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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Cirque du Bliss

Alexis Seaburg (played by Gab)

It was a cool Autumn night and Alexis and her crew were busy with their Halloween-themed event for people of all races, ages, and genders. While normally, things the circus held at night would only be meant for adult audiences, Alexis had closed down the more adult aspects of the circus for the night and simply decided to host a family-friendly event. After all, it was Halloween and in her opinion, Halloween thrills were best held during the night.

The event Alexis was running was a sort of haunted house, trick or treating mixture. Kids could roam around the circus area and be able to go up to booths to either ask for candy or a spooky--yet still kid-friendly-- trick, usually just something popping out of the booth. Both kids and parents seemed to enjoy this little event, even if it were rather simple. Besides, not all booths gave out candy. There were also booths that handed out free souvenirs or even tickets to one of the shows the circus put on, though these were for during the day, of course, so the shows wouldn't have the adult aspects in them.

There were also plenty of other activities for children and adults alike to participate in aside from the booths. And, for those who didn't want what the booths offered or just wanted a break from the festivities, there was a food table as well as an area simply for relaxing. Alexis herself was stationed in front of the circus, of course, happily greeting customers as they came in. She didn't need to collect any money as everything in this this event, including admission, was completely free of charge. Sure she may run the circus to be able to support her family, but that didn't mean she couldn't host a few events that were completely free to the public.
Pokemon Trainers (played by KansasVenomoth)

The day started out like any other for the Wentz siblings as they had begun wandering around the Sinnoh region in search of Celia's next Pokémon and their next gym badge. Though, their adventure would be cut short as a strange portal had showed up outta nowhere. They were curious idiots and figured that nothing could go wrong, so they wandered through the portal and ended up in a completely different world, though it seemed they landed right in the middle of a festival of some sort.

Seeing that it seemed to be child centered, Celia became excited and energetic, beginning to practically drag Cyrus behind her. "C'mon, brother! We've got no time to waste!" She stated with a giggle, her Minccino was clinging to get shoulder, though she was also quite happy. Cyrus laughed softly, "Slow down, kiddo, you're gonna tucker out before we get anywhere!" Eventually they wound up at a small booth with numerous goodies. "I wonder where the owner is? All of this looks good." Celia giggled a little .
Ruby Hearth (played by Gab) Topic Starter

Ruby had ended up being the one manning the booth that the twins had ended up at. She laughed a little when Celia wondered where the owner was. "You mean Alexis? You should've met her coming in. And yeah, this stuff does look pretty good, doesn't it? Would you like to try something?" she responded with a smile. The booth did have numerous goodies, most of them being chocolate bars, marshmallows, and popcorn balls. There were also some graham crackers and a small controlled fire blazing near the booth for customers who wanted to make their own s'mores.

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