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Forums » Smalltalk » Do not blink!

Darth_Angelus Moderator

This probably won't make sense if you're not a Doctor Who fan, but if you are...


I was TERRIFIED of those episodes!!! FIOWHOWHOIHSOH!! Weeping angels scare the SNOT out of me! I would sit there watching Dr. Who with my mom, holding a pillow as tight as I could and STARING AT THE SCREEN BECAUSE I WAS SCARED TO BLINK.

Hahahaa. As soon as I read the thread subject I was wondering if it had something to do with Doctor Who. I really like the monsters in the most recent episode.
Dragonfire Moderator

Whatever holds the image of an angel...

Yeah, no, ain't clicking. :p
Lol. Just. Lol. That's creepy. XD All I'm sayin'.

Help us, Doctor Hooves!

Blink was probably one of the most terrifying episodes of Doctor Who ever. Somehow, though, when they were in the newer ones they weren't as scary. I think once you saw them moving it took all the mystery and scariness of them away. The part where it's on the tape is scary as hell, of course. Scariness comes from the corner of your eye and when you're not watching it will take two baby steps forward.

I love that a lot of Whovians are also fans of the new Ponies series. I especially love that they intentionally put in a Tenth Doctor lookalike pony with an hourglass on his rump. :P
Darth_Angelus Topic Starter Moderator

They really are creepy, aren't they?

I agree Ell, the second story they appeared in wasn't quite so scary, but it was still up there.

But I still like them, they are probably my favourite Doctor Who monster so far :)

..Yep, first thing I thought when I read the title was "DOCTOR WHO!"

......must.. not.. blink.

Weeping angels... I thought they were awesome. >w<
Ilmarinen Moderator

<hipster> Pfsh. I liked it before it was cool. </hipster>

I DID like Blink, though. The Weeping Angels are really cool villains. But mainly I liked Blink for the story surrounding it, the way everything wove together... the story was just incredibly strong and artistic.
And here I thought it had something to do with SCP-173... Cool anyway. Yeah, the Tenth Doctor had some awesome episodes, and that was one of the best.

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