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Forums » Looking for RP » One Crisis at a Time (Sci-fi Adventure) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

The Avant-garde (played by Riik)

You've been looking for a life that puts your skills to the test. A life of adventure and excitement, free to drift through space on your own terms. Look no further - a space has opened up aboard the Avant-garde, crewed by an eccentric bunch of freelancers. Are you brave enough to become one of them?


Players aged 16+ are preferred. If you're a year or so younger than that and feel you're more mature than average, we can discuss things, but there will be extra limits set on RP to keep everyone comfortable regarding the age gap.

This is a multi-paragraph RP. If you feel you can't maintain a pace of about 2 paragraphs average per post, this might not be for you. Also, expect long posts from me early on - don't feel obligated to keep up with them and don't expect them to persist throughout; it'd be mostly due to me setting the scene.

The crew of the Avant-garde are a gang of freelance do-gooders who roam the galaxy looking for thrill and adventure whilst they lend their hand to resistance movements, law enforcement agencies and citizens in need of aid. Captained by a 213-year-old genetically engineered life-form with a blood-thirsty first officer, a potted plant for a navigator, a war veteran on the main guns, an arachnoid engineer, a lizard doctor, a small martial-arts master with no eyes, a kid at the helm and a weird purple-furred pet that shoots energy from its limbs, there is rarely a dull day.

So I've been putting this crew together for a while now, though it's been a slow process. A fairly recent RP I've been involved in has given me cause to speed up developing these wacky guys, and I now feel I'm in a position where I'm ready to start using these guys in an RP as a single unit.

This is a fairly open-ended adventure idea. The starting point will be based around the character you want to play, but the result should be an action-packed space opera with a bunch of wacky aliens. Your character will replace one of the crew members listed on the Avant-garde's profile based on their skillset... of course, they'd have to be recruited first! Not all of the characters are replaceable, however, so below is a list of available positions on the ship:

- Navigator

- Weapons Operator

- Engineer

- Scientist

- Medic

- Pilot (Note, the previous pilot - Kiro - will remain a part of the crew, but have other duties instead)

This is a 1x1 scenario, though I'll be playing the majority of the crew and any plot-related NPCs.
Magic 30%
Some magic. Few can use it, but most of the players probably won't have it. Magical characters will likely believe that they are all alone.
Technology 90%
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (faster than light)
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

I can do the scientist!
The Avant-garde (played by Riik) Topic Starter

Spiteful wrote:
I can do the scientist!

You got a character in mind?
Dan Burrow (played anonymously)

This man will be a good weapons operator if needed. I will strip him of his powers if needed, but not his madness.
The Avant-garde (played by Riik) Topic Starter

Dan Burrow wrote:
This man will be a good weapons operator if needed. I will strip him of his powers if needed, but not his madness.

Hmm... depends on two things really...

First - So long as there's no 4th-wall breaking. I appreciate the humour of it in certain media, but I don't tend to enjoy it in RPs.

Second - Dimension stuff. I'm not against dimension-jumping. Heck, I have an RP prompt somewhere on this site based around it. But I'm wary of it happening in RPs that aren't centred around the premise. If you're fine with Dan being from the same dimension the RP takes place, then cool. I'm even fine with the Earth blowing up if you wanna keep that part of your backstory.
Dan Burrow (played anonymously)

I can do with the no 4th wall breakage and dimension stuff, but may he teleport in-dimension or should I tone it down?
The Avant-garde (played by Riik) Topic Starter

Dan Burrow wrote:
I can do with the no 4th wall breakage and dimension stuff, but may he teleport in-dimension or should I tone it down?

I'm fine with teleportation, so long as it involves some sort of technology instead of it being a power (like a teleportation belt or something). As long as it's not too powerful (so short distances and limit number of uses before it needs recharging).
Dan Burrow (played anonymously)

How about one hundred meters distance, it's an implant powered by space radiation left from when earth exploded, that trapped in him, and he can drag things as big as a van with him?

Edit: Also how do you handle violence, gore and language strong enough to make a sailor weep?
The Avant-garde (played by Riik) Topic Starter

Dan Burrow wrote:
How about one hundred meters distance, it's an implant powered by space radiation left from when earth exploded, that trapped in him, and he can drag things as big as a van with him?

Reduce that to a small compact car and you have a deal (so long as the teleporter can't be used constantly - either due to having limited uses per day before needing to recover radiation energy or due to having an effect on Dan's fatigue energy).

Also, I'm fine with violence (within reason) and I can handle gore (so long as it's not just gore for gore's sake... I'd rather the info be relevant). Language... if it's IC or a character's thoughts, fine. But I find swearing in general narration to be kinda silly-looking.
The Avant-garde wrote:
Spiteful wrote:
I can do the scientist!

You got a character in mind?

Well, I have a physicist that I can easily tweak to fit this RP. His name is Charles, though I don't believe his profile is 100% done yet.
Dan Burrow (played anonymously)

The Avant-garde wrote:

Deal. Also, man is a mad irish, it will be IC.
The Avant-garde (played by Riik) Topic Starter

Spiteful wrote:
Well, I have a physicist that I can easily tweak to fit this RP. His name is Charles, though I don't believe his profile is 100% done yet.

I prefer to have a potential partner's character details at hand before I start an RP... particularly one like this one where said character would influence the opening point of the RP.

I could potentially be a bit more lenient here, as long as you let me know where you want your character to fit into things. Like... would you rather mankind be spacefaring, or would you prefer your character picked up off modern-day Earth... that kinda thing. Basically so I can build up a starting point.
Dan Burrow wrote:
Deal. Also, man is a mad irish, it will be IC.

Alright, I'll drop you a PM so we can discuss a starting point to the RP.
Why don't you take a look and just pm me with any questions? I tend to leave my characters a little less detailed so that they'll fit into a wider variety of plots and then tweak them to fit in. It might be interesting if he's taken from Earth without him knowing he was going to be, so he's thrust into this whole thing with no knowledge of what's going on. But in any case, we'll discuss all this via PM! ;)
The Avant-garde (played by Riik) Topic Starter

Spiteful wrote:
Why don't you take a look and just pm me with any questions? I tend to leave my characters a little less detailed so that they'll fit into a wider variety of plots and then tweak them to fit in. It might be interesting if he's taken from Earth without him knowing he was going to be, so he's thrust into this whole thing with no knowledge of what's going on. But in any case, we'll discuss all this via PM! ;)

Fair enough. The reason I want characters outlined before I pick partners is to rule out potential incompatibilities and prevent scenarios with a lot of detailed discussions that eventually get nowhere because a compromise can't be reached (that and I also want partners to know what they want to play in the RP beforehand). But if as you say the lack of detail is to keep a character open-ended, I can get with that.

I'll drop you a PM in a bit.
Is this still a thing? Because I have an idea how my one and only character could fit into this if it is...I just joined this site and this would be my first actual rp here
Ok I am looking to join if possible. Need to create character. Does it have to be a do-gooder or does neutral individualist fit yer preference?

This is what I am proposing: Add a new crew member, being a chef/supercargo. Supercargo means the person in charge of loading goods upon the ship at various ports of call, with a little trading thrown in to boot. If the Avant-garde is willing to take passengers from time to time, or out of need, the supercargo is there to ensure their comfort.

Just an idea I am tossing about, if you feel it us valid let me know and such a character I shall create.

(Love the name by the way... does the ship's design do it justice?)
The Avant-garde (played by Riik) Topic Starter

Harlekyn wrote:
Ok I am looking to join if possible. Need to create character. Does it have to be a do-gooder or does neutral individualist fit yer preference?

This is what I am proposing: Add a new crew member, being a chef/supercargo. Supercargo means the person in charge of loading goods upon the ship at various ports of call, with a little trading thrown in to boot. If the Avant-garde is willing to take passengers from time to time, or out of need, the supercargo is there to ensure their comfort.

Just an idea I am tossing about, if you feel it us valid let me know and such a character I shall create.

(Love the name by the way... does the ship's design do it justice?)

Neutral is fine as long as they follow orders enough not to get booted out of the crew. There's already a couple of neutrals in the default crew.

It's a small ex-military vessel, so it's very cramped (it's also not designed for long-term missions, but due to its ability to punch well above its size class, it's still a pretty desirable ship). There's no kitchen, so no real use for a chef and no real ability to take in passengers. So the crew wouldn't really have much use for someone with such roles, particularly with the limited space.

Currently, cargo management is mostly performed by the non-replaceable security crew member, because they don't have much else to do during none-combat. I could conceivably shift them over to be the engineer (would mean changing their skillset a little, but I'm fine with doing that) to let you make a character who can take over such duties (though you character would have to be able to act as security as well in order to be recruited by the crew. Some combat experience is recommended anyway, given not all of the action will take place on the ship).

As for the ship's name, it's mostly in reference to the crew. They're a wacky bunch of weirdos, but they still get things done.
Did I just read this was a 1x1 scenario at the end of your original post? I thought you were looking for a crew? Am I misunderstanding something?
I would, if you permit me, like to join the crew as a possible neutral mechanic and/or do Gooder navigator that may or may not be skilled in various forms of combat.
The Avant-garde (played by Riik) Topic Starter

VisionsOfASniper wrote:
I would, if you permit me, like to join the crew as a possible neutral mechanic and/or do Gooder navigator that may or may not be skilled in various forms of combat.

Sorry about the wait. I'm not yet whether I want to take more RPs in this setting yet (in the short-term future). If I decide I do, I'll let you know.

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