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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Adreana Imogen Lane

Adreana Imogen Lane (played by 8_Stars_8)

"Do you want some candy?" She asks with wide, excited eyes. She was smiling at her first trick or treater.

Hantaywee (played anonymously)

Hantaywee would approach the door of this home second. He had never been off the reservation and his friends told him he should experience Halloween. He put on a cowboy hat and pulled on a shirt unbuttoned, he would be a cowboy this year. He smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror, his hair freshly washed, smoothing out the shirt some that hung open. He reached up adjusting his white hat a little that matched his white shirt then headed out, walking down the road to the next house. He would approach the door and reach out, his hand about to knock when he heard a voice stepping back. "Um...I believe I say Trick or Treat before you give candy..." He smiling a little at this fun holiday, what a kind thing it was to go out and meet people in the community and receive candy at the same time. "Would you like a piece of the candy I got from the last home in exchange? Why can't this holiday be a treat for the giver as well, nature is sacred...all things should give to one another in the circle of life."
Lyra (played by EterniGhost)

Lyra walked along the stone path, her shoes clicking on the ground with each step. Her satchel was getting heavier with each house, but she couldn't say no to all that candy. As a cold breeze blew by, Lyra pulled her witch's costume closer around her. Finally, she approached a big house, that almost looked mansion-like. A human was handing out candy at its entrance, and she hurried up, as another humanoid also approached. "Trick or treat!"
Adreana Imogen Lane (played by 8_Stars_8) Topic Starter

Adreana just looked at them with a slightly creepy smile. She was holding out a bowl with an...odd assortment of candies. Ones which you probably wouldn't want to eat. There were candies that you'd never heard of, ones that were...disturbing, and ones that just made you scream "POISONED". But Adreana popped one in her mouth and looked completely fine.
Hantaywee (played anonymously)

"Thank you." He said to the woman, taking the candy and putting it in his sack. He watched her eat a piece and smiled. "I should have one with you." He took the candy, placing it into his mouth and began to chew, swallowing. His eyes blinked as he waited to see what the flavor and effect of the candy would be. "You are kind to be so generous with treats...would you like a piece of the candy I received from the last house I visited?"
Lyra (played by EterniGhost)

Lyra awkwardly reached around the other humanoid for a piece of candy. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the variety of colors and shapes that there were. Not wanting to be rude, she grabbed a small, toffee-colored piece. She had seen the candy-giver eat some, so it probably wouldn't kill her, right? As usual, paranoid thoughts began clouding her mind. It's Halloween, the perfect time to kill some strangers and pass it off as a joke. She politely thanked the human and left, regretting every decision she had made that night.
Adreana Imogen Lane (played by 8_Stars_8) Topic Starter

The toxin in the candy was mostly harmless, but it did cause some...unwanted side effects. You would begin to foam at the mouth like a rabid dog. You're eyes would develop a red tint, and there was also a possibility of you to break out into pus filled blisters. But, this poison had no reaction on Adreana, since she had years of experimentation with it. She looks over his shoulder, just staring at nothing in particular, before looking back at him. "Sure." She says bluntly.
Hantaywee (played anonymously)

He handed the woman some of his candy, and then realized his mouth was beginning to foam. He coughed, as he spit it out on the ground. His eyes began to redden and soon pus filled blisters began to form on his skin. He looked down at his abdominal area pushing on one as it popped...the ooze dripping down his pelvis and over his pants. He looked up at the woman, then frowned a little. "What would compel you to do this to someone?" Froth dripping down his chin and over his chest as his red eyes blinked, closing slowly. As he frowned another blister popped on his cheek blood and puss dripping down his jawline and neck...another one popping on his chest, more fluids oozing down his chest and stomach. He frowned a little. "A mean trick." He said simply sighing. "You win." He said frowning as he turned lowering his head walking away slowly.
Adreana Imogen Lane (played by 8_Stars_8) Topic Starter

Adreana giggles. She didn't realize that most people wouldn't enjoy that. But, she was a special person....
Hantaywee (played anonymously)

He would turn around slowly attempting to hug Adreana. If the hug was made he would squeeze hard to try and pop all the pussy soars all over her.
Adreana Imogen Lane (played by 8_Stars_8) Topic Starter

Adreana backs away from him, unsure what he was trying to do. "What are you doing?" She asks.
Hantaywee (played anonymously)

He looked at her and smirked. "Your trick was rotten, I was attempting to hug you to burst these pussy sores all over you...sorry, it was rude of me. Sorry." He said looking to her. "How long will this last?"

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