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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: A (Non-alcoholic) King's Halloween


He placed his golden crown atop his head, then he adjusted the collar his velvet cape, also taking the liberty of fixing the tie of his suit that lay underneath the extravagant ensemble of a costume. Now, he looked like a true king! ...With a tuxedo. It was a bit odd, but he liked it. The bartender hadn't dressed up for Halloween in years. So what exactly made him want to do it this year? Well, truth be told, he didn't know. But he thought he may as well have some fun and take a little load off himself, since he wasn't working that night, and he needed a way to kill time in an enjoyable way. And what better way to do that, then to give out free candy to little kids (and maybe teenagers), all dressed up in costume?

Picking up the huge bowl of candy he had sitting on the side table, he stepped outside where his "throne", awaited (which was just one of those crummy cushioned chairs) on his lawn. He plopped down, crossing his legs after setting down the candy stash on the right side of the chair he sat upon.

Tonight, he was no longer Casimir Griffith, psychic bartender. No... He was the Sweet Tux King!

Oh god. The more he thought about the name, the more stupid it sounded.
Kira Rose (played by JoJoApples)

Kira had no shame. She was an adult, well overage for trick or treating, but she didnt care. It was free food. She torn her dress a bit more, and now she was barefoot, pretending to be cinderella.

"Trick or treat." She held out her hands, looking at Casimir and giving him a glare as though to say,im hungry, dont say a word. Please.

Kira had to admit, the costume Casi was wearing was stupid. But not as stupid as her attempt.
Taeral (played by Imthenaysayer)

Tearal had no shame. He was an adult, he wearing his black knight cosplay. He goes up to the 1st house. He hold out his bag. And said “trick or treat?” To Casimir.” Im hungry.” He says frowning.
Casimir Griffith (played by koobler) Topic Starter

Upon seeing the two approach, Casimir cleared his throat, then he picked up his candy bowl. Despite the young woman's 'costume' and stare of death she was giving him, he simply grinned, "Greetings, princess!" A quick mental sweep and he then added, "...Cinderella? Well, anyway, Happy Halloween!" He dumped a handful of candy into the lady's hands. Then he turned his attention toward the man dressed as a black knight.

"Greetings valiant knight!" Casi declared in a generic, grand, 'king-like' tone. Taking a bundle of candy from the bowl, he also dumped it into the knight's bag. "Happy Halloween!"

God, he was having way too much fun with this.
Kira Rose (played by JoJoApples)

Kira was pleasently surprised when he dumped the candy in her hands. She gave him a genuine smile that made her seem younger then her appearance,otherwise suggested.

"Thank you." she says, and walked off with the candy, eating it as she went.
Taeral (played by Imthenaysayer)

"Thank you." He says, and walked off with the candy, eating it as he went.

Tearal asked Kira “do you want to trick or treat together?” He ask her smiling sweetly.
Kira Rose (played by JoJoApples)

Kira blinked and looked at him. There was a moment if hesitation, deliberation,"sure." she shrugged,"I dont see why not."

Kira glanced at him and gave her name,"....and you are?"
Two foxes could be seem scampering over the walkway towards Casimir's home, one the usual orange wood-fox with brown paws and ear tips, whilst the other was a stark contrast, a bright and brilliant white arctic fox. The two vulpines tumbled over one another past Kira and Taeral, each playfully seeking to beat one another to the door, the buckets in their mouths bumping against each other as they both presented themselves at Casimir's doorstep, buckets at the ready.

If Casimir wasn't there already, the orange fox would tap on the door until it opened.

At the sight of Casimir, the orange fox would tilt his head up at him in a very doglike manner. The white fox retaliated by playfully smacking her companion.
Casimir Griffith (played by koobler) Topic Starter

From the corner of his eye, Casimir could noticed two figures scampering up to his house. "Whoa!" The two foxes were definitely a pleasant surprise. A smile had grown on his face, and he couldn't help but laugh a little at the duo. But enough of that, he had to get into character!

Clearing his throat, he then declared in his 'kingly voice', "I decree these foxes so damn cute!" He scooped up a big handful of candy, then dropped it into each of the foxes' buckets. "Happy Halloween you two!" He said with a grin.
She carried a massive wrench in one hand and pulled a spruced-up wagon with the other. Wearing a welding mask, grease-stained overalls, and big thick gloves and boots to match, she probably looked a bit scary to other kids.

Her candy bucket was a literal pail with stickers stuck to it, and it sat part-full in the wagon. 'Guarding' her stash was a rabbit colored with vegetable dye to have weird purple spots like a particular cartoon dino.

"Trick or Treat," came out muffled, since she didn't bother flipping up the mask, but when she did she seemed to be enjoying herself.
Taeral (played by Imthenaysayer)

Kira Rose wrote:
Kira blinked and looked at him. There was a moment if hesitation, deliberation,"sure." she shrugged,"I dont see why not."

Kira glanced at him and gave her name,"....and you are?"

“My name is Tearal nice to meet you” he smiles he shacks your hand
The orange fox flicked his tail at his pale companion at the receipt of the candy, and someone might have sworn that the white fox rolled her eyes. But after a yip of acknowledgement, the foxes turned back to look at Casimir before picking up their pails with their mouths and bounding off--perhaps almost getting stepped on by Beartrap before skittering away just in time.
Alvis (played by Enter)

For Halloween to entertain himself with mortals, Alvis would act as a Reaper, manifesting in a black cloak with black skeletal wings and completing the outfit with his weapon formed into a glasslike scythe. He stood silently at the door, his golden eyes gleaming underneath the hood as he awaited acknowledgment.
Casimir Griffith (played by koobler) Topic Starter

Beartrap Ansegi wrote:
She carried a massive wrench in one hand and pulled a spruced-up wagon with the other. Wearing a welding mask, grease-stained overalls, and big thick gloves and boots to match, she probably looked a bit scary to other kids.

Her candy bucket was a literal pail with stickers stuck to it, and it sat part-full in the wagon. 'Guarding' her stash was a rabbit colored with vegetable dye to have weird purple spots like a particular cartoon dino.

"Trick or Treat," came out muffled, since she didn't bother flipping up the mask, but when she did she seemed to be enjoying herself.

Casimir's first thought was that the costume was... interesting. But he had to admit that he did always admire the tinkering, mechanic types. He fondly remembered his own mother for a brief moment before clearing his throat.

"Greetings, esteemed tinkerer! And... Green rabbit?" A slightly puzzled look had crossed him once he spotted the eccentrically colored rabbit sitting in the wagon. He decided that he wasn't going to question it, and he scooped up a large handful of candy and simply plopped it into the bucket sitting in the wagon.

"...Is the rabbit real?" He gestured toward the rabbit, now using his normal voice. "I'm just checking if it is."
Alana (played by Kungfu6453)

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A lady geisha and vampire. They dressed as such just to hide how they really looked. Vampire “ hello” It was almost like facing a real one.
Halloween was one of the best times of the year for Carmelita when she went around and entertained others on the street side or in towns. She enjoyed it even more dressed up as a magical girl in a frilly dress that had been heavily inspired from Japanese anime and game media. With the lilac, pink, and white outfit, Carmen was happily going around from house to house, showing off tricks for treats.

Sure, she might have been considered a bit too old to trick or treat, though that never stopped Carmen from enjoying herself and providing entertainment for those of all ages.

Approaching a rather sizeable group of others, Carmelita grinned to herself before skipping forward to the front of the home with a small bit of a flair and posing with a hand on her hip and a V for victory jabbed out with the other.

"Happy Halloween!" Carmen happily said. "I'm here to provide a trick for everyone involved! If you want to reward that, that's up to you!"
Sonia Min (played by J-Hope)

Halloween. For Sonia, it was the best holiday. Dressing up, hanging out with the family and getting free candy was the must this year. As she thought about what possibilities cold happen, Sonia had an idea. In her opinion, a brilliant idea. To make a a homemade costume. A vampire! She smiled brightly as she held her cat in her arms and grabbed her laptop, trying to find the right eqiupment and items to make her costume.

Sonia adjusted her black cloak as she looked at herself in the full body mirror. This would be the first year Sonia wouldn't have her paper bag over her head, hiding her, in her opinion, ugly face. She sighed as she looked at her cat Midnight, playing with a rat toy.

Sonia spun around and smiled to herself, admiring her homemade costume. She was a typical vampire. It was an excuse to where a clock she bought off Amazon. Sonia called out for Midnight as she grabbed the bowl filled with king sized candy bars, small goodie bags and toys and sat outside, looking at the many houses decorated and children laughing and smiling.

She saw children coming her way, so she walked up to them and waved, greeting them sweetly and complementing their costumes. Sonia placed the treats in their bags and waved them goodbye as the children ran away, smiles plastered on their faces.

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