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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Ara's Ship (Closed!)

Ara (played by Rook)

On the outside of her ship (dubbed the Falling Star), things were relatively normal. It was parked nearby a hangar, though the cockpit was dark to avoid anyone looking that way for anything possibly interesting. The hatch was unguarded, but a single chair rested outside it on the sandy planet named 'Tuphon'.

Inside was a little different. There were repairs being done, though thankfully minor, and the Elven woman was in the process of checking through a special telescreen to overlook what needed the most attention. A couple drinks rested nearby, one for her and one for her other crew-member, a reptilian creature known as a 'Wari'. But to everyone else, she was Ss'thika. Moving from the lounge, Ara plucked up her drink along the way and was immediatly joined by a bat-like creature called 'Lobelia', a jijuu when it came to race. As usual, the tiny animal curled its way underneath its owner's hair against the back of her neck.

With all going well, the elf leaned against one of the walls to relax and take a sip of her drink.

((Since I'm going to be working some crazy long shifts, I will reply to this when I can. Don't be discouraged if I'm quiet for a few hours!))
Niko (played anonymously)

A human girl shuffled around outside the hangar, here and about like a drifting shadow, as if she simply popped out of thin air and was relatively unbothered about the occurrence. She was small and scrawny with black, somewhat vacant eyes that had a tendency to stare for a moment too long.

More strangely, she wore a shiny silver suit that crinkled when she walked and carried a little, orange, plastic bucket upon which was painted a somewhat dopey and snaggle-toothed smile. On top of a head of short, thick black hair that still managed to appear wildly disheveled sat a molded mask of thin and cheap plastic: a man with a black bandit-mask and funny little blue ears. Eyebrows, too. She'd never seen a man with blue eyebrows. Maybe it was supposed to be a silly costume.

She might have been lost.

The elastic pulled at her hair and ears, and the mask hurt her face. But maybe this was okay, she'd reasoned; she had seen so many funny-looking monsters and creatures around here that perhaps a person would be scary enough and she wouldn't have to wear the squishy thing the entire time she was out.

She supposed she ought to feel silly about the whole thing, perhaps frightened as lost-people often were, but she simply felt hungry. And it appeared that someone was in that ship.

So the little silver girl clambered up to the Falling Star like a little spider-monkey, and diminutive knuckles rapped against the door.
anon (played anonymously)

Achu was a young orphan elf of royal blood and mischevious to the core, having escaped from his minder's care and watch he set out to investigate the strange thing that stood before him in the not too far distance.

He snuck between the bushes, watching an elf resting on a chair and a young human approaching him. She seemed nice, and the host was an elf as well, both details helped Achu gather enough courage to leave his safe haven, his hiding spot in order to approach the little human and the resting elf.

"Greetings to all... I'm Achu!" announced the young elf excited, eyeing out the others outfits and appearance
Ara (played by Rook) Topic Starter

At the knock to the door, Ara took a moment to finish off her drink so she could set the glass aside and she looked to the screen that connected to the camera fitted above the door. A child wasn't something she was expecting, but she'd find something to certainly make do! Treats weren't certainly hard to find, not on her ship and not with her own stash of wonderful snack things. What she wouldn't really have was a costume of her own, but that took time that she didn't bother with.

Dumping it all in a bowl to appear totally prepared, she opened up the hatch and looked down at the young girl. "This is something else. Ah, very old-school." Didn't Zeta show her something like this before? She reached out to tap a nail against one of the supposed 'ears' of the mask, considering Blackbird a moment. "I have just the thing." Humans generally could eat anything she could, which was a relief in this case. And in this case, the girl got a random chocolate bar - hope she likes nougat filling and all that!

When Achu approached, Ara would look down at the little elf and twitched an ear. Well, he'd be no less difficult than Blackbird when it came to food. "Hello, my name is Ara." She greets in kind, digging out a pack of something that certainly could be the equivalent of skittles. "And this is yours." If he had a bag to put them in. Ara didn't seem to mind the possibility there wasn't a costume, since the boy had gone and snuck off. Did kids usually come without their parents? Eh, who was she to judge?
Drew Howler (played by FlamingPsycho)

Drew skipped on up to Ara's ship, ready to see what else he could get. Psycho bounced around by his ankles, excited. Time to add yet more weight to his bucket as he hit up house number three. He couldn't wait to see what he got this year!

The costume-clad man was rather excited for a college student. He loved sugar. This ship looked rather foreboding, though.
anon (played anonymously)

Achu looked up with a small smile on his face, accepting the candy that he was being given


Without further ado, he sat on the ground next to Ara and proceeded to eat each candy away, slowly, melting it in the mouth to get the full flavour before moving onto the next.

It would take some time to finish them all but in the meantime he enjoyed looking around at the scenery and quietly listening into the conversations going on, from time to time glancing at Blackbird and her lack of pointy ears, a clear indication he had only mingled with elves up to that point, eyeing out Drew with curious eyes too.
Niko (played anonymously)

When Ara poked at the little ears of the mask, the kid finally managed a tentative smile and a chirp of a "Soy Batman!" - by way of explanation, of course. It's what was on the box, after all!

Achu's appearance saw the girl scuttling backwards at first with a little squeak, but she appeared to quickly figure he was okay as she glanced quickly from the woman to the boy - at first for conformation, then for comparison. Two elves! Maybe she should wear the pointy-eared mask, after all?

None of their ears were blue, though. That would be unpleasant. Probably. The mask was still firmly silly in her new company, she'd decided, so it remained a makeshift hat.

"Greetings...Achu!" That was okay, right? Then added another "thank you," as Ara handed her the candy, which promptly went into her own little bucket. This was good, she could be on her way - a chocolate bar would be more than enough to sate her hunger until she got un-lost!

Then she reconsidered. Picked the candy back up again to examine it. She saw the boy sat, and so she did too, mimicking how he did it. Glanced up at the woman, then - she wasn't quite sure if what she wanted to do next was in the rules. Bit her tongue, frowning at the little bar - and broke it apart, meticulously splitting it right in half as best as she was able (snapping off tiny pieces to even it out) and held one half out to the other little guy.

"Achu. Yes! This, take it. Please. Good, too." Her voice was tiny.

She carefully crossed her legs and began nibbling on her own half - at least until the very, very tall man and the bouncing Psycho approached.

Not keen on herself or her prize being bounced at all, thank you, she stood up quickly and hugged the plastic globe to herself.

"Hello! I am done, now. Good things, she got them." Gesturing to Ara. Go get candy, tall man!
Ara (played by Rook) Topic Starter

The college boy wasn't the sort she was expecting, though while she was a bit taken back, it didn't do much to pause the treat-giving. However, given Drew's age, the elven woman decided he'd probably want what any college kid cared for. She headed back into her ship with the bowl held at her side, returning with her world's equivalent of a can of redbull. Who could go wrong with an energy drink, right? "Here you go." She said, placing it carefully in the basket he was carrying about.

Achu was left to enjoy his candy, but her attention soon turned back to the more talkative Blackbird. "Now, what is your name, then? Your parents nearby?" Ara asked curiously, returning to her chair with the bowl back on her lap and she'd dig through it. A small bag of cinnamon candies was sought and eventually pulled it, which she'd take the time to enjoy; piece by piece as Achu was doing with his own.
Blade Kazira (played by Ember_Wolf)

Blade would skup on up to Ara's ship, a Sweet cute aura glowing upon him, He would knock on the door, Smiling cutely "Trick or treat!!" The wolf said with a friendly tone, holding out a small pouch, Blade was quite adorable despite looking so muscular,
Niko (played anonymously)

The girl looked up sharply at the next questions, then stiffly and suddenly held out her slightly-less-chocolatey hand, presumably to shake.

"Mirlo." She made a face, as if it was a name patently ridiculous, but one she was fond of, nevertheless. "Niko." Now that one was better, felt better - despite neither name being particularly feminine. "Yes. Niko." A thumb jerked to her own chest to emphasize it.

But at the second question, she tilted her head almost animalistically at first, staring unblinkingly at the older elf as if she had difficulty understanding and wished to spot the answers that lay just beyond Ara's eyes. Then scrunched her own eyes shut and shook her head vehemently, the next little chirrup one that was undoubtedly sullen despite the actual words she managed to put together with some effort. "Only me. I am fine."

The arrival of yet-another-tall person (or wolf, in this case) saw the girl shrinking against Ara instinctively, before she seemed to realize that was what she was doing. With a little hm-m-mmm... of a theatrical cough, she straightened back up. Busied herself with staring at the little cinnamon candies as Ara fiddled with them, before pointing to them. "One, please? One only. I will go. I am sorry."
Ara (played by Rook) Topic Starter

"I'm right here."

Ara said from her seat next to the door and she eyed the wolf, reaching for a chocolate bar only to tuck it back into the bowl. No, cocoa was not for dogs...or their ancestors. Whichever. Instead, she'd give him a package of jellybeans. That'd do! "There you go. Enjoy." Was offered to Blade, and she'd go back to eating her own candy.

At Niko's reply, she was skeptical, but went with it. Maybe it was a fun little nickname. "As you say, Batman." She mused, reaching down to accept the little handshake. "Just you? Well, just you can stay here then, for a bit." Impromptu adoption? You betcha. "You will be much better than fine, if you decide to." When she asked for a cinnamon candy, the elf was fine with sharing and she'd drop a small amount onto her hand. "Nah, stay. I've got many beds, all in their own rooms."
Drew Howler (played by FlamingPsycho)

Drew seemed a bit confused at first, but he shrugged it off and accepted the energy drink. He was willing to take anything good, honestly. Thanking Ara, he headed away towards the next building.
anon (played anonymously)

Achu had watched all those around a while, accepting a half of the chocolate bar he had been offered by blackbird/Niko and ate it rather quickly and hungrily, licking the sticky fingers afterwards so none would of it would go to waste

Achu looked wide eyed at the wolf and quite liked the talkative animal, amused at its arrival and voice, though it all changed for the worse at the mention of rooms and beds

Achu became alarmed, fearing being captured and kept trapped into a room so he jumped to his feet and broke off into a run to hide in the bushes before the taller elf Ara could catch him and return him home.

Once at a safe distance, he stopped, turned and waved the small hand briskly to bid his farewells to his new acquaintances, manners being of the utmost importance to him.

"Thank you for everything and safe journey to you all!" shouted out Achu cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify the message of gratitude, leaving as he came, quickly and out of the blue
Blade Kazira (played by Ember_Wolf)

"Thank you!" Said the wolf happily, walking back "Happy Halloween!!" He smiled as he walked off happily
Brash (played by Pantrane)


There was a sound high in the air above. It was kind of a whining drone of a wail. It soon became louder until it was hard to miss. There was a bluish-green light, then a silvery shape. Soon a fighter slowed to a hover in front of the hanger. With excellent low speed control, it shifted in the air to line up with the ship parked outside of a hangar.

The engines pushed air upwards with a hum that was almost quiet for how big the fighter seemed. The spacecraft touched down. The cockpit popped open and a ladder shot out from the side of the ship. The pilot took off his helmet and shook his long, golden hair before starting to climb down the flexible ladder.

He was dressed in bluish-silver pants and a matching vest. Large, muscular arms shot out from it. His face was painted with dark blue tribal paint, which seemed to bring out his eyes. As he made eye contact with one of the people in the group, he busted out his air guitar.

Brash pretended he had a guitar in his arms with the way he stood. He mimicked shredding a riff and made the noise, "Bee-doo-dee-da-dow-ow-ow-ow", he howled.

"What's happenin', dudes and dudettes?" He had a swagger to his gait, neck holding his angular face high over his shoulders. "Are we all here to par-tay? I sure am."

He stepped up to the crowd and said, "Now who might all you rockin' folk be?"
Niko (played anonymously)

Niko yelped in surprise when the other little person suddenly bolted - not in terror, it has seemed, but in that sort of way that implied he was in a different sort of trouble. And then she understood. OOOOOOH, he'd snuck out, hadn't he! Busted!

But it had been fun while it lasted. She waved to the littler elf anyway, as he called to them. "You are welcome, Achu!"

Ara passed Niko the handful of candies and she promptly held them tightly as if they were tiny treasures. Then proceeded to ration them carefully, picking through one at a time as she mulled over the woman's offer and 'better than fine.'

She finally looked up sharply, perhaps to accept - when yet another fellow decided to make a grand entrance!

Ships didn't scare her - the spectacular and careful landing was indeed regarded with an open fascination! - but people themselves appeared to make Niko a bit skittish. However, this appeared to be a different sort of person and Niko remained rooted to her spot. This looked like a rock star! Papá had liked rock stars. They must be good people, then. It made sense.

Wide-eyed and overwhelmed into silence (an easy feat), she simply pointed at Brash with her free hand for an uneasily long moment, before she finally dropped her arm, slowly shuffled forward and handed the flashy air guitarist one of her handful of cinnamon candies.

"Candy is happening!" Then looked him over once, adding a brisk little "Dude!" for good measure, wobbling her shoulders and tilting her head in what she'd hoped was a 'cool' manner. Another jerk of her free thumb to her chest. "Niko. Dudette Niko."

Though it seemed as if this flock of candy-grabbers was slowly proving to be too much at once for the girl, and soon she retreated with her increasingly sticky little handful of sweets to sit crosslegged near the entrance of Ara's ship, content to carefully munch on the rest of the cinnamon candies (one at a time) and watch any other funny-looking people come by.
Ara (played by Rook) Topic Starter

When the random candy-seekers decided to head off, or sneak off in Achu's case, the elven woman would wave at their retreating backs. "Thanks for coming, enjoy all that you got." She was content to sit quietly and eat the rest of her candy, though it seemed someone else was showing up. No issue, really, it just gave her more excuse to go shopping again for more snacks later. However, the next arrival was entirely unexpected (even if they all had been really!).

The display was eyed, and responded to with an immediate grimace and she'd raise an eyebrow after he decided to air-guitar, though the greeting was met with a slight tilt of her head. "Well, then."

He was a lot older than the college kid, which had her wondering what exactly to give him. "Just here to give out candy and whatnot to kids. You interested? I don't think I have much of what you might like." When asked who they were, Ara sat up just a bit straighter. "Ara Liahice, Captain of this ship." There'd be little else given, but a name would do. "And yourself?"
Brash (played by Pantrane)

Brash knelt as the girl handed him a candy. "Thanks!" Vik seemed really excited about the treat and he stood quickly and turned towards his ship. "Wait here... I've totally got candy in my ship." He quickly walked back to his fighter, curious if he was being followed. It took a few moments for him to crawl into his cabin.

Since he often did long flights, he usually kept a supply of snacks and junk food. One of his favorite candies was 'Sour Packs'. He grabbed a jumbo sized bag full of packets of sour gummy candy. Brash climbed back down the ladder and landed with a jump.

Moving back to the girl, he handed her a few packets of sour gummies. "These are absolutely radical", he told her. "Totally far out." He looked up and noticed those by the ship. Brash walked up to the fair space elf, having missed her grumpypants expression.

With the most polite bow ever, he addressed her as "Greetings, space lass."

She mentioned handing out candy. "Sounds like a plan", he told her. "Just met Niko here." He turned and waved to her, holding up his candy. The elf asked who he was. Brash chuckled a bit, sensing how uptight she seemed to feel.

"The name's Brash. I'm a time traveler from the 1980s." He waved his voice around on the sound of his decade, making a spooky, stereotypical ghost sound.

"Had to earn credits and such, so I got a gig flying fighters for the Imperium. I was passing through your system and needed to recharge. Spotted your ship when searching nearby landing pads. It's totally tubular", he told her. "So tubular."
Ara (played by Rook) Topic Starter

"Just Ara is fine."

Ara would leave Niko to enjoy the sour candies, since she wasn't so sure of them. Not that she found it suspicious, but they were new and she had some doubts her stomach would handle it. She finished off more candy, tucking the bag away in a pouch for later. "I had a feeling with the way you talk, no one talks like that anymore." Ara didn't believe the time-travelling bit and assumed he was an unfortunate android from Earth.

Which was long gone, really.

"My friend would probably like you. Bit of a nerd, he's into all that old Earth stuff." Not to say she wasn't, but she only was because of Zeta and his usual introducing her to 'new' things. "Thanks. I'm very proud of it, cost me a lot of credits she did and she's not let me down since." Ara said earnestly, looking to the ship with the same sort of fondness one gave their children. "Tuphon's a good place to recharge, if you don't mind all the sand. Or electrical storms."
Brash (played by Pantrane)

"Right on, chica", he said after she mentioned that Ara was fine. Brash was clueless. Viktor was definitely not an android from some long lost dystopian Earth scenario. The human race was alive and well. So was Brash. Besides, androids didn't have such luxurious hair. He brushed some of it from his face with a wide palm.

He was exaggerating in a way. The rocker was brought from a few decades later than the 80s. His decade was lame though. Their mediocre inventions never compared to the future he was brought to. Now the 80s? They sold neon green bubble gum in toothpaste tubes. Much cooler place to be from.

He wasn't exactly a time traveler because he wasn't the one with the machine. Vik was more of a displaced soul.

"Electrical storms? Awesome!" Brash seemed enthusiastic about the possibility of the potentially dangerous event. "My ship would charge mondo faster with a storm overhead. Even a few hundred miles away. It's a self charging system, still processing collected energy from flight. Nearby energy too."

Out of nowhere, Brash kicked back into his air guitar. *bee-do-dum-dee-wa-oww* He started stressing the last sound over and over again as he made eye contact with Ara. *wa-ow-ow-wa-oww* Vik struck the whammy bar on his imaginary guitar as he did so.

"Yeah..." He snapped back into standing up straight before walking closer to her ship. "So is this thing like... Stealthy or something?" He didn't know about the ship's cloaking device, but thought the shape looked efficient. His fighter lacked anything other than powerful sensor jammers. They weren't as effective as a cloak, but they could confuse most scanners.

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