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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Sol et Dormit

Sol (played by AgitoAceXIII)

A time of year in which the children didn't fear the horrors they'd be subjected to war, a peaceful day, or so...However, one man was not willing to accept it.

That's right. Sol didn't WANT to relax at all, but, nonetheless, sighed as he sat down, almost hoping nobody would show up, but, nonetheless, was prepared if it were to happen...
Alecto (played anonymously)

The elemental who was named Alecto was really in a bad mood. What the hell was this Halloween crap, what happened to the old traditions? Twas at times like this when she felt her age ... thankfully, none of this showed on her face as she made her way through ... anything to alleviate the boredom and get rid of her two sisters ...

She had dressed for the occasion though, sort of. She would never leave her precious dragonhide suit of course, but had added a few nice touches to her cloak, and some jewelry, and she had finally found some flame-resistant makeup to showcase her red eyes. She smirked ... she was sure to make quite an impression ... she was rather looking forward to scaring some people today.

Sol (played by AgitoAceXIII) Topic Starter

Even after countless objections to his superiors, even, he'd simply been thinking to himself. He'd worn his light armor, standard issue with his own modifications. "Nothing better for the General himself" , they said. Nonetheless, it made him look like some kinda knight.

He'd obviously added a royal purple (or really just indigo, I guess) cape to his...Uh, uniform, and, even wore a medal or two, but nonetheless, didn't seem to stick out to the kids, who'd all eventually come to him, and he'd give them candies of various sorts, however once he'd been clear for a short while, he spat out "Quod non facere ut ex hoc..." (Basically: What I wouldn't do get out of this...), even after seeming to notice the female that seemed, well...sorta dressed up...
Alecto (played anonymously)

Alecto smirked when she saw him handing out candy with a grumpy face, apparently someone else was feeling this was a farce. At least she did not show her annoyance so openly. In want of some amusement, she approached at a leisurely pace, then made certain to measure him head to toe, smirk and fix him with a red stare that would have made even a lower demon run in fright. "Trick or Treat?" she asked, conjuring a fireball in her left palm and playing with it casually ...

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