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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: A Gamer's Home

Alienna Quinn (played by That1Gurly)

Alienna squeals in excitement as she steps on her dewy lawn outside of her home. She lifts up her phone to take a picture, fake dead trees hang low as if they were guarding the small path-way leading to her very welcoming door. Pumpkin lights hang from the branches of these plastic trees and fake spiderwebs line the bottoms of them.

Her porch was very festive, she had potted orange flowers and place them on the fence of her porch. Small gravestones are stabbed into the wet dirt next to the stairs and cheap electronic skeletons dance next to her door as if they were screaming “Come in! Come in!”

Alienna was dressed as an Android, she has a silver skin-tight suit on with glowing blue streaks. She was wearing silver contacts and her make-up was done so that her skin would look metallic.
Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail and a fake gun was holstered by a white belt.

The small girl excitedly walks up to her door and goes inside of her home, she turns on the patio lights to signal trick-or-treaters that her home has candy.

Alienna took Halloween seriously, she would always make cupcakes or get those king-sized candy bars. Children loved her during this time of year.
This year she made small little brownies with pumpkins drawn on them with frosting. The brownies were small and tucked neatly into small zip-loc bags.

She sat on her couch and waited eagerly for some trick-or-treaters.
Nightfrost smiled excitedly as she got her small pumpkin shaped bag to collect candy in. This was her first Halloween ever as her kingdom didn’t have such festivities. She had read about it in the human books and it seemed so fascinating and now she would finally get to do it.

She hummed slightly and considering her draconic heritage she decided to let some of it out. Her face was now lined with black scales and so was the rest of her body. She grew large black wings with undersides that looked like a night sky and large silver horns curled out from her skull and from her back was a large black tail. She chuckled softly to herself, “That should be decorative enough.....” Picking up the pumpkin bag once again in her silvery claws she walked out of her cave and into town to join in the trick or treating.

She walked around happily and eventually got to a house with fake trees and pumpkin lights, spiderwebs and skeletons. It gave her a little kick, as it reminded her of a scary forest though it wasn’t that scary. Nightfrost carefully walked through and tucked her wings in so she wouldn’t break something accidentally and once she got to the front door she knocked.

Oh no, what was I supposed to say again? Oh yeah it was trick or treat!’
Alienna Quinn (played by That1Gurly) Topic Starter

Ali almost falls onto the floor as she quickly got up, grabbed her platter full of brownies in zip-locs, and ran to the door. She opens the door to see a girl dressed as some sort of dragon. It was amazing, it looked so realistic and detailed.
This girl must be really rich if she can afford an amazing costume like that! She thinks to herself as she smiles at the girl and pushes the platter slightly forward.

“Here ya go! Fresh baked brownies! And what an amazing costume, it looks too real to even be real!”
’An Android? Pretty convincing but she does smell human. Huh, I wonder if androids are advanced enough in the human society to be house owners or similar.’ Nightfrost thought to herself and smiled at the girl, “Trick or treat!”

She smiled again at the compliment, “Thank you miss, I made the costume myself! I like yours as well, the detail is very well done.” She took one of the brownies and she thought for a moment before she put it in her jacket pocket. “I don’t want this one getting crushed accidentally.” She thought out loud
He walks up to the house, checking his bag for tears. None. Good. He approached the house and checked his holster. His gun was there. They all thought it was fake, but it was quite real. Though, he had no intention of using it tonight. The rift that had sent him to this time had created a smaller one that he could get back home through. But a sick jokester dicided it could only be turned on by one thing:

Halloween candy
Lwyncelyne was an elf in every way, slender figure, quite attractive beauty, pointy ears and above all an extremely sweet tooth.

After journeying for quite a while she made her way to the strangely decorated property, whose strong scent of sweets, cakes and treats inevitably attractive everyone around and nearby it

She pulled up the hood a little and opened her handmaid travel pouch with a small friendly.

"Trick or treat" greeted the youthful woman, copying the salutation that she had heard others repeat, assuming it was the customary of this strange location and realm
Alienna Quinn (played by That1Gurly) Topic Starter

Ali smiles at the elf who had just walked on her property.
“Here ya go!” She says cheerfully as she hands her a brownie.
“Wow, everyone has amazing costumes this year!” She thinks out loud as she sees some more people coming to her property.

Halloween was her favorite holiday, she loved seeing the amazing costume and cute children running around.
Rose (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

A little fox was walking around by herself. She was dressed up as a pirate. She had a little basket and she was lost. She then walked up to Ali's home with her eyes red from crying her eyes out. "Trick or treat" Said the little fox, really upset
Lyra (played by EterniGhost)

Lyra had never really like Halloween, but this year she decided to give it a try. After wandering among many houses, she gathered up the courage to approach one.

Lyra nervously walked up to the house, her witch's costume covering everything. She picked at the edges of her cloak as she approached the property, which smelled like brownies. She smiled, and pulled apart her satchel that was at her side. "Trick or treat!" she awkwardly said to the human handing out brownies.
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

Ember never had much of an intrest either, But he was intrested nonetheless, Ember walked over to the door, Little did anyone know that the fur was actually real, Ember himself was real... Ember would walk up, pressing the doorbell as ember held out a small pouch "Trick or Treat!!" Ember said happily
Hantaywee (played anonymously)

Hantaywee would approach the door of this home. He had never been off the reservation and his friends told him he should experience Halloween. He put on a cowboy hat and pulled on a shirt unbuttoned, he would be a cowboy this year. He smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror, his hair freshly washed, smoothing out the shirt some that hung open. He reached up adjusting his white hat a little that matched his white shirt then headed out, walking down the road. He would approach the door and reach out, his hand knocking on the door as he would wait, a small sack in his hand. "Trick or Treat?" He said waiting for someone to answer the door.
Nathan (played by JoJoApples)

Being sentient was usually a problem. Nathan knew this full well. But hed always wanted to try this "halloween", and given his master was at a party, he was free for the night.

He didnt bother changing out of his uniform, pretending to be dressed up as an Android suited Nathan just fine.

He rang the doorbell, and once someone awnsered, he stated,"Trick or Treat."
Alienna Quinn (played by That1Gurly) Topic Starter

Ali watches the swarm of people coming at her door, handing them little baggies once they approach.

I knew this year would be the best yet.

She then looks at a pirate, who had terribly bloodshot and puffy eyes. “Oh my god! What happened to you?!” She says, putting the platter down.
Nathan (played by JoJoApples)

Nathan accepted his baggy with a small, thankfull smile and moved onto the next house. A looked good. He passed by the other folks as he left.
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

Ember accepted happily as well "Thanks!" Said the wolf as he pranced off happily
Mim I Kydd (played by FreeJayFly)

^ o ^ ~ ♪

Mim walked with a bounce to their step as the voice modulator within their helmet played some synthesised whistling that Mim was controlling to sound like a simple, cheerful tune. They held a bucket of candies and goodies in one hand, and had a stuffed toy in the other. When Artemis had told them about Halloween and enjoying it before the house party that night, Mim was definitely happy to humour the request, and they were glad that they did. What Mim had was going to be great once they got back home!

Continuing this jaunt, Mim paused and looked to the side where a good collection of people had congregated.

• v •

Having their attention piqued, Mim happily strode over to the home where a wolf had pranced off quite curiously, and a smaller person had walked off just before Mim reached the steps and greeted the home's owner.

^ v ^

"Hello there! Trick or treat!"


Mim then held out the bucket of candies that they had procured in their travels, hoping for another tasty handout.
Lwyncelyne grabbed the given brownies and smiled broadly.

"Thank you they look and smell delicious" complimented the elven woman, looking curious at the newcomers with interest .

Once the brownies were eaten, she dusted her hands from leftover crumbs and headed to the door to continue exploring

"Thank you for the treats" smiled Lwyncelyne "have a great evening" waved Lwyncelyne walking away leaving the others to celebrate as others came and went too.

This was indeed promising to be a busy night for everyone
Sonia Min (played by J-Hope)

Sonia shivered under her black jacket as she deeply exhauled under her brown, paper bag as her cat, Midnight, strolled beside her.

Halloween was Sonia's favorite holdiday ((beside New Years)). Many people dressing up in scary, funny, or adorable costumes. Since she wasn't a huge fan of scary or adorable costumes, she went out with a simple look : her normal paper bag over her head with small x's over the holes and a black cloat.

As Sonia looked at the many people going from house to house trick or treating, one child dressed up as a Mickey Mouse ran up to Sonia. Since they were much smaller, they had to look up just to talk to them.

"I like you costumes miss!" They cooed, tilting their head adorably as Sonia was taken aback by his sudden statement. Their mother then called out for them and they giggled, waving and running back to their mother. Sonia waved back shyly, watching them run. The comment swirled around her head as a small, hidden smile formed on her lips as she giggled and shook her head. "C'mon Midnight.. let's go trick or treating tonight.." She whispered as they both walked from houseto house, asking for candy.

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