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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Vendors of the Trader's Hub

((Characters of all kinds are welcome to this thread. Please note that each of the quoted segments here are mostly for my own reference; if you would like to include the result of your roll to your post, feel free to do so. If you want to know what exactly the games are that are being hosted, please read the post thoroughly and carefully.))

'Festival of Terrors', that is what the large banner read that welcomed people to the festival grounds. There were decorations of carved pumpkins with lights within them, faux cobwebs strewn from corners of stalls and posts, flagged streamers that connected some attractions, and smells of varying festival foods wafting along the walkways that snaked through the whole of the festival.

There are six stalls that are in relatively close proximity of one another that create a kind of cul-de-sac, and it seems like all of the owners know one another. There is friendly banter between the stall owners between free time when no one is occupying their time, and it seems like there are trades between them as the night progresses.

It looks like you have a myriad of choices to visit, or you can choose to visit them all if you so please.

At the far left of the cul-de-sac, there is a stall that is operated by a woman dressed in something more cute and fetching rather than something that instils any kind of fear or terror. Her hair is dyed -- mostly pink, but it looks like her bangs are blonde. Her costume is that of what seems like a forest nymph; a flower wreath sits upon her head, her ears are decorated with faux extensions to make them appear more elf-like, she wears flowery robes of earthy tones, and has some fairy wings affixed to her back.

This woman mans the bobbing for apples stall. Some of the more eye catching prizes seem to be varying stuffed animals that are wearing a couple articles of clothing that are in the spirit of the festival.

Roll a d10
  1. A small baggie of assorted sweets
  2. A small baggie of assorted party favours
  3. A decent sized chocolate bar
  4. A stuffed bear that is wearing a witch's hat
  5. 3 decently sized chocolate bars
  6. A small stuffed owl inside a stuffed pumpkin
  7. A small pumpkin bucket with assorted toys and sweets
  8. A stuffed doggy with vampire teeth and a cape
  9. A medium sized baggie of assorted party favours and sweets
  10. A stuffed cat with bandages like a mummy

Next is another woman, her hair golden and tied back into a bun, and her costume more elegant. She wears a masquerade mask decorated with feathers on the left side and sequins all along the article. Her dress seems like something you would find at an evening party more than a 'festival of terrors'. When the light catches it right, her midnight blue dress shimmers and seems to have hints of green and red where the light reflects off of it.

The stall that this woman oversees what looks like a kind of raffle booth -- there is an item on the stall counter that has a crank on it, when you turn it, it seems that a small ball of a certain colour will be deposited into a tray.

Roll a d6
  1. White: A small toy and candy
  2. Green: A soda or a juice box
  3. Red: A small figure of an animal of your choice sitting on top of a pumpkin
  4. Blue: A sealed container of festival cotton candy in shades of orange and purple
  5. Yellow: A handful of candies and/or toys
  6. Gold: A medium sized stuffed animal of your choice that comes with a small pack of candies

Not too far away from her, there is a black-haired man that is running the stall for a skee ball range that can house up to three simultaneous players. It does not really look like he is wearing a costume in the slightest. His clothes are a kind of muted steel grey and their appearance is sharp, as if he is going to be part of a business meeting or as if he is going to a formal event. There is also a medical eye patch that covers his right eye.

It seems that if you are here to partake in having a go at the skee ball game, you are allowed ten balls to roll into the point slots.

Roll a d6 x10 - You have ten rolls!
(Be sure not to roll them all at the same time, add each roll individually at the bottom of the post box if you want to do them all at once in a post!)
  1. 10 points
  2. 20 points
  3. 30 points
  4. 40 points
  5. 50 points
  6. 100 points
  • 100-150 points: A small collection of assorted candies
  • 160-200 points: A small collection of assorted candies and toys
  • 210-300 points: A spooky mask of your choice
  • 310 - 450 points: A decent sized collection of assorted candies and toys
  • 460-550 points: A small stuffed animal collectable with either a cape or a witch's hat
  • 560-790 points: A medium sized stuffed animal collectable with mummy wraps or a witch's broom
  • 800-990 points: A goldfish
  • 1000 points: A collectable stuffed animal with the festival theme and a bucket of treats

Fourth is a stall manned by who looks like an elf with dark skin and powder blue hair. He is leaning back in his chair, his feet on the counter of the stall -- but he looks like he is pretty happy and confident about the happenings that evening. His costume appearance seems kind of reminiscent of a less flamboyant pirate or swashbuckler, with his button up tunic, sash with scimitar at his side, beige breeches, and knee-high boots. There is also a bandanna tied around his head, his hair sticking up here and there where the fabric pushes his hair.

The stall that this guy seems to be in charge of is the shooting range. The guns are nothing too fabulous. In fact, each gun is a BB gun that is allotted five shots each.

Roll a d100 x5 - You have five shots!
(Be sure not to roll them all at the same time, add each roll individually at the bottom of the post box if you want to do them all at once in a post!)
  • 1-20: 5 points
  • 21-40: 6 points
  • 41-60: 7 points
  • 61-80: 8 points
  • 81-90: 9 points
  • 91-100: 10 points
  • 25-30 points: A baggie of assorted candies
  • 31-35 points: A baggie of assorted candies and toys
  • 35-40 points: A small collectable stuffed toy with a festive flair
  • 41-49 points: A medium collectable stuffed black cat with a small bucket of treats and goods
  • 50 points: A large collectable stuffed animal of your choice with festive flair and a small bucket of treats and goods

The fifth stall is the only stall that happens to be headed by two feminine individuals -- they look rather identical in appearance save for their hair, ear, and tail colours. Where one young woman's hair is white, her fox ears and tail are black with white tips. Then the other young woman has black hair with snowy white fox ears and tail with black tips. The similarities between them are their height, faces, and the golden eyes. Other than that, the costumes that they bear are both different; the white haired woman dons the outfit of a bloodied nurse, ragged bandages topping off the look they were going for. The black haired woman is dressed like a ninja, a belt of tools slung over their shoulder, and a belt of weapons hanging tightly around her waist.

Their stall is a little different -- there are varying floral and sweet scents from their booth -- perhaps a result from the varying phials of liquids that they have out on display. It seems that you can choose to drink from one of the ten types of potions that they have available.

Roll a d8
  1. The phial you choose is a viscous, green, apple-flavoured mix. It makes flowers sprout from your hair temporarily.
  2. This phial has a purple, thin, sweet smelling, chocolate-flavoured concoction. It gives you random horns on your head and face for a short time.
  3. This phial has a red, kind of spicy kick to its smell, but its taste is like sipping a sangria. It causes your skin to change colours temporarily.
  4. This phial has a mixture that shimmers and swirls, it is silvery in colour, and has a sweet and minty kind of taste to it.
    It makes you glow a soft hue of colour for a short amount of time.
  5. The phial you choose has a blue liquid in it that has a hint of a sour kick to it, the flavour is actually something that seems appropriate: sour blue raspberry. This concoction causes you to grow fur all over you body for a short time.
  6. This phial looks like it has melted chocolate in it and seems to have almost the same consistency -- it also smells like it. Is it just chocolate? Sure tastes like it.... This mixture makes anything you eat taste like chocolate for the rest of the night.
  7. The phial you choose has a glowing, yellow mix that smells akin to vanilla, it tastes more like a piña colada more than anything. This mix seems to make you suddenly have a type of night vision that will last for the rest of the night.
  8. This phial has an orange liquid in it and has a rather strong, savoury smell that comes from it as soon as you open the top. It tastes like a Thanksgiving dinner. The effect this gives you makes you feel light as a feather -- and it seems like your steps are as airy as you feel; you appear to be floating a couple inches from the ground. You have a small floating spell that is affecting you for a short time.

The last stall has a man with red hair with the tips dyed black. Red fox-like ears are visible upon his head, and he seems to have more than one tail, unlike the sisters at one of the prior stalls. He is wearing a suit jacket with a ruffled collar that has some fake blood dripped onto it. There is also a cape at his shoulders and back, and the faux fangs that protrude from his mouth seem to indicate he is attempting some impersonation of the Human stories' Dracula.

There is a wheel behind this dressed up man that appears to have only ten options that it can stop on after being spun.

Roll a d10
(For some of these, it may be wise to check The Trader's Hub profile and click 'Test Your Luck'!)
  1. A choice between a candied apple, chocolate coated apple, or caramel apple (though there appears to be alternatives nearby for anyone allergic)
  2. Five packs of trading cards of your choice
  3. A Flowering Bulb? Huh, alright then...
  4. Star Piece, whatever that means
  5. A Geode -- hope you are a rock enthusiast
  6. A Charged Crystal; shocking!
  7. A Magical Ember; surprisingly, it is not hot, nor does it seem to radiate too much heat in general
  8. A Crystal Egg; well, it looks neat enough for a rock collection
  9. Sealed Spectre; surely it is just called that for the Festival of Terrors, right?
  10. A Translucent Orb; you kind of get the feeling it is looking at you... gross...
Calico and his crew were wandering and travelling, seeking adventures, gold and fortune as all pirates do.

They walked around the Festival of Terrors, taking a good look around the different stall.

When they set eyes upon Daedalus Bruno, the elf in pirate outfit, they wasted no time in making haste to his stall, it seemed to them that this brother-in-arms could use some company

"Ahoy, matey!" saluted Edward Teach, who was often called Blackbeard and was indeed the boldest and most outspoken of them all.

"What's a buccaneer like you doing here?" asked the curious pirate, leaning closer to take a good look at the displayed goods

"Blow me down! You've enough to feed an entire crew. Care to share this booty with some honourable privateers?" asked Blackbeard pointing at himself and his crew, his eyes still trailing over the goods unsure which to pick or how things works but happy to have a share of anything anyways

No sooner Blackbeard saw the challenge he made the first shot checking to see his fortune

rolled 1d100 and got 50
Round 1

Wanda Thompson (played anonymously)

"Alright kiddos, remember the rules! Stay within sight, don't follow any strangers and if you're too scared come find me, okay?" Wanda adjusted her bright teal wig as three young kids looked up to her and voiced their acknowledgement in unison. They were around 9 or 10 years old and dressed up as their favorite characters, two girls dressed up as Thor and Ellen Ripley, the boy prancing around as Queen Elsa. She smiled and nodded to encourage them to scatter and mingle with the other kids at the festival grounds.

The homeless shelter had organized Trick-or-Treating trips for some of the kids who didn't get to collect candy, and as one of the official volunteer staff Wanda had stepped forward to escort some of the kids. The group was kept small for safety reasons, but she had a pretty good overview of the area, and the children were engrossed in participating in the games.

Wanda was dressed up too, donning a functional mermaid costume that hugged her form but left her free to walk at a decent pace, the fluff of a makeshift tail obscuring her feet. It was hand sewn and not the greatest quality, but she'd made it herself and was proud of the accomplishment. Besides, the real eye-catcher of her costume was her makeup. Expertly done and shimmering and twinkling with glued on glitter and small ornaments, she'd created scales that shifted in hues depending on the angle you were looking at them. It was beautiful and intricate and the costume did it no justice.

She sauntered between the stalls and checked in on the kids regularly, until she ran across the stand with the wheel. She paused, considering it for a moment. Wanda smiled at him. "Hi there! Do dressed up adults get a spin as well?" It didn't even really matter to her what the prizes were, but a bit of random fun never hurt anyone, right?

rolled 1d10 and got 3
Assuming she gets a spin, this is what she'll get!

A confused man in feather robes wandered into the festival grounds. He was looking around with a furrowed brow, pretty certain he was going somewhere else but somehow he had ended up here.

As he was looking around Varsel suddenly spotted the attendant dressed like a forest nymph and quickly rushed over to her. He only stopped his run for a moment as his eyes found a bunch of pirates and then he continued, running even faster.

"M- n-.." The strange man stammered as he reached the 'nymph', throwing glances over his shoulder towards the pirates. "Fair nymph have you been bound to this strange.." He looked over the stall and at the bobbing bucket. "... place..?" He finished.

Varsel put his free hand on the bucket and peered inside with a confused look on his face. "Apples? In water? Is this soup?" He dipped a finger into the barrel and then tasted it. "It tastes like water." The druid then grabbed for an apple...

rolled 1d10 and got 10

The Trader's Hub (played by FreeJayFly) Topic Starter

Calico Morgan n pirates wrote:

Rousing from his rather laid back disposition, Daedalus looked up to the other pirates that happened to have been rolling on by. Normally, he was rather left alone at his stall more days than not, especially since more often than not, his other friends that had their neighbouring shops nearby had their own games and popularity among them. Especially Llyr since he typically attracted a number of people with just his appearance.

Speaking of...

Daedalus stole a quick glance in Llyr's direction and noted the woman that was walking over and having a spin on the wheel. Scoffing in amusement, Daedalus rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to the motley crew that had made its appearance and was messing with his stall. Clearing his throat after a moment and taking the time to register everything that was going on, Daedalus took a look at the single shot that pierced the seven-point ring.

Jerking a thumb back in its direction and looking to the BB gun, Daedalus said: "the first five shots are free -- that was one, so ye got four left. Yer total at the end determines what festive prizes ye get that are on display!" He then motioned to the packs of treats and goodies that were in varying containers.

Wanda Thompson wrote:

In the meantime, Llyr was happy to see someone approaching his stall while Daedalus was dealing with his own customers. Observing and flashing a grin to Wanda as she approached, Llyr was happy to answer the question that she presented him with.

"I'd say that a little random chance game is fun for all ages, especially in this time~ Of course... I'm also never one to say 'no' to a lovely lady such as yourself~" Llyr was saying, rolling a hand and motioning toward the wheel with a bow as he allowed Wanda passage to the large gaming structure that had been erected for his stall.

The wheel ticked and clicked as the arrow was made to run over each peg. A good several seconds passed before it started to slow down. The myriad of colours became much less of a radial blur as it slowly settled on... three!

Grinning to himself, Llyr reached out and picked up one of the oversized flower buds that had been sitting on display next to some other odd trinkets, odds and ends. Handing it off to the mermaid dressed lady, Llyr went on to say: "do be careful. As pretty as these ones can be, they can also be quite... dangerous at times."

Llyr's expression carried a hint of severity as he looked to Wanda with the bud.

After a moment, he smiled.

"Kidding. I do my best not to hand off anything too dangerous." Llyr gave a playful wink.


((Please feel free to decorate your personal profile or character profile with this token of appreciation for partaking in my thread game! ^ v ^))

Varsel Ysbryd wrote:

Tending to the two twin children that had come running back to their mother, Pixie was a little distracted with grooming some of the leaves out of one of the boy's costumes as he was dressed up like a werewolf that year. His faux fur seemed to be doing wonders on attracting all kinds of dead leaves that came with the season. Once done with all of that, Pixie smiled as her two sons ran off again, always happy as ever to partake in the Festival of Terrors events that ran its course.

Turning her attention to the man that had approached her stall, Pixie gave a small curtsy in acknowledgement, and then looked a little surprised as the man spoke to her. His demeanour and mannerisms seemed weird to Pixie, though she simply smiled and then gave her gentle responses.

"No... I am not bound here, sir. I share in this festivities with my friends, and am happy to do as such." Pixie smoothed out her attire before watching the man as he came up to the tub of bobbing apples. Once he reached in, Pixie wondered if he was committed to whatever role he chose for that evening, or if he was really not from around here. Clearing her throat softly to get his attention, she then went on to say: "Ah... it's actually a game. No soup here -- if there was, I'd make it much more delicious than water with apples floating in it."

Touching the rim of the tub, Pixie continued: "what you do is stick your head in the water and do your best to grab an apple with your mouth and teeth. But... if it's your first time, I can certainly cut you some slack and let you keep that as well as the prize that it comes with."

Pixie leaned over a bit and looked at the number on the apple. Clapping her hands together with a giggle, she grabbed the prize off one of her shelves and handed it off. It was a stuffed toy -- a cat wrapped in bandages and resembling a mummy.

"Since number ten was your number, this is your prize!"


((Please feel free to decorate your personal profile or character profile with this token of appreciation for partaking in my thread game! ^ v ^))
Rick (played by Forta-ver)

Two teens roamed the assortment of stalls, taking in the sights. Or, rather, one was bounding around like an idiot pup and the other, trying to project an air of stern responsibility. Which was hard when they shared similar tastes in festivities. The 'serious' one kept cracking a big smile looking at the prizes for the different games his brother pointed out. Such cute things they were giving away with the candy!

"Sweet!" They said together, then "Shooting range!" and "Skee ball!" They blinked at eachother a second, then beamed and split up.

The bouncy one, dressed like a princely knight in (perfectly functional) armor, came up to Daedalus's stall with a huge smile plastered on his face. "Hullo!" He'd got there just in time to hear the stall's rules and took a moment to look around at the... pirates(?) milling about. Then his grin took a turn towards mischief. "Hey, matey, care to make a wager? You beat my score, you get my prize, too. I beat yours, I get yours. Sound fair?"

Meanwhile, the other brother, dressed vaguely like an assassin with a fox-mask (currently turned to the back of his head), came up to the Skee Ball stall. After a respectful nod and a "Good evening, sir," he took a turn at the game. Any time he made a bad shot, he winced, but overall he still had a good time.

rolled 1d6 and got 3

rolled 1d6 and got 1

rolled 1d6 and got 5

rolled 1d6 and got 2

rolled 1d6 and got 1

rolled 1d6 and got 5

rolled 1d6 and got 6

rolled 1d6 and got 1

rolled 1d6 and got 5

Rick (played by Forta-ver)

((Sorry. Clipped the Post Reply button when I went to add that last roll.))

rolled 1d6 and got 1

Wanda Thompson (played anonymously)

The Trader wrote:
In the meantime, Llyr was happy to see someone approaching his stall while Daedalus was dealing with his own customers. Observing and flashing a grin to Wanda as she approached, Llyr was happy to answer the question that she presented him with.

"I'd say that a little random chance game is fun for all ages, especially in this time~ Of course... I'm also never one to say 'no' to a lovely lady such as yourself~" Llyr was saying, rolling a hand and motioning toward the wheel with a bow as he allowed Wanda passage to the large gaming structure that had been erected for his stall.

The wheel ticked and clicked as the arrow was made to run over each peg. A good several seconds passed before it started to slow down. The myriad of colours became much less of a radial blur as it slowly settled on... three!

Grinning to himself, Llyr reached out and picked up one of the oversized flower buds that had been sitting on display next to some other odd trinkets, odds and ends. Handing it off to the mermaid dressed lady, Llyr went on to say: "do be careful. As pretty as these ones can be, they can also be quite... dangerous at times."

Llyr's expression carried a hint of severity as he looked to Wanda with the bud.

After a moment, he smiled.

"Kidding. I do my best not to hand off anything too dangerous." Llyr gave a playful wink.


((Please feel free to decorate your personal profile or character profile with this token of appreciation for partaking in my thread game! ^ v ^))

Wanda clapped her hands in excitement and grinned broadly at the man. "Oh thank you!" She watched the wheel go around and around and around, and when it finally came to a stop she curiously waited for her prize.

It was a pretty big bulb. Wanda didn't know a whole lot about gardening, but its size and color almost seemed unnatural. She took it into her hands, grin no less bright, and bowed her head. "It's lovely!" The warning made her pause though, for a moment forgetting it was a Trick-or-Treat event and Halloween, but when he smiled she burst out laughing. "I'll be sure to be careful! Does this flower have a name?"
The Trader's Hub (played by FreeJayFly) Topic Starter

Rick wrote:

As one of the teens clad in armour approached Daedalus' stall with the intent of making the prize a competition between themselves and the pirates that had been there, a small smirk made its way across his lips. Should there have been somewhat of a competition here, that should have been exciting... and Daedalus was looking forward to it.

The fox assassin approaching Jaysen's stall caused the man to stand a little more straight and look attentive. Though he was not much of a conversationalist, he offered the skee balls for his stall and watched as the teen took to rolling the balls into varying holes. The numbers above the skee ball machine totalled, and once all of the balls were used up, the numbers flashed in orange: 340.

Nodding to himself and going ahead to get the corresponding prize, Jaysen offered a very small pumpkin-shaped bucket that had a handful of candies and toys in it.

"Thanks for playing. This is your prize."


((Please feel free to decorate your personal profile or character profile with this token of appreciation for partaking in my thread game! ^ v ^))
Rick (played by Forta-ver)

"Thank you, sir!" The assassin-brother accepted his prize, then wandered elsewhere in the festivities. At first, he let his nose lead him the direction of a strange and savory mix of smells. He regarded the potions stall and considered testing one, but couldn't work up the nerve. He apologized and excused himself before wandering again.

Eventually, his whiskers twitched and he got the strongest feeling that he should stop by another stall. The one manned by the kitsune-Dracula. His luck sense was going strong, but he couldn't make heads or tails of what it was telling him.

Only one way to find out, though, so he nodded and stepped forward. "Excuse me, sir, but I'd like to test my luck at your wheel. May I give it a spin?"

rolled 1d10 and got 2

Varsel had a difficult time processing what the Pixie was saying, but he knew enough about forest nymphs to respect their wisdom and their words. "Oh wow, this is for me then?" He said, accepting the mummified cat and looking it over. "This cat is very soft..." The druid sniffed it. "It smells not of death, strange." Varsel then opened his sidebag and shoved some of his possessions aside and then pushed the cat inside, then quickly closed the bag again.

"If you share in these festivities they must be good." Varsel then leaned forward to the lady and lowered his voice. "B-but you must know. I saw some... well they look like..." He tossed a glance over his shoulders trying to spot one of crew. "...pirates! My friend Trygve told me they can be nasty and evil, you must watch out."
Dom Dimagio was not about to loose on the wager from Rick and accepted right away. Albeit they had already used one shot.

He pushed his way forward between the crew to reach the front of the stall snatching the next round for himself.


"I am certain I can better that one" challenged the man focusing on his round

"You can tell Blackbeard has been too busy drinking to practice his more deadly skills" muttered Dom not impressed with the earlier modest result

rolled 1d100 and got 89

Young Oliver Jack picked up the next turn taking courage and trying his luck and skil?

"Let's see if I can do any better then..." mused the youth taking the round rather seriously more to prove himself to the crew than actually win


Unfortunately, his experience was lacking and his aim far from great causing Blackbeard to scowl and scold the youth


"How could you get this so wrong!" gasped Edward Teach in dismay looking at Calico Jack meaningfully for him to take the next round and improve the overall score

rolled 1d100 and got 41
Round 3

Sir Henry Morgan scoffed offended that he was being left to last and decided to step up to the challenge before Calico Jack could.


"Leave it to the betters, my friend, you need class and skill to win this game and bet" advised Henry making a refined wrist gesture that caused him to miss the target, wincing at the lowest score so far

"Oh well... seems lady Luck is fickle today... Anyone can have a slip up here and there" muttered Henry with a mild blush of discomfort taking a step back to let others take the final shot

rolled 1d100 and got 18
Round 4

Calico Jack and Edward Teach looked unimpressed if suspicious at their comrade, wondering if he had messed up on purpose so as to lower their overall bounty or reward and make them loose the net against Rick

"If you don't get higher than that... you owe me a round at the tavern" muttered Blackbeard addressing Calico, rather gobsmacked if disgusted with Morgan's extremely low performance


"Deal... one would have to be truly unskilled to mess up that badly" accepted Calico, taking the final round

Now it was up to the merchant to add up their overall score and pick the reward they had earned together as a crew, after which, they would bid farewells and be on their way

rolled 1d100 and got 58
Round 5 - final

The Trader's Hub (played by FreeJayFly) Topic Starter

Wanda Thompson wrote:
[...]"It's lovely!" The warning made her pause though, for a moment forgetting it was a Trick-or-Treat event and Halloween, but when he smiled she burst out laughing. "I'll be sure to be careful! Does this flower have a name?"

((Sorry I missed the question. RIP. Let me reply to this now.))

"It's a nightshade," Llyr replied, looking to the flower that Wanda now held in her possession. "At least, that's what I was told when I was purchasing seeds to grow some more difficult flowers for my wares. To the best of my knowledge, it's definitely the berries that you wish to be more wary of. The flowers themselves... well, I don't recommend just smelling them wildly. They are lovely despite their reputation, though."

Rick wrote:

Going to reorganise a few of the prizes that he had left after Wanda won her prize, Llyr had brought some of the flower pots forward for a better display in his stall. Once it seemed that someone else was interested, he turned around and raised a brow with a grin.

"Why, absolutely! Have yourself a spin and let's see what luck grants you!" Llyr said, stepping aside and allowing the young man to have a go at the wheel. As the structure spun round and round, Llyr watched as the structure slowed to a halt and the arrow was nestled between two pegs.

The wheel stopped on an orange slice of the wheel, the number at the top being a two.

"Ah... let's see..." Llyr started, going back and retrieving a decent sized box of assorted card packs. Placing it on his stall counter, he motioned for the fox-assassin to approach the box and continued to say: "you get a choice of five packs."

Varsel Ysbryd wrote:

Nodding to Varsel after he asked whether or not the stuffed toy was for him, Pixie smiled warmly. She found amusement in Varsel's interactions with her, and she knew that this would be something that she would perhaps remember for future Festival of Terrors to come.

Taking a moment to glance to the side to Daedalus' stall, Pixie was a little nonplussed by the appearance. Daedalus seemed to always attract the most amount of people that wanted to come in and shoot at his range.

"I'll certainly bear it in mind, my good friend," Pixie replied to Varsel, giving a small curtsy to him. "Should anything happen, I'm sure I and my friends in this ring will do something about them."
(( Too focused on the dice instructions, the dice made its way into my post. I edited my reply accordingly since it was a shooting stall))
The Trader's Hub (played by FreeJayFly) Topic Starter

Calico Morgan n pirates wrote:

Once each of the bullets were expended in the small rifle, Daedalus took the weapon back and rested it behind the counter. Then, going back to the target to get it replaced, he took the time to look over each of the marks before placing it on top of the counter for the pirates to look over. With just a momentary glance to the teenager dressed as a knight, Daedalus then said: "looks like yer points total up to thirty-five, which is enough for the second prize on the list of a bag of assorted candies and toys."

Leaving the target there for the pirates to keep for themselves, Daedalus then went to retrieve a bag that was a little too big for the palm of his hand and then placed it down for the pirates as well. He was not exactly sure how they would be splitting the prize amongst themselves, though the stall host was admittedly much more curious to see if they were going to take up the young man up on the friendly competition that he had asked to set up.

Rick (played by Forta-ver)

".... Thanks." The assassin tilted his head at the box of packaged trading cards, most belonging to games he'd never heard of. At first glance, they were likely useless. Worthless, even. But! His senses had brought him over and if fortune saw to it he got these cards, who was he to scoff at it? Maybe his brother would have an idea of what to do with them -- he was more the games nerd, after all...

After a bit of skimming, he shrugged, closed his eyes and let a hand drift around the box, taking 5 at random. Then he drifted elsewhere into the crowd.

The knight looked like a kicked pup when he thought his wager might be ignored, but once accepted he cheered and stood back. Each member of the crew took a shot, with mixed results, and Rick laughed and made playful jabs each time. All in good fun, of course, never a bit of ill will towards these men.

And when he saw their prize, he beamed at them like a ray of sun. "I almost hope I lose so you'll all have a better pot to split between yourselves!" Then another laugh and he took his turn at the targets. 5 shots, throughout which his boundless energy was funneled into sharp focus.

That focus, however, was not tempered by patience, so he fired his shots quickly. Too quick, it seemed.
When he was done, he shrugged. "Aww well. Looks like you get two bags to split amongst you, though, so that's something!"

rolled 1d100 and got 46

rolled 1d100 and got 29

rolled 1d100 and got 24

rolled 1d100 and got 2

rolled 1d100 and got 50

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