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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Hex (CLOSED. THANKS ALL.)

Hex (played by JoJoApples)

Hex loved Halloween best. This day was when ever single supernatural creature on the island could roam freely without humans noticing.

Klurst was home too many of them. Mermaids, vampires, Fairies, and many other more odd creatures. They usuallu had to hide, but on all hallows eve, they could roam free and get candy, especially the younger looking creatures.

Hex made a point of handing out the best quality candy on the island, and threw a big party in his home,where everyone clould eat suger and have fun. There was music, dancing, games.

It was one,of,the best received parties on the island. Everyone was invited to,participate, even tourists. Hex handed out some Reeses to a couple kids.

"Pleanty more candy,to go around!" he called.
anon (played anonymously)

One had but to mention parties and music and dancing and Desire just could not resist the temptation of taking a peek at the scene.

She was a wayfarer after all, it was in her blood to take heed of such calls and pursue such adventures. Her people were friendly and welcoming by nature and she was no exception to that thus it was a matter of time and luck that she would encounter new acquaintances soon enough.

All her life she had been surrounded by songs and merrymaking and this was a special occasion given the opportunity to mingle with the higher classes like billionaire Hex.

Admittedly, his generous reputation and wealth preceeded him and it was not without cause seeing the display of treats and candies laid out for all to see and partake of; one could clearly see how his good name carried forth among gossipers.

At first she hesitated for there was a good chance that guards of sorts might prevent the lower class, as she was, from approaching the feast or the host himself but she took courage and stepped forward knocking on the lavish grand doors, waiting patiently to be tended to, hands clasped with barely concealed excitement and a broad grin that clearly showed how much she looked forward to this particular party

She knocked the door thrice and held her breath waiting to see whom she would meet this time, able to hear laughter within.

"open, open, open" she thought out to herself, almost wishing for them to open right away
Hex (played by JoJoApples) Topic Starter

Hex was taking a sip of his soda as yhe bell rang. He firmly refused to have alcahol at his parties, as even small children attended them with their parents.

He turned and walked over to the door, ignoring his butler frantically trying to reach him and stop him from doing such a thing. It was his job.

The door opened and Hex smiled at the new guest."welcome! Please come in!" he held the door open for her,"Im Hex. Whats your name miss?" he wondered.
anon (played anonymously)

"I'm Desire, pleased to meet you, Hex" greeted with a warm smile

"Gossip has it that there is a great festival going on and I'd like to join..." Explained the youthful drifter with a small blush

She would not stay there for long, of course, but whilst she attended the feast she would certainly make the most of the laughter, sweets and fun to be had
Hex (played by JoJoApples) Topic Starter

Hex grinned,"well, come on in then. The party is going strong." He assured.

"Its good to meet you Desiree. I know youre going to have a wonderful time," Hex moved to let her enter and enjoy the festivities.
Petra Hyeon (played by FreeJayFly)

A rip in the fabric of space and time appeared over the lands of Klurst as a flailing girl was spat out onto the ground below. Lucky for her, it was not that far of a fall, but at this point, she might as well been used to it with the scoring of scars that were on her body from likely the same kind of entrances.

Pushing herself up with a bit of a bounce and shaking herself out, Petra stretched her arms up above her head and took a brief moment to get her bearings straight. Looking around, it seemed that Petra found herself not that far away from house that seemed to have a party going on.

With renewed interest, Petra started walking over. If there was a party going on, then that meant that perhaps she was going to maybe find some people that could have helped her with getting back home, if at all. But... if not, then at least there was a gathering of people at a social event where there was little worry for any trouble to happen. A fight was at the bottom of Petra's list of things she wanted to happen.

Going to the front of the home, Petra walked to the door and waited her turn before being able to talk with presumably the host of the party.
Hex (played by JoJoApples) Topic Starter

Hex noticed the other girl. He breifly reconized her from a vision. After making a mental note to talk to Desiree again after ushering her in, he looked to the girl,"hello there newcomer! Im Hex! You wanna join the party?" he waved.
Petra Hyeon (played by FreeJayFly)

Becoming distracted with some of the decor of the place, Petra jumped somewhat after she was spoken to, and offered a weak smile in response at first. Since it seemed that her assumptions were right, she did her best to calm herself. It was just a new place with... people she did not know.

"Y-you don't mind?" Petra asked in a somewhat timid fashion. She felt her stomach's yearning for some form of food, and resisted the urge to clutch at it for now. After all, she did not wish to appear what many people called desperate or injured.
Hex (played by JoJoApples) Topic Starter

"Of course I dont mind!this party is for everyone! Come in and eat and Dance!" Hex invited,"whats your name?" he wondered as he invitingly opened the door wider.
anon (played anonymously)

At the warm welcome and prompt from Hex, Desire entered the residence, mingling with other guests whilst picking and tasting different candies, selecting some for her to keep, occasionally clapping and twirling to the music.

The spirit was overall cheerful throughout her stay.

After she had her fill of dancing and eating treats, she returned to the host thanking Hex for the enjoyable party and scurried away back to her cart, the pouch filled with candy to share with the rest of her friends
Hex (played by JoJoApples) Topic Starter

Hex noticed Desiree enjoying herself idly as he mingled with the guests. He bad her a good night when she left, but he was unsure if she even heard.
Venus (played by ChaosRain16)

While her brother, Nikola, went trick-or-treating by himself, Venus decided to head out on her own after a reading she performed for a fellow villager. She put on her makeup and dressed up as a woodland fairy...that happened to carry oracle cards with her. She donned her dress that she made and fastened the wings onto her back. As she strolled out, a light breeze took hold of her.

"Drat," she mumbled. "Good thing I brought a coat."

She took off the wings, put on her coat, and fastened the wings back on. Venus carried on with her walk to see if anything was going on during this Halloween night.

The girl hadn't trick-or-treated herself in a long time. However, this year, she didn't want candy. She wanted to go all out-or at least just get away from Gaia City for a while. Luckily she had the time to do that. Venus liked Halloween but not as much as her younger brother, whose husband stayed at their place to hand out candy to the local trick-or-treaters. Venus's husband stayed back as well to help out.

Venus then heard something and saw people gathered around. She walked up to the place and heard what appeared to be music and laughter. She walked up to the house and knocked on the door.

"This is interesting," Venus said to herself.
Hex (played by JoJoApples) Topic Starter

Hex heard the knocking and walked away from his drink.he opened the door and smiled,"hello there!" he greeted kindly,"what a lovely costume! Please come on in and enjoy the festivities!" He gestured for her to enter.
Venus (played by ChaosRain16)

Venus nodded and chuckled at the host letting her in. "Thanks! Sounds like you have a fun party going on," she said as she walked into the room.

There were people everywhere. Venus was not used to a gathering like this....or at least used to a gathering that big since her brother's wedding. She took one peek at the decorations, and she was in awe. Even the sight of the food that was there grabbed her attention. Venus walked up to the food table and grabbed a few treats and snacks. She even grabbed a drink for herself.

"Ooh...tasty," she mumbled to herself. She turned to the host and smiled. "This is a delicious drink. May I ask what's in it?"
Hex (played by JoJoApples) Topic Starter

Hex smiled kindly,"thats homemade Arnold Palmer. Lemonade and iced tea." he grins,"Im glad you like it." he had gone all out.

Everything should be just about perfect. He took a glass of the same beverage,"its one of my favorites." he admitted.
Petra Hyeon (played by FreeJayFly)

Hex wrote:
"Of course I dont mind!this party is for everyone! Come in and eat and Dance!" Hex invited,"whats your name?" he wondered as he invitingly opened the door wider.

This was definitely a blessing as far as Petra was concerned. Smiling rather sheepishly, she walked forward into the home as Hex widened the door. Once inside, Petra looked to Hex as soon as he asked her what her name was.

"People just... c-call me 'Jumper'..." Petra replied. "What about you?"
Hex (played by JoJoApples) Topic Starter

"Jumper eh?" Hex mused,"well Im Hex, nice to meetcha." he smiled and led her in. He gestured for her to come with him and pointed out that the candy and drinks were over that way.

"Personally I always go straight for thr food when Im at a party." He confided.
Venus (played by ChaosRain16)

Venus smiled as she continued to drink the Arnold Palmer. It was a first for her, as she never had lemonade and tea together. She always had them separate. Luckily for her, it was a two-in-one, and she loved every second of it.

"Well, this is delicious! I need to make this myself sometime," she responded happily.

Just then, she looked over at the snack table and sneaked away to grab a few treats. As the host mingled with other guests, Venus continued to look at the decorations and eat. She was having the time of her life, especially since it had been a while since she'd done anything like this.
Hex (played by JoJoApples) Topic Starter

Hex smiled,"Im glad you enjoy it." he pleasently replied. As he mingled he reflected on how enjoyable it was to see people smiling.

He hoped a few more would come before the end arrived. Meeting others was always a treat.
Petra Hyeon (played by FreeJayFly)

Hex wrote:
"Jumper eh?" Hex mused,"well Im Hex, nice to meetcha." he smiled and led her in. He gestured for her to come with him and pointed out that the candy and drinks were over that way.

"Personally I always go straight for thr food when Im at a party." He confided.

"Hex? Isn't that... l-like... what a witch does?" Petra asked, a little surprised for a moment. However, she brushed off the notion, and then said: "though, it sounds like weird names are something w-we share in common."

Laughing somewhat nervously, Petra replied in kind in regards to the food statement, "sounds like th-that's something else we have in common. If free food is available, then d-don't mind if I do."

Seeing the table of food, Petra's mouth twanged with a momentary pain before she felt it water. There was some hesitance in just waltzing up to it, especially with the host so close by, though since the food was free and there was express permission from him... well, Petra approached the table. Pondering over some of the choices, she took up one of the plates and started putting some food on there... though in moderate amounts for now.

"Hey, um... thanks for i-inviting me in...." Petra said to Hex as she glanced his his direction and ate the food she had.

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