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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or treat; Desir's haunted home 👻 (closed)

In the semi-backwoods bayous of Louisiana a trail of handmade paper lanterns with green fire lit the path to a fancy old home that was decorated in a voodoo theme. Old dolls hung in the trees from thin and frayed rope, wind chimes of small bottles filled with strange liquids clinked on the front porch where a pale man with red eyes sat in a rockingchair...a small cauldron filled with gummy eyeballs, chocolate covered pretzels, popcorn balls, caramel apples, and just about anything else one might like sat in front of him. A light fog lazed over the yard coming from the swamps.

This was the one time of year the demon felt welcome among others and he enjoyed letting people share in his moment of joy by offering candy as per tradition. He wasn't dressed up but he let his true form bleed into his human disguise and showed off his wings and didn't hide his unnatural aura like he normally would. Any brave enough to trick or treat his home would hear the soft whispers of nearby spirits that had slipped though the veil since it was naturally thin here but the reward of treats would surely tempt some to the porch where they'd meet the demonic host.
Jamison Queen (played anonymously)

Jamison had no clue how he ended up in Louisana, he just drove and drove and drove and then suddenly it was Halloween and he was lost in bayou country.

Well. It wasn't really socially acceptable for him to trick or treat, since he was twenty-one, and all, but that wasn't stopping him. Hey, it was free stuff and he doesn't even have to risk getting arrested for it, how could he resist? Also, trick or treating would probably be the most socially acceptable thing he had done since..since he was born, really.

The longer he trick or treated, the more disappointed he became. Some people refused to give him candy because he was very obviously an adult, and he very obviously didn't have a costume. He didn't even have a bag, he just shoved all of the candy he collected into his pockets, and then he dumped everything in the passenger's seat when he got back to his car. It was real boring until he happened to stumble upon the house with the best decorations he had ever seen, all lit up green from lanterns and little dolls hangin' from trees.

As he headed up the path, the soft tinkling of some makeshift wind chimes was suddenly shared with what sounded like..whispering, was that whispering? Huh. This spooky-scary Halloween nonsense was gettin' to him. Probably just an effects thing, or whatever.

Ignoring the ominous whispers, Jamison headed up to the man that had one of the best costumes he had ever seen. Whew, this guy went all out, didn't he? Jamison was impressed.

"Hey there, Stranger," He greeted with a lopsided grin. "Nice house. And costume. You mind if I take any candy here? Most people got all weird about it."

As he stood there, he became a bit..uneasy, like that feeling you get in your gut when you know something isn't right but you just don't know what it is. He shifted uneasily and crossed his arms over his chest, trying to shove the feelings away.
The Angelmaker (played by JadedJester) Topic Starter

The spirits told Desir of his first visitor before he came into view so the demon was expecting him. He gave a laugh as he heard the man's greeting. "Most probably find it weird if you don't have a kid with ya, not me~" he said kindly with a gesture towards the treats he was offering. He definitely had an accent that marked him as a local.

His red eyes trailed over his visitors form with curiosity but he didn't dare openly admit he wasn't wearing a costume and the black wings and red eyes were real. He'd had enough of freaked out humans trying to kill him or worse...bind him to their service. He mentally urged the spirits to hush and the whispers faded into relative silence. Nothing but the swamps natural sounds could be heard until the demon spoke up again. "Happy all hallows eve mortal, enjoy the sweets~" he teases with a devious smirk...what was the fun without a little risk. Worst case scenario the man would leave freaked out and empty handed but Desir felt he'd take the jest as a joke like it was meant to be.
Morgana was a lady of noble birth, well versed with magic and sorcery. Once a year she took the liberty of time travelling from her quarters to wherever the spell landed next.

It was without further ado that she found herself following hte path of laterns and finally reaching the porch and unusual host. To many a sense of dread might fill them up given his nature but not Morgana.

She was a woman of fiery character, with a taste for danger, so she lead the way forwarduntil she reached the entrance, her robes concealed under the long cloak


"Greetings... good sirs... may I take up a short rest in my long journey?" saluted Morgana seeing two people conversing, unable to deny the smell of sweets and treats was indeed making her hungry
Drew Howler (played by FlamingPsycho)

How Drew had gone from one side of the country to the other was a mystery to him, but he was never one to judge. He was good friends with the god of balance, and Ban had a habit of pulling pranks such as sending him halfway across the world. He walked up the path, gripping his bucket still. Mmm, candy. His dog, unfortunately, had been left behind this time. Hopefully the mutt would be alright.

He adjusted his horned mask and continued walking.
The Angelmaker (played by JadedJester) Topic Starter

With every visitor who passed his green fire lanterns this demon knew of their arrival before he even saw them...the spirits while quiet now still alerted him to new arrivals.

Next to show, after his first guest, was a rather beautiful woman but she practically smelled of magic it was so strong around her. The spirits trailed after her but as Desir's red eyes flicked in her direction they left well enough alone. "Of course~" he replies casually but his curiosity ate at him until he gave in and questioned her.

"...but what brings such beauty to my eerie residence hm?" he asks, his red eyes glancing out at the trail of lanterns as the spirits whispered of a third visitor. So many people at once made him uneasy but nobody but him would ever know because he concealed his emotions very well.

He looked rather relaxed in his rockingchair, a tiny smirk on his face as he decided that so far he was enjoying all his company and nothing bad had happened.
Jamison Queen (played anonymously)

The Angelmaker wrote:

Jamison merely chuckled at the man's remark. It would have definitely sounded weird in any other context, but on Halloween, it just sounded like the usual spooky-scary cheesiness that was all over the place around that time of year.

"Yeah, yeah, I've been called worse," He replied, bending over to dig through one of the cauldrons, and popping back up with some popcorn balls.

That strange feeling in his gut never faded, so he just gave the man one small nod with a smirk plastered on his face. "Thanks. Have a good night."

With that, he headed back towards his car, walking faster than he would had liked to admit.
Mina Calico (played by JoJoApples)

Mina, in her Mulan attire, was walked up to the estate escorted by her parents. She ran a little ahead and stopped just short of the man,"Trick or treat..." she says, but a bit nervously. Ot was clear she knew something wasnt right.

Even if she didnt know what exactly. The whispers she heard were concerning, yes quite.

Mina tried to smile as her parents arrived on the porch as well.
The Angelmaker (played by JadedJester) Topic Starter

Desir snickered as his first guest briskly walked least he wasn't empty handed. It was now that the spirits whispered of another group of guests. A young girl and her parents.

The demon began to put off a calming aura in hopes he wouldn't completely terrify the little one. Children and animals were more sensitive to the spirits so he mentally bade them to leave for now and they listened.

"Oh you give me the choice?" He teases playfully, acting as if he might actually trick her for a moment before offering a rather warm smile. "Of course you can have a treat, sweets for the sweet girl...take as much as you like little one!" He says happily. Children brought him much happiness.
Mina Calico (played by JoJoApples)

"As much as I want?! Really?" Mina was excited. She took a modest amount, knowing other kids would come for the treats as well,"Thank you mister!" he wsnt so bad, though Mina was a bit worried at first of his scary aura. She even bravely went to him and hugged him.

Mina pulled away and went with her parents onto the next house.
Riki (played by BunBunUke)

"Uh, um, what was that phrase again...?" A tiny presence quietly made himself known. He glanced up at the demon, with big, shining eyes, before quickly casting his gaze down again. Riki was not so accustomed to human holidays, but, nonetheless, he loved candy, and as he was never allowed to eat it, was eager to gain some. Taking a calming breath, the son of Death opened his pink lips to speak once more.

"I-It's... Tr-Trick a-and treat, right?" He asked, glancing up again. "Was it or...?" The young lad shifted his weight from one foot to the other, and slowly held out a small bag that had a couple pieces of chocolate in it.
The Angelmaker (played by JadedJester) Topic Starter

Desir's smile widened at the little girls joy, his cold and dark heart warmed up a bit. He hugged her back but only to hide the fact that he was slipping one of his feathers in her treat bag...a magic woven gift that would protect her throughout her life if she needed it. It was very rare for him to gift his precious feathers away but he couldn't help it...she'd won him over.

Then the spirits grew frightened or agitated and fled which confounded him until he saw the cause. Shadows began to shift unnaturally as the demon of agony was flooded with flashes of memories from other realities and varying timelines. It made his head hurt and he didn't quite understand it all but one thing was clear...the smol blue haired guy was someone he cared deeply for at some point in more than one reality.

...and he knew his name.

"It's trick or treat Riki, of course you can have som--" he starts before cutting off with an awkwardly confused look. Would it freak Riki out that he knew his name here and now when they technically hadn't met until just now...?

Being able to see his memories from other realities and time periods he'd been in was confusing. He shifted his wings after making sure the little girl was out of line of sight and cleared his throat to try and explain himself. "Uhh..." he failed and so he blinked twice before deciding on silence as he dug both hands into the somewhat large container to shovel treats into Riki's bag...he had more treats inside in case his bowl ran low so he was more than generous.

Offering a small smile he mumbled "Enjoy~" since he wasn't sure what else to say. His heart ached for the adorable little guy but he couldn't understand why aside from the fact that he knew there was more than one reason.
Riki (played by BunBunUke)

"W-wow... Thank you!" The blue haired reaper gave a bright smile as he turned, waving at Desir as he left, practically glowing with joy.
Morgana looked and listened as other arrivals came and went and finally took confidence to address the host again

"Well your residence feels rather like home.." Mused Morgana gazing at the eerie building

"and one cannot deny the sweet smell and sounds of laughter are tempting enough to come by" admitted Morgana

"I guess it's my turn now....Trick or treat" smiled Morgana raisin her small bag and waiting to see what she would be given
The Angelmaker (played by JadedJester) Topic Starter

Desir laughed a bit at what the woman said, he found her interesting. "Take what you like miss~" the demon says with a gesture to the treats. He disliked having to decide what his visitors would get because he didn't want to risk giving them something they didn't like so he always let them pick their own treats.

"Oh, but also take this." He said as he extended his hand to offer her a large black feather...just like the ones his wings sported. The feather radiated extremely powerful magic if one could sense it...and it could never be lost or destroyed.
Setokai Amura (played by xKeatonx)

Seto had already combed through all of the houses in the more urban areas, and her pillowcase had begun to grow heavy with sweets. Since it was Halloween, she didn't see the harm in risking her Harpy form. Once all the houses had been visited, she had found a discrete spot to grow her wings to their full potential, and fly around for her next destination. Surprisingly enough, someone had set up their abode in the swamps. The harpy hybrid landed where the green lanterns started, letting her wings shrink down to the size of a hawk or smaller bird of prey. Her legs were long and avian, covered in tough scaly skin, and ending in large eagle feet with razor talons. Her feathered wings were black with streaks of glossy silver. Oh he'd surely gone all out! She loved the lanterns, and reached her hand to touch one, where she would yelp in pain if it were indeed real fire.

She had turned her hair black with streaks of orange for the occasion, wearing a black crop top and a pair of jean shorts. The whispers caused her feathers to puff slightly, and she made a soft 'peep' like that of a baby chicken. Finally she could see the one responsible for such an impressive display. She smiled brightly, rosy eyes alight with excitement. The one day she could be free and show her true feathers!

" Trick or Treat! "
Her talons had made gouges in the ground just by walking, and now they clacked on the porch the demon had settled himself on. She peered at the candy bowl, stepping closer to Desir.
" I like your costume! It looks as real as mine!"
Seto flashed what she thought what a sly wink, but it was very obvious. Even she was aware when another nonhuman was near. If he so allowed, she would pick a bunch of gummies and pretzels from his bowl.
Phoenixheart Hiro (played by Gab)

Charlotte clung tightly to her mother, her wings giving off a slight, nervous flutter as she stared at the house with an unsure expression. She was dressed in a simple orange princess dress with a crown set atop her head of bright red hair which was drawn into pigtails. She clutched the small pillowcase she had to carry candy tightly, like a lifeline.

"We don't have to go to that house if you don't want to, Charlotte. We can always skip it." Phoenixheart assured her daughter with a soft smile. Charlotte stared at the house for a few moments before responding "W-wanna go thewe. Th-thewe candy." Phoenixheart laughed softly at the little two year old half-phoenix's reply and responded "Alright, if you say so." before gently taking a hold of her daughter's hand and beginning to approach the house with her.
The Angelmaker (played by JadedJester) Topic Starter

Desir snickered at the harpy's teasing, he wasn't so bothered when other non-humans saw him as he was compared to when humans did. He gestured at the treats. "Take what you want." he said as the spirits whispered excitedly about the next visitors who were headed his way.
Setokai Amura (played by xKeatonx)

Seto shoved a few treats in her mouth before they made it into her pillowcase.
" Happy Halloween cutie! "
She waved excitedly, them spread her wings back to their full size, and took off tot he skies in search of the next house.
Phoenixheart Hiro (played by Gab)

Charlotte clung tightly to her mother when she heard the whispers, though she still continued to approach the house, eventually reaching the front porch where the man sat. However, she didn't say anything, simply staring up at the man with wide, nervous red-green eyes. Phoenixheart smiled reassuringly at her daughter when she noticed that Charlotte seemed a bit nervous. "Go ahead, Charlotte. Say 'trick or treat'." she spoke gently. Charlotte nodded and timidly raised the pillowcase she had with her, managing to squeak out a soft "T-twick ow tweat." Her wings gave off a small, nervous flutter.

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