A classic Disney villain. The wings are especially well made." The beetle wings on his back flitted a bit before creating what sounded like a low pitched cricket chirp.
Cooro Atsennu (played by Kamui) Topic Starter

"Ah, careful now," Cooro murmured. She had grabbed a bowl of her own while Sangris was talking to the man in the bug costume, and was dealing with the sudden onslaught of children. Looking to the elf, she raised a brow, her obsidian eyes glinting with knowing. "Happy Halloween to you," she purred, dropping some candy within the stump. Cooro shot the smaller girl a wink. "No one is ever too young. Do not worry."
Sangris Atsennu (played by Kamui) Topic Starter

Sangris grinned at the beetle man, adding some candy to the sack. "I bet! And good thing you got it done before today too!" he added some candy to the children's bags, who thanked him and quick ran off, happily talking about which flower they picked. He blushed softly at the compliment. "They are very much so real," Sangris said. His wings stretched out further, one wing curling around his sister. "Ah, but I smell like a demon. I have been told that I only smell of rain."

That was true. The twins and the shop gave off the scent, calming and mysterious. It suited them well.
"True. There are just certain things I can pick up on that most can't. Think of it like how a camera can pick up on infrared waves while the human eye cannot. How long have you and your sister been working the flower shop?"
Sarquine's insect limbs took the bag and stowed it away beneath his wings. The hands then seemed to morph into what looked like blades made from a blue-gray metal.
Sangris Atsennu (played by Kamui) Topic Starter

"A few years now," Sangris said, setting the cauldron down. He turned to his sister, shooting her a look, and she nodded, quickly going further inside the house. "Well, technically speaking we own it, but that is aside the point. Oh, thank you, Cooro." She placed more of the candied flowers inside the pot which was quickly growing popular. Sangris stared at the man before him. Something about him seemed familiar, in an unfamiliar way.

"Oh! That is what is it. Do you have dragon within you?" Sangris asked, gently tilting his head.
"That's a difficult question. I guess you could call me a demon, but I've also been called a shapeshifter, an abomination, and other things. I could turn into a dragon if I'm given enough time to study them and understand their biology and such." The blades turned back into the insect hands from before.
Sangris Atsennu (played by Kamui) Topic Starter

Sangris paled slightly, his eyes flashing a sapphire blue for a split moment. " one should be called that. And by the looks, and sound of it, you truly cannot be such a despicable human being as others make you out to be." Sangris grinned reassuringly, "Just remember to stand tall and strong! Your worst enemy is yourself..." Sangris glanced at his sister. " the correct saying, right?"

She nodded, tucking away at the hair falling into her face. "Sangris, I thought your English was getting better." Sangris pouted.

"It is! You know with as any as we speak, it takes a lot of work not to just suddenly start speaking in another..."
"Well I'm not entirely human. My earliest memories were that of being an odd little mass of genetic material. I decided to make the human shape my default since it's quite modular and useful."
Sarquine retrieved one of the candied flowers from the bag and bit off a petal, nodding in approval of the taste.
"Mildly sweet with a nice twist of flavor. I like it. You two certainly know your craft."
((headed off to the store to get some snacks. Be back in probably an hour))
Sangris Atsennu (played by Kamui) Topic Starter

Cooro raised a brow, nodding, "That is true. We chose out appearances based off of what we thought suited us the most." So that wasn't what they looked like in reality. "Well, our face structure and things of the like. As for our bodies, we cannot do much about that."

Sangris beamed proudly when the other enjoyed the flowers. "Thank you!" he said, "It was very easy. The flowers are not real flowers, so you never have to worry about accidentally eating one that is inedible."

His sister nodded, "Yes. Every flower in the shop is made by Sangris. We do not order any, seeing as how it would be a waste when Sangris can make his own, and they are much better than other shops."
Draz (played by JadedJester)

A tiny man with dark makeup around his green eyes making him look like he hadn't slept in weeks, a tattered and thin black shirt with a hood and thumbholes in the sleeves, a dark shroud of an aura swirled around him and black leather pants with several throwing knives attached to them with a sort of holster or harness but bare feet was half bouncing and half gliding down the road on small bat-like wings...he was giggling like a madman and clearly already suffering a powerful sugar rush.

He nearly fell head over heels when he passed the flower shop at first because he was head first in his bag of treats trying to find the other popcorn ball but he smelled the enticing scent of candy and flowers all mingled together and popped his head back out to look around "...sniff sniff, that smells tasty~" he mumbled before he wagged his cute imp-like tail and flittered over to the flower shop.

His eyes darted around as he got close and his skin prickled as he sensed magic nearby. Then his eyes landed on the candied flowers and his eyes grew as wide as saucers...he couldn't help but grin which revealed tiny little fangs but only his other form really used this form he preferred fruits and some veggies over blood. The candied flowers had earned his curiosity and made him drool a little. "Herrow...?" he says on a squeaky and childish voice, he wasn't so sure about this place aside from the fact that it smelled wonderful to his sensitive nose.
Cooro Atsennu (played by Kamui) Topic Starter

"Happy Halloween," Cooro said, gently dropping some candy into the bag, and giving the little imp a candied flower as well. Cooro knew that look. It was one of one who had a bit too much sugar in very little time. Maybe she shouldn't have given him so much? Internally, the demoness shrugged. It would be fine, today was a special occasion anyways.

"Those knives...are not real, are they? I hope you do not plan upon using them, mm?"
"Well I enjoyed our little chat, however I must leave. Other places await me. I decided to approach since I heard that the flowers here were rather nice." Sarquine said, using one of the insect limbs to hold his bag and spreading his wings wide.
"Until next time." He said before taking off into the night.
At the ground where he left was a small cloth wrapped around a gemstone. A note was attached that read 'Crystal candy, enjoy!'
Cooro Atsennu (played by Kamui) Topic Starter

The twins nodded, gently bowing as the man left. "Have a good night," Cooro chimed. Sangris bent down, gently picking up the candy and unwrapping it. "Mm? It is rather pretty, Sangris," she said, looking to her brother.

"...yeah. No I do not want to eat it!" Sangris pouted, setting it gently on a table behind him, "What if it was real, though? That would be much better!"
Draz (played by JadedJester)

Draz giggled like a little schoolgirl and spun in a few circles as the pretty woman gave him a generous amount of sweets including a flower which he was more thrilled about than anything else. He was about ready to bounce away again before his lovely host asked him about his throwing knives.

He seemed to sober up for a moment but just offered a grin and a snicker of laughter. "Real yes, very sharp...but I don't plan to use them here or now." he says sweetly. "...maybe some target practice later for fun but probably not because I have so many treats~" he practically sang, his tail flicked with his excitement and his tiny wings flapped behind him.

He giggled crazily again and took off running for the next place offering treats. "Byo pretty lady, thanks for the candies!" he says over his shoulder with a huge grin. As he ran he plucked the sweet flower from his bag and sniffed it before slipping it up his left sleeve so it wouldn't get damaged...he'd eat this one later once everything else was gone so he'd enjoy it more.
Cooro Atsennu (played by Kamui) Topic Starter

Both of the demoness' eyebrows raised now, listening to this small boy speak. "Hm...okay," she said slowly. A small part of her believed him anyways. Sangris came back from refilling the flowers once again, giving one to a child who ran off with a grin on her face and yelling 'thank you' over her shoulder.

"Aww, look at this cutie!" he said. But, the imp was already running off, thanking his sister. She only nodded in response, turning to her brother.

"...I really wish he does not use those knives," Cooro hummed.

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