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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trick-or-Treat: A Royal Masque

((An FYI: I have an odd and sorta busy schedule, so when I respond may be unpredictable. I'll try to keep on top of this as best I can. <3 ))

Music filled the ballroom, drifting among banners of black and grey, through fallen branches that had been repurposed to mimic whole dead trees, and around the many gourds of varying shapes and sizes that bore thousands of flickering, grinning faces. Most of the music was standard fair for a ball, but now and then, it would take a haunting turn that delighted guests with a shiver down their spine. Tables lined one side of the hall, laden with a variety of rich foods and desserts which were quickly replenished any time anything ran low. After all, it had been made clear that all were welcome, without regard to class or country.

The king was not difficult to spot in spite of the long-horned goat mask covering most of his face. There was a purpetual swarm of nobles around the man, as well as a few attendants who watched him as closely as those and the food tables watched their own charge.

The royal children could also be spotted around the hall. Lord Tybalt had come from Delham with his wife Muriel, dressed to match as harts in fur trim, noble antlers, and spotted makeup behind masks on hand sticks; the young lord notably pulled the look off better, but other guests were polite enough not to point that out. Lady Evie, as she preferred to be addressed, hung back in a corner in mock knight's armor, her hand clasped tightly in her fiancé's. Young Prince Audric appeared to be dressed as some sort of mechanical scarecrow, and seemed much more interested in how some of the decorations had been put together than in the party itself. Princess Maywin, on the other hand, coyly managed to find one dance partner after another and whirled about the floor in fine layers of pink and flowers and a pair of glimmering fairy wings. Little Elizabeth, meanwhile, was kept in a separated area for children to play amongst themselves and participate in various games; she was dressed to match her doll, which she hardly ever set down.

And then there was the heir to the throne, Royal Princess Alabastra, who could be recognized as responsible for the masquerade from the way she moved ever about to check on things. It was not hard to spot her, tall as she was; only to keep up, as her certainly heavy costume did not seem to slow her. The young woman had taken advantage of her pallor to present herself as an ice queen, wrapped white and pale blue with crystal, glass, and silver detailing and even a fragile glass "icicle" crown and silver mask. Ground pearls added a shimmer to her cheekbones, eyelids, lips, and collarbone.

The White Lady was pleased to be too busy to dance. Even when men were not too put off by her height, it still made it difficult to match step with her partner and not end up stepping on her partner.
It had been a long ride on horseback from the forest Aranath called home. The wood elf was in a place very different from where he was from. Aranath lived a tribal life. Not only did he come from a rural village. He lived on the outskirts of the tribe. The truth was that he lived closer to outsiders.

Aranath always had a focus on those from outside of his tribe. He yearned to meet people different from himself. Sometimes, this curiosity of his gets in the way of the life the village wants from him. The women of his village are wondering why Aranath has not selected a wife.

But young Aranath has roving eyes. He wants to meet a woman different from the others. One's lineage is important to a member of Aranath's tribe. It is why his unwillingness to select a partner has become a major tribal issue. The elders sent him here to make him happy. He would either crash and fail with these outsider women or finally meet one. All that line of thinking did was put pressure on Aranath, who just wanted to have a good time.

Maroon paint was spread across his eyes, with a white border up top above his brow and a black border closer to his cheekbones. His clothing looked rather ornate. Embroidered patterns were set into his jacket, the color of a fallen autumn leaf. He wore matching boots and rusty cream pants. This was as much of a costume as any, for the elf who favors wearing a loincloth. The elders told him he had to dress like one of them for this occasion. He reluctantly agreed.

He wore a tribal crown of sorts, a metallic band which ran across his forehead. A dark blue stone hung from wrapped gold.

Now Aranath stood on one of the lines for food. There was roast boar, the smell of which drew him over from far away. Aranath was used to only eating what he could catch. This was a true feast. He made sure to let an elderly woman take a place in front of him before he began gathering meat onto his plate.

The Alabaster Princess (played by Zelphyr) Topic Starter

There was mumbling here and there among those who took sport in identifying what class any given individual came from, most of them high class themselves and secretly assuring themselves of how their finery displayed their position. Otherwise, the setup of the ball intentionally obfuscated such things, and the wood elf hardly got a second look when those near him were more interested in the food.

For Alba's part, there were many individuals who she knew already that she needed or wanted to speak with, as well as plenty others who would approach her through the night. That, combined with servants periodically carrying communications to and from her, meant that it was necessary to balance politeness with efficiency. She would not normally approach someone while they gathered food, yet that was how the timing worked out when she approached the elf.

"Enjoying yourself?" the towering princess asked from outside the line. Despite the chill appearance of her costume, her smile was full of only warmth and welcome. "I did not actually expect a member of the elf tribes to join us. Emresta is honored by your presence."
Tonight was such a wonderful night, so far as Juri was concerned. She had often been used to keeping herself covered up and hidden away from the public eye, mostly because not too many people took kindly to her appearance, though she was happy now that she no longer needed a hood, or a cloak, or heavy articles of clothing that draped over nearly every part of her.

Even Vale was able to help her find something. However, Vale and the others had some talks about attending an event that required everyone to wear some form of something flashy and elegant complete with a mask. It was not a hood or something that covered her completely, but it was something that helped hide her tail and cloven feet. Her horns? Well... her horns could have been simply described as well crafted costume additives.

Donned in a blue, gold, and black dress that was made of satin and embossed with some faint floral designs with stitching of the same colour as the fabrics used, Juri felt a little more presentable than normal, and this resulted in an ever present smile on her face. She arrived with the others at this royal event with other guests that had been dressed and dolled up in similar fashions.

Taking in the music and the sights, Juri's curious and excitable nature led her quickly away from her group and deeper into the ballroom where there were others that danced and shared in merriment. A large part of Jurini was excited to dance with others that were willing, though it seemed that there were many with other dance partners already, and knowing hardly anyone meant finding it difficult to just butt in and ask someone for a dance.
The Alabaster Princess (played by Zelphyr) Topic Starter

There was applause among dancers and some wallflowers as one piece of music came to an end, prompt a shift among those on the floor as another piece began. Maywin was actually quite happy to break from her latest partner: the boy kept stepping on her feet. That was precisely why the teen preferred to dance with older men. They were more likely to have a clue how to dance. Some weren't that bad to look at, either...

As the fairy-winged girl scanned the hall for another male to charm, what caught her attention instead was a pair of horns more impressive than the ones her father wore, aside from not being a rediculous golden color. She slipped closer, weaving between dancers, and let out a short laugh as she got a closer look.

The princess immediately reddened at her own outburst, but still fought back a smile as she said, "My apologies, good woman. I was merely noting that your horns appear to be of finer craftsmanship than the antlers on my brother, Lord Tybalt." A grin broke back across her face. "He and the Lady Muriel of Delham will surely desire the name of the artisan."
It was the laugh that caught Juri's attention. Turning, she faced the younger female that was making her way over to the tiefling woman that did her best to blend in with the rest of the crowd for now. However, when questioned about her horns, Juri chuckled, raising a hand to cover her mouth as she did.

"I'm really happy that you like my horns. If you're looking for the person responsible for making them..." at that short pause, Vale's warning on keeping her stories straight flit through her mind.

"You're looking at her~"

... Well... It was not technically wrong. They did sprout and grow from Juri's head, after all.
Aranath turned from the line for a moment as a voice got his attention. he looked up to see a woman taller even than he was. He tried to stand taller in his rigid clothing, but felt as if it was holding him down. 'If only I were in my loincloth', he thought to himself. 'Then I'd be a little taller'. he was only 5'11.

When she said it was a pleasure for one of the elves to be here, he smiled and bowed slightly. "It is an honor and a pleasure to be here. I hope to learn more about your lands through this celebration." His dark blue eyes blinked, long eyelashes fluttering a little. Aranath ran a hand through his long hair as he looked away for a moment.

"This is a really nice setup", he said with a smirk. Soon he turned back to the food. There were all manners of squash and corn, not to mention rice. "So tell me about your lands? This is a big time of the year for my people. I see it seems to be for yours as well."

He continued to put food on his plate until it was full with all sorts of fixings. He turned to her, "Care to join me for a meal or a drink?" He grabbed a glass of juice that had been set out. Now he needed a place to sit and eat.
The Alabaster Princess (played by Zelphyr) Topic Starter

Alabastra lowered her head with a smile. "Thank you. The monarchy does its best to provide." She lifted her face once again. "I must advise you not to take anything terribly seriously tonight, though. Despite the grim sentiments, the people do still try to have fun with it, and it is common for small pranks to go around."

Once he had a plate laden with food and a drink in hand, the pale woman shifted her body and stepped away. She was usually able to lead people while speaking in this way, allowing the conversation itself to act as a subtle tether, and her intent was to guide him to open tables. If he did not follow though, she a wave to follow generally did the trick.

"We have a rich harvest this year, but I admit some of the feast was imported. We are more rich from our mines than from our fields."

"Ah, delightful!" Maywin said to the horned woman. "Then perhaps they will seek your services for their next costumes. Or someone else in my family."

The teen waved dismissively at the notion. She looked back into the dancers, and then again at the woman.

"Is there someone you were looking for? Or..." Maywin smirked. "Are you simply unsure how to make a man ask you to dance?"
Elune and Ravi (played by Kungfu6453)

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A young mans and lady walked in. It was clear they where not from this kingdom. The lady sat in a chair. Then man went to bring drinks. The lady looked around. She did look a bit confused. It was hard to tell what she was thinking. It was like a poker face. She looked human but she was far from human.
Eldest Timor (played by JadedJester)

Eldest Timor, the eldest fear. The first vampire. Nobody ever suspected what he was and kept it that way...only feeding when he absolutely had to only on a select few willing donors and inserting himself into human politics which he had a knack for and earning favors from many human nobles and such. He was rather well known as the best source of info and gossip and since he stood out with his seven foot plus height and fancy clothing he had been casually conversing with many men and women of high esteem and status.

The vampire currently went by the name Siraan and his sensitive ears were catching tons of valuable intelligence from whispered secrets to common banter as he listened to the crowded ballrooms inhabitants.

He wore a cliché costume that portrayed the image of a vampire as most saw them but his mask was a personal flair. He didn't dare show his fangs and neither did he wear false fangs.


He stayed close to the outskirts of the room avoiding those dancing and turning down most dance requests and so far he hadn't asked for a single dance himself. He heard whispers of rumors about him both good and not so good but nothing truly bad...he had a generally good reputation among most.

He didn't eat much and one usually saw him with a glass of white wine unless he was deep in conversation with someone.
The Alabaster Princess (played by Zelphyr) Topic Starter

((Elune and Ravi, I will try to include you in the Alabastra/Aranath conversation after they post, and if I can't, I'll still make sure someone makes it to you.))

Although young Elizabeth was enjoying the games in the children's area, she was both aware that she was one of the older kids there, and she was starting to feel a bit restless. The eleven year old was not used to being apart from family members for long, especially in such large crowds. In the times she could not stick close to Maywin, she commonly followed Audric around, even though he had nearly ruined Elspeth a few times. Looking around beyond the space marked off for children, she couldn't spot them.

But one was always easy to find: the white head that stood above others, her oldest sister who had always seemed more like a mother to her. From atop emptied crates that now served as both a decoration and a barrier, she could see that head. Elizabeth informed the nanny-servants that she was going to see her sister, just for a moment, and went out into the crowd.

As she drew near, however, the blonde girl who was dressed like the doll in her arms froze and stared. The white head was not her sister, Alabastra. It was a man, and she felt sure that he was even taller than Alba.

The child clenched her doll. She had already been feeling nervous, but now she was trying very hard not to cry. Where were her siblings?
Eldest Timor (played by JadedJester)

As he drank and glanced around Siraan noticed the young girl who he instantly knew to be of the same blood as the host...he could also tell the young royal was close to tears. "Are you lost m'lady?" he questions calmly, his voice was soft and held a bit of an old accent. He was very respectful and it showed in how he spoke. He offered a kind smile, he figured the girl was looking for her sister...he had seen her with her other siblings and knew she no doubt felt out of place among the children.

He usually had little to do with children but he didn't want the poor girl to wander around without some sort of an escort to protect her. "No need to be scared, would you like me to escort you to one of your siblings?" he asks her, hoping his appearance didn't frighten her. He was physically very intimidating but his personality betrayed his appearance noticeably.
Elune and Ravi (played by Kungfu6453)

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( I finally found what they look like for this Rp. Don’t worry I will wait my turn)
As she mentioned pranks, he smiled a bit with warmth. He could use a laugh. This place sure seemed friendly and welcoming. They seemed like a happy people, at least to Aranath. "Very interesting", he replied at first. The wood elf was quick to follow, seeing the tables in the distance.

It would be just a quick walk in their direction before they arrived. "I do not mind imported food", Aranath said as he looked over his plate. It appeared really appetizing to somebody used to doing his own daily hunting. "Variety is the spice of life, they say." His cheeks rose with the tension of a restrained smile.

He enjoyed the tall woman's calm presence. There were many reasons why she stood out as unique. For now, he was happy to have her escort to the dining table.

"Did you want food or a drink? I'd almost feel bad eating in front of you. I could grab a table and meet you there." They were rapidly approaching the dining area.
The Alabaster Princess wrote:
"Ah, delightful!" Maywin said to the horned woman. "Then perhaps they will seek your services for their next costumes. Or someone else in my family."

The teen waved dismissively at the notion. She looked back into the dancers, and then again at the woman.

"Is there someone you were looking for? Or..." Maywin smirked. "Are you simply unsure how to make a man ask you to dance?"

Smiling mostly as a response to the whole of having someone commission her for services, Jurini simply thought to herself that perhaps what she stated was not the best of ideas she could have had in that moment, but... she held her own for now. Especially since Maywin happened to have waved off the thought before looking to the dancers.

"Oh..." Jurini started after Maywin asked her question, briefly looking a little lost. "I'm not really accustomed to dancing, truth be told."

Steepling her hands together, Juri's smile returned and she then went on to say, "but I love a lot of the ways that people seem to move when together sometimes. It feels so fluid. I would love to try it at some point."
The Alabaster Princess (played by Zelphyr) Topic Starter

"You are kind," Alabastra told the elf. "I will have time to eat later. For now, please, enjoy yourself."

As she led the way to the tables, she spotted a woman sitting there in such finery that she was most certainly someone of import. Alba led the elf to the very same table, though she did not sit herself. Instead, she gestured him to the seats. She took a step back then, an attempt to avoid leaving him feeling abandoned so quickly, while also allowing her to address the richly-dressed woman.

"If I may say, Lady, your outfit is glorious. I fear it may be better than mine," Alabastra told the woman with a smile and a small curtsy.

The claim was a nicety; there was no denying that an immense amount of work had gone into the princess' own ensemble, and it had been carefully crafted so that she would glimmer even in the dim lighting. Claiming that one was better dressed than another would be opinion even to a master judge.

She set her eyes briefly again on the elf, to ensure he felt the following introduction was for him as well. "I am Alabastra Theoralie Vaudcourt, Crown Princess of Emresta. A delight to meet you."

The man's polite demeanor helped to calm Elizabeth some. The tone was familiar to those who usually surrounded the girl some. Still, she was undeniably shaken.

The little princess managed to nod before she could quite produce sound, but she did murmur, "Y-yes, please." She tried to glance around, but there were simply too many bodies she could not see past. She looked back at the white-haired man and swallowed. "M-my sister is a-also tall and white-haired."

Elizabeth considered the man's height. He could probably see the others from where he stood, too, or so she supposed. "Or... or the brown-haired fairy girl, or the boy who looks like a clockwork... um, or the man who looks like a deer, he's with a lady who also looks like a deer."

She did not mention the princess dressed as a knight. Evie always seemed too angry to give Elizabeth any comfort.

Maywin's eyes widened and she clasped her hands over her mouth as if some unspeakable secret had just been revealed. Again as if it were a secret, the teenaged princess leaned in and lowed her fingers to her chin to ask, "Do you... know how to dance? Have you had any lessons? Oh, but I suppose if you have made your own costume and are dressed so simply, perhaps you cannot afford a tutor?"

The fae-like princess stepped back to look the woman over without waiting for an answer. She made no attempt to hide the inspective judgement on her face as she considered. Finally she nodded, more to herself than anything.

"I suppose I could teach you. Basics, at least, and I am not large enough to imitate a proper male partner. Still, better than nothing."
Elune and Ravi (played by Kungfu6453)

“ I’m Elune it nice to meet you. Thank you. But I like yours as well. If I may ask. How your family?”
Eldest Timor (played by JadedJester)

Eldest listened to the girl until she was entirely done speaking before looking around. His eyes first landed on the host in her lovely blue dress but he saw she was occupied. Seeing the next royal among those dancing with her fae wings he kept looking. He wanted to avoid being asked to dance again because he only did so when he felt he could win some information or gossip worth far nobody.

Then he saw Lord Tybalt and his wife. He'd gathered enough by ear to know they had traveled to get her...they had to be the mysterious deer people the young princess had listed. Bonus if they felt like conversing for a moment. "This way m'lady." he says, gesturing in the direction of the young lord and lady dressed as deer as he cleared a path among the many people for her. Certain people offered him smiles and others greeted him by his name, Siraan, as if he were rather well known.

It didn't take long before the two came to a stop just in front Lord Tybalt. "Forgive the intrusion but I believe she became lost among the crowd." he offers a respectful bow of his head and gestured to the young princess he was escorting.
The Alabaster Princess wrote:
Maywin's eyes widened and she clasped her hands over her mouth as if some unspeakable secret had just been revealed. Again as if it were a secret, the teenaged princess leaned in and lowed her fingers to her chin to ask, "Do you... know how to dance? Have you had any lessons? Oh, but I suppose if you have made your own costume and are dressed so simply, perhaps you cannot afford a tutor?"

The fae-like princess stepped back to look the woman over without waiting for an answer. She made no attempt to hide the inspective judgement on her face as she considered. Finally she nodded, more to herself than anything.

"I suppose I could teach you. Basics, at least, and I am not large enough to imitate a proper male partner. Still, better than nothing."

"I travel a lot. I don't usually have too much time to learn things like this. My friend, Vale, never usually humours me," Juri said with a bit of a chuckle. Watching Maywin with intrigue, Jurini listened to the young female and smiled broadly at the offer.

"If you're sure, then that would be lovely!" Jurini replied. She was reminded of some of the other friends that she and Vale often travelled with momentarily, though she stepped forward and followed after Maywin's lead. Ooh, this was exciting, and it seemed that Juri's tail twitched with anticipation under her dress.
The Alabaster Princess (played by Zelphyr) Topic Starter

"Thank you," Alabastra answered. "We are well. My siblings grow brighter every day, and His Majesty continues to rule with kindness. Are you enjoying the party?"

Elizabeth followed the tall man and kept her head down, for the most part. Some of the costumes were wondrous, but others were a bit terrifying for the generally-sheltered youngest Vaudcourt.

Tybalt and his wife were laughing at something another attendee had said, although there was a sense that the young duke either had not understood or had not appreciated whatever the joke had been. Perhaps that helped to get his attention, though there was still a flicker of surprise in his eyes when he looked at this man who addressed him. Attention in general shifted to Siraan, and Muriel hid her stare poorly while Tybalt's gaze followed the man's gesture to little Elizabeth.

"Lizzie!" The eldest prince lowered himself promptly and opened his arms, knowing perfectly well his youngest sister would throw herself at him. "Why aren't you with the other children, silly girl?"

The girl didn't offer and answer, but merely clung to her brother for the moment. Muriel set a hand on Elizabeth's shoulder and smiled graciously at the white-haired man.

"Siraan, yes? You are a savior, good sir."

"Well, my sister does insist on the importance of charity," Maywin shared with a shrug. And certainly the girl felt this was an important matter indeed!

She brought the horned woman deeper into the dance area, to a spot that was reasonably open to accommodate them. Maywin looked at the woman again.

"Ugh, I really will have to try to dance like a man. This will be strange for the both of us," she said. Then, illustrating her words expertly, she said, "It is appropriate to always curtsy to your dance partner before you begin. Like this."

She was willing to repeat the motion a couple times if needed, but after that, it would be on to whose hands went where.

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