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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Blackwing Manor

'Angel' of Death (played by MasterWinter)


(Visual reference of the home)

An old, two-story, Victorian home sat quietly, for the time, across the street from the local funeral home. The owner of this antique home was the same one who ran the funeral home. The colors of the home were obsidian, white, and royal purple. To top it all off, the home had the classic white picket fence in front of it. An odd combination for the streets of London, but the resident of said home was an oddball himself.

Halloween decorations were seen as far as the eye could see on the yard and up on the home its self. The coffin that was positioned on the porch to show a skeleton leaning out as though it was trying to escape, looked to be oddly real. Then again when you worked in a funeral home and were in charge of said funeral home, there were some perks to it. The decorations were very tame, compared to how Skull would have liked to have decorated his place, but his nephew advised him otherwise. There were downsides to running a funeral home, and being a mortician. Oh well.

Skull has extensive black fingernails and a noticeable scar across his face, neck, and left pinky finger. His robe is predominantly black, as accustom for dealing with death. A band of prayer beads sat around his neck, His long dark blue hair flowed freely behind him and around his shoulders, with one braid of hair on the right side of his face. Skull's hair semi-blended with his dark gray eyes that gleamed with the excitement of All Hallow's Eve. Skull sat in an old-fashioned rocking chair, with a cauldron full of candy beside him on a small table, unmoving in it to make himself appear as a lifelike doll. Until an unsuspecting Trick or Treater showed up and uttered the famous words: "Trick or Treat!"

A single fingernail would reach up and tap the individual on the arm if Skull didn't outright jump up from the chair to give a playful fright to the unsuspecting trick or treater.

Spessartine (played by FreeJayFly)

It was that time of the year again! That wonderful time when humans were giving out candies for kids to munch on, and what better way to use her abilities than moulding her shape into that of a younger human to join in on these festivities? Honestly, there were a lot of things to have been grateful for when it came to utilising the abilities of a Gem; this just happened to have been one of them in Spessartine's opinion.

Skipping down along the sidewalk, Spessartine's small form happily carried a big sack that had only been partially filled so far. As it was, it seemed that Spessartine had only just started on her annual trick-or-treating around the world in the places that celebrated it.

The Victorian era home caught Spess' eye quickly. It was big, it was festive, and no doubt whoever lived there had plenty of candies to give out.

With a grin spreading wide across her face, Spessartine quickly made her way up the stairs, bypassing the decor in the front to give a hearty knock on the door. Rocking back and forth on her feet, Spessartine awaited being gifted the goodies that came with All Hallow's Eve.
'Angel' of Death (played by MasterWinter) Topic Starter

Spessartine wrote:
All quoted posting here
It was that time of the year again! That wonderful time when humans were giving out candies for kids to munch on, and what better way to use her abilities than moulding her shape into that of a younger human to join in on these festivities? Honestly, there were a lot of things to have been grateful for when it came to utilising the abilities of a Gem; this just happened to have been one of them in Spessartine's opinion.

Skipping down along the sidewalk, Spessartine's small form happily carried a big sack that had only been partially filled so far. As it was, it seemed that Spessartine had only just started on her annual trick-or-treating around the world in the places that celebrated it.

The Victorian era home caught Spess' eye quickly. It was big, it was festive, and no doubt whoever lived there had plenty of candies to give out.

With a grin spreading wide across her face, Spessartine quickly made her way up the stairs, bypassing the decor in the front to give a hearty knock on the door. Rocking back and forth on her feet, Spessartine awaited being gifted the goodies that came with All Hallow's Eve.

The rocking chair that was near the door would continue to rock with the supposed life-like doll sitting in it. Slowly the left arm of the doll would begin to stretch out, and one long black nail would move to attempt to tap the individual upon their arm. Skull would do this simply from glancing out of the corner of his eye, not wanting to give anything away yet on the off chance that the trick or treater would spot the movement. One could simply guess he was a special animatronic, but that wasn't the case with Skull. He simply liked to see if he could put a brief scare into someone.
Nikola (played by ChaosRain16)

This was Nikola's first time trick-or-treating in a long time. The last time he had performed such an activity, he was a mere 12 years old. At that time, he was a ghost because...why not? Nikola wasn't always a big fan of Halloween due to people scaring him with their tricks. That was why he stopped at 12. However, this time was different. He missed the tradition and decided to dress up as a wood elf. Why? Nikola liked elves for some reason...and it was his older sister's idea.

He left Gaia City to collect candy from many different houses. It felt like being a kid again, except for the tricks, of course. Nikola couldn't believe the types of candy he was getting from all of the houses. Then, he stumbled upon a house that looked quite...spooky. It was a Victorian-like home with decorations galore and a yard that could scare away the neighbors. He approached the house slowly. Bucket in hand, he grasped it tightly to make sure no tricks were going to pop out at him. Nikola knocked on the door and took a step back.

"Trick-or-treat," Nikola called through the door.
'Angel' of Death (played by MasterWinter) Topic Starter

Nikola wrote:
All quoted posts here
This was Nikola's first time trick-or-treating in a long time. The last time he had performed such an activity, he was a mere 12 years old. At that time, he was a ghost because...why not? Nikola wasn't always a big fan of Halloween due to people scaring him with their tricks. That was why he stopped at 12. However, this time was different. He missed the tradition and decided to dress up as a wood elf. Why? Nikola liked elves for some reason...and it was his older sister's idea.

He left Gaia City to collect candy from many different houses. It felt like being a kid again, except for the tricks, of course. Nikola couldn't believe the types of candy he was getting from all of the houses. Then, he stumbled upon a house that looked quite...spooky. It was a Victorian-like home with decorations galore and a yard that could scare away the neighbors. He approached the house slowly. Bucket in hand, he grasped it tightly to make sure no tricks were going to pop out at him. Nikola knocked on the door and took a step back.

"Trick-or-treat," Nikola called through the door.

Ah! What luck! This was Skull's delight that Trick or Treater's braved his home this night!

Skull had been sitting very still within his rocking chair, so he decided to get up and give his old bones a break. The "life-like doll" would soon rise up from the rocking chair, and the chair made a creaking sound beside the individual who was at the door.

"My, my! Hello to you, brave Trick or Treater! Heheheheh..."

Skull's laugh was hearty and light, showing he was meaning no harm even if he did look frightful, especially with his visible scars which most would consider being fake. But they were as real as real could be.

"Not many brave stepping up to this old home, it's nice to see that you've done so."

Skull turned to the cauldron upon the table next to where he had sat, and brought it over so to reward the trick or treater.
Nikola (played by ChaosRain16)

Nikola smiled and picked out a couple of pieces. He placed them into his bucket and looked at the house. "I've never seen anything like this before. You must really like Halloween," he told the stranger at the door.
'Angel' of Death (played by MasterWinter) Topic Starter

Nikola wrote:
Nikola smiled and picked out a couple of pieces. He placed them into his bucket and looked at the house. "I've never seen anything like this before. You must really like Halloween," he told the stranger at the door.

"That I do indeed. I work with death all the time, so it's nice to do something different for a change."

Indicates with an outstretched arm, a long finger points to the Funeral Home across the street.

"I run the Funeral Home there. It's a gloomy business but someone has to do it. This is the first time I decided to take my nephews advice and try to enjoy something involving the living aside from the dead."
Spessartine (played by FreeJayFly)

With the movement and touch, Spessartine had quickly gone into a defensive mode, grasping her sack tightly and entering a combative stance. It was not uncommon for people to want to scare others, especially on Halloween. But... what kind of Gem would Spessartine be if she were to allow someone to sneak up on her if the situation really was a hostile one?

Looking at the rocking chair long and hard, Spessartine was still standing there with her fists ready to get tossed about should anything have continued. However, someone else approached, and it seemed that the person that was sitting in the chair had roused from their facade and had started conversing with the newcomer.

There was a long pause in thought as Spess did what she could to just process the information she picked up in the conversation, though once she was finally able to speak, she uncoiled the loose bits of her sack and pulled it open with a grin.

"You sure got me, mister! Trick or treat!"
Rose (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

((Angel of death, can you add me as a friend please?))
'Angel' of Death (played by MasterWinter) Topic Starter

Spessartine wrote:
All quoted posts here
With the movement and touch, Spessartine had quickly gone into a defensive mode, grasping her sack tightly and entering a combative stance. It was not uncommon for people to want to scare others, especially on Halloween. But... what kind of Gem would Spessartine be if she were to allow someone to sneak up on her if the situation really was a hostile one?

Looking at the rocking chair long and hard, Spessartine was still standing there with her fists ready to get tossed about should anything have continued. However, someone else approached, and it seemed that the person that was sitting in the chair had roused from their facade and had started conversing with the newcomer.

There was a long pause in thought as Spess did what she could to just process the information she picked up in the conversation, though once she was finally able to speak, she uncoiled the loose bits of her sack and pulled it open with a grin.

"You sure got me, mister! Trick or treat!"

Skull looked to his first guest and grinned a big grin.

"So sorry to have startled you so, but I like to give small frights here and there, nothing serious I assure you."

Moving the cauldron to the female so she too could get some candy, Skull may seem scary and mischevious, but he did mean well.

"I hope you are enjoying tonight!"
'Angel' of Death (played by MasterWinter) Topic Starter

FoxyTheWarrior wrote:
((Angel of death, can you add me as a friend please?))

((Have sent.))
Nikola (played by ChaosRain16)

Nikola nodded as he heard the host's story. He looked at the funeral home across the street. It also had a creepy vibe, but it didn't phase him too much. He then turned to the other guest in the area, who jumped back in surprise. He giggled at the guest.

"I must be the only one who wasn't startled that easily," he chuckled. He then looked at the host again. "Well, I like your decorations for the occasion. It's been a while since I've done this sort of thing, and I like it when people decorate their houses for Halloween."

Nikola smiled as he finished his sentence. He was too excited about Halloween. As he realized this, he took a couple of breaths and turned to the other guest. "I assume you like Halloween a lot, too, huh?"
'Angel' of Death (played by MasterWinter) Topic Starter

Nikola wrote:
All quoted posts here
Nikola nodded as he heard the host's story. He looked at the funeral home across the street. It also had a creepy vibe, but it didn't phase him too much. He then turned to the other guest in the area, who jumped back in surprise. He giggled at the guest.

"I must be the only one who wasn't startled that easily," he chuckled. He then looked at the host again. "Well, I like your decorations for the occasion. It's been a while since I've done this sort of thing, and I like it when people decorate their houses for Halloween."

Nikola smiled as he finished his sentence. He was too excited about Halloween. As he realized this, he took a couple of breaths and turned to the other guest. "I assume you like Halloween a lot, too, huh?"

"Sometimes people are easily startled or frightened, others such as yourself not so much. But there is never anything wrong with that."

Skull would say to Nikola, before giving a nod to his words about the decorations.

"Thank you. I would have made it even more fitting for Hallow's Eve, but my nephew advised me against it."

Skull paused in thought a moment, tapping a long black fingernail against his chin.

"Something about not wanting to scare any Trick or Treaters to death..."

Skull would then give a one-shoulder shrug at that.

"Oh well. I guess it wouldn't do good if I ended up making myself all the more busy at the funeral home, now would it? Heheh..."
Annebelle (played by Fantasygirl2)

Hey can I play
'Angel' of Death (played by MasterWinter) Topic Starter

Annebelle wrote:
Hey can I play

((Anyone is welcome to join in))
Annebelle (played by Fantasygirl2)

Assallya Kressair (played by Slain)

The elven sorceress had no idea exactly what was going on. She had stood in the street bewildered for some time. Coming from another world and rooted in the past she already looked like she was in costume given her long silk sleeves but once she finally made sense of what was happening around her she used her spellcraft to summon up an illusion around herself.

With a few spoken arcane syllables, gone was the beautiful blonde elven woman. She was replaced by a succubus. Her long braided red hair tumbled over her shoulders and wings extended out from her shoulder blades. Now she fit in with all the rest wandering the neighbourhood as she padded barefoot down the middle of the street.

There were similar events where she came from but the giving of candy wasn't a part of it. She had tried going from door to door. She'd used the same queer mystical phrase and received some candy but the entire process was just so slow going.

That was when she got the idea to simply perform "Tricks". After all, it was a "Treat" for her.

Turning towards a young girl in a pink princess costume. She muttered several soft words and manipulated her fingers.

"You want to give me all your candy don't you?"

The little girl hesitated. She frowned. Finally, the little girl handed over her small orange pumpkin shaped basket and Assallya walked away, dumping her spoils in a larger bag she'd already purloined from another young child.

She chuckled to herself. It was so easy... like taking candy from a child!
Annebelle (played by Fantasygirl2)

* Annebelle sat in the corner waiting for her older brother to finish talking to his friends. She had a fairly nice amount of candy already but she was most excited to get to the haunted house.

She wore a cute Princess Leia costume. She had a wig over her white blond hair and a hood also. Funny thing was she was shorter than everyone else she was only 5,0. Her costume had a long white dress with white shoes and she had a cute r2-d2 candy bucket. She say and waited in the curb waiting endlessly until she decided she's go by herself.

After a couple of houses she felt pretty good. She had a bucket filled with candy. One house even gave her a full sized chocolate bar. She was so excited
'Angel' of Death (played by MasterWinter) Topic Starter

Skull turned from his two guests that were on his porch, and his attention was upon the two nearby. A brow would be raised as he sensed the supernatural around. Namely the succubus that he could see, as he also sensed another but he couldn't quite pin down the other that he sensed nearby. A spirit perhaps? Skull forgot that on Hallow's Eve, it wasn't just for the mortals to enjoy themselves. He would need to keep an eye on those who were near his home.
Annebelle (played by Fantasygirl2)

Annebelle ran past a house seeing a man on his porch. She smiled as waves to him*

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