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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Throthgar's ultra spooky Halloween

Things were getting stranger by the year down Main Character Avenue. Where once stood Master-Sama's opulent mansion, the crown jewel of the street, now sat a beach. A massive beach that stretched as far as the eye could see, together with a sea that probably drowned the blocks of houses it was covering.

Despite it being nighttime, the beach was bustling with activity! Some ghouls and zombies were playing volleyball in slow motion while 'Playing with the Boys' played on an oversized 90s boombox, spooky werewolves were splashing water at each other at the edge of the beach and giggling like schoolgirls. A Tengu was flying a kite that had a screaming man attached to it that looked an awful lot like Benjamin Franklin in a speedo. So many more spooks and horrors were enjoying a hot night at the beach, all while an armada of cute maids tended to their every need. But the cutest maid of all was missing.

Throthgar, the cutest maido-chan of all, stood on the edge of the beach wearing a frilly bathing suit so kawaii mere mortals' eyes would melt at the sight of it. It went surprisingly well with her straw sunhat and gucci sunglasses. Throthgar's body was beach ready, but she did not seem to enjoy the sight before, oh no, not at all. She was nervous.

See, today was the day Master-Sama would actually come home to the mansion. He was to arrive in mere minutes, but there's no mansion to be found! Only this beach that appeared out of seemingly nowhere. Master-Sama was going to be so disappointed in Throthgar-chan. What was she to do?!

Luckily, it was Halloween. For some reason, during Halloween brave adventurers dressed up as spooks come to the mansion to help her. Or to have a look and quickly leave, but it mattered not! Some brave souls were sure to stay and save the day! Who could resist Throthgar's charms?

Hopefully they would arrive soon. The vampires have began rubbing sun screen on each others' backs. Things would turn stereotypically ecchi quick.
Beau De Villier (played by Ambrosia)

((Reserving a place, currently at work, leave a spot for me Rynh-sana))
Just as they've done two years previous, the trio of kiddens--almost teenagers!!--are out on Halloween looking for treats...and maybe tricks?

The group had visited some homes that weren't affected by the sudden ocean water, but the sight of a BEACH PARTY is too tempting to pass up.

Cassius, youngest kidden, trots ahead of his siblings. A grand cloak of dark green trails behind him, revealing the swanky suit of a stage magician! He has a nifty top hat, which has tiny holes to accommodate furry cheetah ears.

Isaac, oldest but runtiest, is determined to not be out maneuvered this year. He follows behind Cass at an okay pace, only lagging due to his ivory colored, copper-piped, steampunk battle armor. Wowzers!

Ailana, middle child, reluctantly follows the boys... because she's wearing heels, on already feline feet! They are pink, and they match a cute flapper outfit--it has swishy tassles and fake pearls. D'aaaw!

The boys go dashing past Throthgar, oblivious to her plight, but Ailana stops nearby a few seconds later. Those heels are killing her feet.

"We didn't bring out swimmers, guys!!" She hollars at her brothers, to no avail. With a huff, the girl peels the heels off...and spots the maido-chan. She comments, "....your beard looks like my mama's hair," as if that's any way to announce oneself.
Hui Shang (played by XinonHyena)

A young lady stepped onto the beach. Halloween was a time for dressing up as something cool and so she had decided to spend a lot of her nuyen on a fashionable dark-blue ninja costume, complete with mask and some plastic kunai and everything. Yin wasn't out on this strange beach alone however, of course there was the horde of weird people which did not include some kind of strange druid, but she was also expecting a friend to show up.

To play her costume a bit the lady chuckled and crouched down besides a bench. If Sparrow didn't have her spydrones out she would surely be able to sneak up on her oni friend.
Sparrow (played by Claine)

What an amazing night. She could see the stars. The air wasn't thick with smog. And for once in her life, a 6'7 purple woman wasn't entirely out of place. She skipped down the road, golden rod in one hand, pumpkin shaped bucket in the other. Some may say that Sparrow was too old for trick and treating. 'Orcs develop faster than humans' they would claim. But on paper, Sparrow was 14 and she was going to act like it tonight.

She was dressed as her favourite Sailor Megacorp outfit - Sailor Renraku. Large red bow upon her head, pink lipstick, all the appropriate plastic jewellery and a red skirt that fluttered in the chilly night breeze. It'd been difficult to acquire the uniform - do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Sailor Megacorp outfit in her size. They only made them for children! Tiny human children! And she certainly wasn't going to go as Sailor Aztechnology. She would've been thrilled if she'd known what'd happened in this very place a year past.

The houses down this road were huge - but everybody knows that rich people give the best candy. She turns the corner ready to bound towards the next house and discovers not a house but a beach. Her skipping slows but then her smile widens as she is amazed by the clean water and the soft golden sand.

She bounds towards the few gathered people, "trick or treat," she calls out, holding out her plastic basket.
Ray (played by Derglet)

See, just because you're a super evil monster that'd survived thousands of years doesn't mean you can't celebrate and have fun on Halloween. Ray, being the tall man thing that they are, had been eagerly bounding up and down streets, gathering and promptly devouring anything provided (except for Wicker bars, their Arch-nemesis loved them!). It had been to the horror of all who witnessed, but do you really think that Ray cared?

'Dressed' in a quite fitting avian-themed superhero outfit- y'know, ultra famous Killer Eagle, the literal best- they had been skipping down Main Character Avenue on that frightful night, brushing against small children every now and then. It might be odd to see a two meter tall man rushing around on such a night, but it truly was the bird's favourite day of the year! Right after their birthday and Christmas and Easter and...

Whoa, was that a beach?! Ray stood amongest a small crowd of probably fourth graders, watching in awe at the scene before them. Instinct told the bird to leave, but the scent of food was strong here.

The bird desired food very much so of course they stayed.

They tried to venture towards the scent of tasty goodness, however some mystical force dragged their feet across the sand towards a... A.... Person, yes let's settle for that. Despite the large muscles and luscious beard, they seemed quite feminine! Upon closer inspection of the surprisingly adorable, buff lady that made the bird's heart go doki-doki, Ray could tell that something was amiss.

"M'lady, is something the matter?" They spoke quite loudly, almost as if the bird was shouting into her(?) ear.
Hui Shang (played by XinonHyena)

Ninja Yin snuck out from behind her bench towards Sparrow and then tried to hook her arm around the oni as soon as she was close enough. "I'll trick or treat you girl!" She shouted with a chuckle.

When she actually laid eyes upon the host of this beach however her jaw dropped. Never before had Yin seen a kawaii-chan maid like this! The bulging muscles, the fashionable bows and the gucci glasses with the straw hat bringing it all together. "Whoa!" Was all Yin could say as she stared at Throthgar. Had she found a fashion sempai at last!? "Where did you get that hat?"
Sphinx (played by Zet)

Parent process had requested Technosphinx attend the process called... Halloween. Technosphinx had taken a very thorough look through the archives and decided the idea of "costuming" was weird and frivolous - why anyone would want to wear outdated clothes was odd but... okay. Sure.

Prowling around the neighborhood, Sphinx's paws skidded to a halt the moment they felt something weird and shifted under their feet. It shifted and Sphinx took a moment to understand that this was "sand" and that was... lake? River? Sea? Something with water.

Daintily, they pranced like an offended dressage horse across the unstable ground and nearly tripped over their paws. Okay. Sand bad for offended high stepping.

The technosphinx's screen turned towards people and they stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the kawaii-maid desu. Wait, where had that come from - had it been included into their database? It took a moment for Sphinx to parse through data and eventually settled into "adorably precious kawaiii!!!!! maido-chan" - who was Sphinx to argue with their Parent Process's choice of data.

Slinking towards the crowd huddling around the muscle bulging aidoru, Sphinx hovered at the edges of the conversation and asking after the sharp teef'd man and masked ninja "why are you here, Miss Maido-chan?"
Throthgar the Pretty (played by Pirate) Topic Starter

Despite the massive amount of spooks, it was pretty easy to distinguish the newly arrived ones from those prancing on the beach in slow motion towards their glistening senpais. These halloweeners weren't dressed for the occasion after all. They also seemed to flock towards Throthgar, probably due to her kawaii magnetism that only repelled bakas.

A lot was asked, but she only head ears for those who asked why she was here. It was an understandable question. Someone as adorable as Throthgar should be dusting a mansion, not stick to the sidelines of a beach party like a dainty wall flower! She inhaled deeply, sucking up a bunch of sand that strangely enough did not get exhaled.

"Every year, Throthgar-chan, me, prepares Master-Sama's mansion for his glorious return from the Weeaboo Wars. But every gosh darn year something happens to it. But at least it was left standing so Throthar-chan can clean up the mess! But now the Halloween Spirits have gone TOO FAR!" She screamed."The mansion is gone! Now in its stead is a- a- FILLER EPISODE!"

It took all of Throthgar's strength not to transform into a superior form right then and there."Master-Sama is about to come home, but there is no home. Only bakas!" She spoke, turning to face the group of heroes, who were probably not even there to hear her tragic backstory."Ne, will you help Throthgar-chan reclaim the mansion, tomodachis? I will grant you the powers of the Ultra Instinct Maido and a bucket of candy."

How could anyone refuse, honestly?
Ailana listens to Throthgar's plight with attentive patience, even though she doesn't get most of what's being said.

"Well...I dunno what a 'filler episode' is, but a princess should always help the downtrodden!" The preteen cheetahfaun stands proudly--she's just the princess(flapper?)to help!

"Did ya say candy???" Cassius trots back over to the maid, bearing a fangy grin. "I like adventures AND candy! We can help! I'll use my magic, pew pew!"

Isaac is lost somewhere in the crowds, but there's a glint of copper once in a while. And a heavy thump on the sand.
Hui Shang (played by XinonHyena)

With the apparent offer of a job Yin's demeanor shifted a little. She had never been involved in reclaiming a mansion but how hard could it be right? She had robo girl right here with her. "It's hard to decline an offer of candy and ultra instinct maido powers...." The elf began, looking around her in the hope of getting some helpful nods. "But hey you could sweeten the deal a little, if you get what I'm saying?"

The elf looked at Sparrow, nodded and then turned back to Throthgar and pointed at her straw hat. "You have to tell me and my friend here where you got that straw hat."
Sparrow (played by Claine)

Sparrow gasped as somebody grabbed her around the neck. She spun to face the masked stranger before her shocked face changed into a wide, tusky grin. "Yin-chan is that you?" she said with a laugh. "What's a beach doing here," she asks, although it's more idle wondering than a question for her friend work associate.

When suddenly, the beautiful maid before them details her woeful tale. This was tragedy. And unlike Sparrow's usual jobs, surely one of true heart and pure intentions. "We're professionals," she replied after Yin. She'd be perfectly happy with the reward of powers of an Ultra Instinct Meido and candy - but she'd let Yin sweeten the deal if possible. It's what she did. "Worth every nuyen. Just let us know what needs to be done and leave the rest to us."

Perhaps she should've brought her own choco with her.
Ray (played by Derglet)

Oh dear lord, not a FILLER EPISODE!! Ray didn't know what it meant but with the sheer intensity it was shouted with, it seemed horrendously terrible. Poor, ah, Throthgar-chan? Seriously though, the disappearance of a mansion seemed pretty concerning, despite how ridiculous the accompanying story seemed.

Also, what in Luljeta's name was 'Ultra Instinct Maido'? They weren't the only one confused correct?

Upon hearing the elf woman's inquiry, some strange force compelled them to agree. Besides, even Ray, Mister Skin clothed couldn't deny that that hat was quite fashionable. The way Throthgar-chan rocked it? Amazing.

"I shall assist, but only if I can also eat said bucket."
Sphinx (played by Zet)

Filler episodes? Was there any continuity to this season? Oh no, say it ain’t so (I will not go, turn the lights off) - the lot of them must carry Throthgar home. The Sphinx stretched like a neko. The bishoujos spoke about the oh so fashionabluh - fashionab- fashion- Sphinx gave up fighting with the overriding process - fashionabluh hat that perched and framed that square, hairy jawline of adorableness.

The Sphinx tilted their screen towards the three fauns and at the toothyman’s delight over candy - and a bucket. That seemed much less enticing than the Ultra Maido Powers - Parent Process would be proud of them for gaining such a rare piece of software.

“Sugoi,” Sphinx uttered, “do I need to send a packet to confirm?” The Sphinx trotted over towards the others and possibly getting up in someone’s personal space bubble, for they understood nothing of air walls. “How do you find a house? What is the Keikaku?” The words “Keikaku means plan” scrolled across their screen over and over.
Iian Aladey (played by FreeJayFly)

((I feel like it's become tradition to just throw Iian at this particular thread each year to torment her at this point. By))

Ah, finally... a day away from the city in order to go and enjoy herself. Iian was always happy to venture from home when the time allowed it. Being loyal to the city and the people there despite having no martial combat training or real know how, Iian was just happy to be an informant and help people in general. But... none of that at the moment. Work should not have been on the mind! It was time to rest and relax and...

Oh, would you look at that....

A beach.


Excited by the prospect of a beach and just curling her toes in the sand, Iian kicked her boots off and ran toward the ocean waters to kick and play around in the shallow waves. Just before her feet touched water, she had expertly taken her socks off while getting ever closer, tossing them behind her when she got them both off.



Ohhh... the water felt so cool and nice....

However, there was a part of Iian that froze when she heard someone... someone familiar shout: "Filler Episode".

Were Iian not as pale and ivory as she was, one could have probably used the term that she 'blanched'. For now, however, she had frozen with the realisation that another year had passed....

Slowly turning her head, the thick purple anime miasma clouded her, and the 'sick lines' spread over her face as her eyes dulled. There she was. The kawaii-est meido of all time. Throthgar the Pretty.

"Kuso..." uttered Iian, soon clamping over her mouth with both her hands as she realised that she did not even know that that meant.
Throthgar the Pretty (played by Pirate) Topic Starter

How proud Throthar felt, looking her very own candy mercenary army. She gave an approving nod to the kids."You, neko children, you are the future. You must be protected from the evils and terrors of this world." She said as she pulled an actual glock from her bathing suit and handed it over to Ailana."Now you are protected." She added, feeling quite proud of her motherly instincts.

Turning to the others, Throthgar was shocked. They *dared* make demands? The glory of fighting to unlock the ultra instinct maido powers wasn't enough?! She was so angry she was about to scream Baka so loud that even Naruto would tell her to calm down. She composed herself, though. Instead, she figured they were uneducated. Sphinx would help rectify this mistake.

Immediately the adorable maid grabbed a hold of the mechaneko, making its screen face the non believers and the weird bucket eating man. Summoning a picture out of thin air on the palm of her hand, she jammed it into what seemed to be a slot for projecting. The picture covered Sphinx' screen as Throthgar-chan projected the image of a man completely covered from head to toe in shadow onto the full moon.

"That, you heathens, is your payment, your reason for living! That is Master-Sama!" She declared."He is so sugoi! He's so handsome and dashing! Look! Look upon his beautiful face and you will understand that no money in the world can amount to witnessing true beauty! N-Not that I like him or anything..."

She then let go of Sphinx, dropping it back onto the sand. Her piercing blue eyes sparkled upon the sight Iian."See! She's loyal! She came back! Come over here, tomodachiiiii~~~!"

Some unknown force would compel her to Throthgar-chan's side, surely. But she was impatient and wished to move on."Now that you understand..." She spoke, her voice more solemn."You must be dressed for the occasion." With that, she snapped her fingers.

True to a beach episode, everyone found themselves suddenly wearing the most revealing bikini they could imagine, while the men all got European speedos, giving them maximum 'OwO What's This' factor. However, Throthgar's spell did not take into account these heroes were already in costume, so the sexy swimwear instead was layered on top of their current outfits.

"Go, tomodachis! Go to the beach and find those baka Halloween Spirits! For Master-Samaaaaa!"
Ray (played by Derglet)

Upon witnessing Master-Sama, Ray too felt strangely compelled to fight for this strange, somewhat still unseen man. They agreed when Throthgar-chan had said the man was beautiful despite literally seeing nothing. Maybe one could notice the small, pink lines forming on the bird's 'covered' cheeks?

Poor little robot thing though. Getting manhandled like that.

Throthgar-chan snapped, and Ray found themselves wearing gross, unnatural clothing now sticking to them. It wasn't much, but it still was enough to elicit an icky feeling throughout Ray's body. No way were they going to hunt Spirits or whatever the adorable Maid told them to do like THIS!! How out of character would that be!

However, that damned unseen force compelled them to follow along, full on running in exaggerated, animu fashion across the sands, sparkling in slo-mo while sweat flew off their forehead. For Master-Sama!!!
Iian Aladey (played by FreeJayFly)

There it was again, that feeling where Iian felt like her active consciousness took a backseat to everything she wanted to actually do. Sure, she saw through her own, freakishly large, purple anime elven eyes, but she certainly was not the pilot at this point. No, for her body acted on its own accord, compelled by the strong will to defend Master-sama's honour!

As Throthgar snapped her beautifully manicured and kawaii fingers, a puff of smoke engulfed Iian as a resounding, disembodied female moan echoed through the beach. Where everyone else had skimpy bikinis over top what they were wearing for the most part, it seemed that Iian's lack of proper costume meant that she was not safe from the maybe too sexy bikini that she was now clad in. In fact, it was so sexy that even censor bars materialised and covered her chest and loins. Surely, she would make any hentai nosebleed spectacularly.

A heavy blush appeared on Iian's face as she rose a finger to her lips and used her other arm for some kind of modesty. Looking coy and embarrassed for the time being, Iian timidly just requested, "... onegai... miteinai."

And with that, Iian looked to the side so she did not have to look at the others, still feeling ever so shy about her exposure.

Just like that, her fan ratings skyrocketed! She would soon be on the next NewType magazine cover and centrepiece. For the fans.

But... even with the shyness and fan reception, Iian had Master-sama's honour to uphold. With that burning resolve pumping through her veins, she motioned forward, ready to find and take on the Halloween Spirits!
Hui Shang (played by XinonHyena)

It turned out that Yin's secret maido colour was purple. She looked with a momentary frown at what she looked like now. A purple bikini worn over a dark blue ninja-suit wasn't the worst combination, a little daring and tacky maybe.

It seems this maido drove a pretty hard bargain. Of course she wouldn't give up the secret of the straw hat this easily, but surely if Yin took care of some spirits she'd have a bit more leverage to ask again. She looked around to the others, nodding at the newcomers. "Alright lets round up some spirits then." She bend down and pulled a small pistol from her boot. She wasn't sure she could shoot these 'halloween spirits' but it was worth a try.
Ailana takes the offered glock. She eyes it like it has offended her ancestors.

"I don't have a hostler."

"Ohoh, watch, I saw Uncle Joh do this once!" Cassius carefully takes the firearm and tucks it into the waistband of his dress pants. "Tada!"

The pairs' older brother comes stomping back with a zombie riding his shoulders; he was compelled to return by Throthgar's yells. His steampunk suit looks more like a gundam now...with a speedo layered on top.

"Isaac, what's wrong wit' your suit?"
"Me...? What about you two?"

Ailana and Cassius look down. Sure enough, the neko children have...well...super kawaii swimsuits!!! layered over their outfits!

"Nya~?" Ailana squeals. The gun in Cassius' pants has been forgotten. "This is cute! Okay! We're ready to hunt Halloween spirits too!!"


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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus