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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trick-or-Treat: Oriana's Medieval Halloween

Oriana had her decorations all ready to go: cobwebs, a few spiders and ghosts, even some tombstones in the front yard. She even added some swords and knights to the mix, as her theme this year was medieval. Last year's theme didn't exactly bring as many guests as she expected, but she hoped this year would be better.

"Perfect," she muttered to herself. "Now, to grab the candy..."

She grabbed the plastic cauldron sitting in her living room and placed it by the door. Oriana then headed to the bathroom and put on her costume. This year, she was a knight. She borrowed the armor from a friend, and her sword was placed into its hilt. She left the helmet off so that she wouldn't sweat too much. Oriana walked up to the door, picked up the cauldron of candy, and stepped outside. Even though the blacksmith didn't show it, she couldn't wait to have trick-or-treaters coming to her house.
Travelling the lands made for interesting discoveries and exchanges when it came to cultures and celebrations. One common holiday that seemed to crop up everywhere was some form of autumn celebration. Most of the colours were the same: warm and earthy tones.

Fog started to tease at his ankles, and Nuell looked around as soon as the fog was growing somewhat denser. He was not sure if he should have continued since it was starting to get late. However, what made him venture a little further were the excessive decorations that he managed to get sight of. Armour, spiders, ghosts, webbing.... Really, it just seemed too excessive to not be someone's decorations.

Walking along a little further on the trail, Nuell saw a house and made his way over with a heightened sense of curiosity as well as the expectancy of celebration of some form of spooky event that seemed apparent. A woman had just made her way out of the house with a cauldron of candies. A smile found its way onto the sheepman's face as he amicably approached the home with a small wave of greeting.

"A good eve to you, madam. Curiosity brings me to question: are you celebrating a tradition called 'Halloween'?" Nuell asked, genuine in his question.
Oriana Godfrey (played by ChaosRain16) Topic Starter

Oriana nodded her head and waved to the guest.

“Good evening to you, and yes I am,” she responded. “Feel free to come inside and look around. Also, grab a few candies for yourself.”

The knight sat there and smiled at the guest. Secretly, she was excited but didn’t show it.
Dorian Moreau (played anonymously)

Dorian was tired after a long day of walking ... she had encountered nobody for miles and she felt a little lost. Her dragonhide boots were comfortable, but still, she longed to rest a bit, and maybe speak to another human. When she saw the house and the Halloween decorations, her face bloomed in a smile. Finally she would meet someone. She hurried her steps eagerly when she saw a woman disguised as a knight and a sheepman. Stopping for a bit, she waved her hand to clean up the grime, and smiled pleased when the dragonhide suit and the traveling cloak she was wearing were again presentable. "Good evening to both! I am Dorian, Dorian Moreau, traveling witch, at your service."
Oriana Godfrey (played by ChaosRain16) Topic Starter

Oriana quickly turned around and saw another guest at her door. She introduced herself as a traveling witch, which (hehe...puns) fascinated the knight. She smiled as she greeted her guest and extended her arm toward the door.

"Hello, Ms. Dorian. I'm Oriana Godfrey. Hope you're having a happy Halloween. Please come inside and grab a few treats for yourself. Take a look around," Oriana told the witch.

Oriana still contained her excitement, but she knew that there would be more people coming to her house this year than ever before. She decided to follow her guests into the house and turned up the radio a little bit. There was a mix of Halloween music, as well as classical medieval music, per her theme of medieval.

"I hope the decorations don't startle you too much. I like to keep it semi-scary but family-friendly as well," she told the guests.
Dorian Moreau (played anonymously)

Dorian smiled at the lady of the house who was dressed as a knight, and refrained from explaining that she was a real witch, not just dressed for the night. She looked around curiously at the decorations. She liked the medieval theme. Dorian was of course quite familiar with the non-magical world, but during the last years after Hogwarts she had traveled mostly to the more exotic places, often in search of old forgotten spells and lore, and had interacted very little with the non-magicals. She smiled, sneaking a sweet and listening to the wireless, rather pleased with her new acquaintance,

Dorian suddenly wished she had something more presentable than her dragonhide uniform to wear. It was after all quite the occasion, especially if more guests would be arriving. Luckily, she was a dab hand with a few wandless illusion spells, and unseen, underneath the traveling cloak she was still wearing, changed the top of her suit to look like an elegant green silk blouse, matching her eyes.
Ettie Huang (played anonymously)

Ettie was very confused at the moment. In her day, this "Hallow's Een" event hadn't been a thing, but to these folks? Well, they just went all out, didn't they? So Ettie seized her chance, throwing on her most cowboy-y outfit and hopping on the bandwagon. She had heard that cowboys were a popular costume anyway.

It was quite a while before she reached any houses, but one, in particular, struck a certain chord in Ettie's mind. The house was done up to be reminiscent of medieval times, something Ettie remembered only briefly studying in secondary school before she left for the West. She was very intrigued.

Walking up to the door of the spooky house, she noticed two other folks already there, the door agape. Still, she thought it best to knock on the decorated door. "Trick 'r' Treat!" She called in. "At least, I think that's what I'm supposed to say," she murmured after.
Oriana Godfrey (played by ChaosRain16) Topic Starter

Oriana smiled as she heard a knock on the door. She walked up and opened it. It was a girl in a cowboy costume. She seemed a bit lost, but that didn’t phase Oriana.

“Hello there! Come on in! Grab a sweet or two and look around the house. No need to be scared,” the knight told her.
Ettie Huang (played anonymously)

Ettie broke out into a smile and sidled past the knight, tipping her hat as she did so. "Thank y', ma'am. It's much appreciated," she replied, snatching up a couple of candies in the loudest packaging she'd ever seen.

Ettie moved around the living room, a bit frightened to go further, but also that was where the other two trick-or-treaters were. Maybe Ettie would get to talk to them...
Dorian Moreau (played anonymously)

Dorian had taken out her traveling cloak and was poking around curiously, when a cowboy girl made her appearance. It was turning into quite the party. Unfortunately, one could not conjure food, otherwise Dorian would have been hard pressed not to magic up some wizarding candy to add to the pile. But one could conjure some party tricks. Her wand hidden, Dorian made as if she was reaching into a pocket of her cloak ... and pulled out some miniature carved pumpkins. As she was giving them out to the hostess and the other trick-or-treaters, she was wandlessly lighting them with a silent Lumos, also making them screech, while smiling mysteriously ... Next she remembered she had some chocolate frogs stashed away in her traveling bag ... Those were perfect. "There, she said with a happy smile handing them at all those around, a few wizarding tricks and treats, to match the atmosphere and thank our hostess."
Oriana Godfrey wrote:
Oriana nodded her head and waved to the guest.

“Good evening to you, and yes I am,” she responded. “Feel free to come inside and look around. Also, grab a few candies for yourself.”

The knight sat there and smiled at the guest. Secretly, she was excited but didn’t show it.

"Ah, thank you for the invitation, my good lady," Nuell replied with a bit of a bow before his ear flicked and he turned his attention to some of the others that were arriving. His smile remained on his face as he turned he looked back to Oriana and continued on to say, "it seems that you will be quite busy this evening."

As Oriana went to entertain the two people that had appeared, Nuell took the invitation to heart, looking around and admiring the dedication to the holiday.

Looking over the proffered treats, Nuell took a couple and placed them in his pouch before rounding back to mingle with the other guests and even watch as Dorian had started to do some tricks to entertain both the host and the other guest, Ettie. These tricks seemed to include offering some items to everyone that was around as well! What a treat indeed!

Taking up the miniature pumpkin, Nuell looked it over, grinning as he found himself impressed with what he was witness to. The self-lighting pumpkins were perhaps one of the more interesting things he had seen. After all, the pumpkins felt authentic, and it did not seem as if they had anything battery powered in them. Most impressive indeed!

"My thanks!" Nuell said, looking to Dorian.
Oriana Godfrey (played by ChaosRain16) Topic Starter

This was the time of Oriana's life! She had plenty of people visiting her house, taking up on her offer of looking around and having a few treats along the way. The music was still going, and the decorations kept up with the amount of guests coming into the house. However, she noticed that some treats were running low. Oriana walked into the kitchen and pulled out another tray of treats. She placed them on the table so that other guests can have some later on.

"I hope everyone is enjoying themselves," she told the guests. "I have some more treats and snacks here if you'd like some. Take some for the road, share with a friend, do whatever you'd like."

For the first time that night, Oriana actually smiled. It was a sign that the knight couldn't contain her excitement anymore. She then looked at the guests again, observing them as they mingle with each other and munching on her treats.
"I'm definitely enjoying myself! Thank you for the invitation, Miss...?" Nuell paused in the middle of his statement and then looked thoroughly embarrassed as he then continued. "I do apologise, my good lady. I fear I did not get your name when I arrived."

Bowing graciously and politely, Nuell looked to Oriana and introduced himself formally: "my name is Nuell Litthus, a traveller of Mitakuye."
Oriana Godfrey (played by ChaosRain16) Topic Starter

"Oh, it's all right," Oriana told the guest. "My name's Oriana. It's a pleasure to meet you, Nuell." She bowed back. "I am glad you are enjoying yourself." She smiled as she continued to converse with the guest known as Nuell. "You said you're from Mitakuye? Sounds like it's a bit far from here. Where is that?"

Curiosity got the better of Oriana during that conversation. Just then, an alarm rang out. Shoot! The cookies! she thought as she attempted to scurry to the oven. "My apologies. I'll be right back." She then hustled to the oven and took the cookies out. They were cute little pumpkin shaped sugar cookies, as well as some ghost shaped ones and cat shaped ones. She set them on top of the stove to cool down so that the guests could decorate them later.
Jess (played by Abigail_Austin)

Jess approached a house and heard some pleasant chatter and saw many people mingling inside. She looked over the decorations in the front yard and grinned. Maybe this would be a fun place to hang out.

She was dressed as a Vulcan from Star Trek.

She walked up to the door and knocked.

"Trick or treat!" she shouted as the door opened. Then she tried to make her face serious and emotionless, like that of a Vulcan.

"I mean...trick or treat. Your medieval theme is fascinating," she said in an unemotional tone, raising one eyebrow.
Oriana Godfrey (played by ChaosRain16) Topic Starter

Oriana heard a knock on the door and opened it. It was a girl dressed as...well, Oriana had no idea. She raised an eyebrow at the girl, but then she smiled.

"Hello, there, and thank you. I wanted to do something different this year," the knight told the girl. "Please come in. We have treats and snacks galore, and we'll be decorating cookies in a minute or two."
Jess (played by Abigail_Austin)


Jess smiled politely at the knight and nodded. She felt of her plastic, pointy ears...they were not loose, and she rubbed her eye where a smidge of green makeup was mixing with salty sweat and making her eye sting. She tugged on the bottom of her blue uniform to straighten it and the triangular symbol of Starfleet on her chest shined a bit as it adjusted in the light. Her phaser was in it's holster, everything was in order. She was ready to enter the party.

"Thank you, kindly, I would love to stay and look around," Jess said, and she entered through the door, greeting other people and admiring their costumes.
Oriana Godfrey wrote:
"Oh, it's all right," Oriana told the guest. "My name's Oriana. It's a pleasure to meet you, Nuell." She bowed back. "I am glad you are enjoying yourself." She smiled as she continued to converse with the guest known as Nuell. "You said you're from Mitakuye? Sounds like it's a bit far from here. Where is that?"

Curiosity got the better of Oriana during that conversation. Just then, an alarm rang out. Shoot! The cookies! she thought as she attempted to scurry to the oven. "My apologies. I'll be right back." She then hustled to the oven and took the cookies out. They were cute little pumpkin shaped sugar cookies, as well as some ghost shaped ones and cat shaped ones. She set them on top of the stove to cool down so that the guests could decorate them later.

"The pleasure is all mine. And of course, with decor that fits the theme of the occasion, and such a generous host, who wouldn't be having a great time?" Nuell asked, complementing Oriana all the while. Once she had asked about his homelands, Nuell looked a little distant as he smiled softly, "ah... they're northern eastern lands. The lands have harsh winters at times, though many of us make do with what we have."

As Oriana excused herself, Nuell simply nodded his head in acknowledgement and watched as she departed. The smells from the kitchen oven were amazingly sweet.
Oriana Godfrey (played by ChaosRain16) Topic Starter

Oriana nodded as she observed the guests mingling with each other and discussing other topics of interest. She felt glad to know that her Halloween party took off more than she expected. She walked over to the cookies and placed her hand underneath the tray. It was cool enough. Oriana brought the tray toward the guests with a smile on her face. She then brought over icing with different colors and placed them next to the cookies.

"Attention, everyone!" she called out as the guests turned to look at her. "I just want to say thank you for coming to my house for this wondrous occasion. It's been a pleasure having you all here and mingling. Now, I want to thank you guys with a special treat. In front of you are Halloween-themed cookies, and icing of different colors." She pointed to each color. "We have orange, green, purple, pink, blue, black, and white. You can decorate them however you want, and you can have them now or when you walk out the door. Have fun, enjoy, and Happy Halloween!"

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