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Forums » General Roleplay » Spiderman


I can play as parker
I can actually play Peter pretty well
This sounds like a great idea!
I don't really want to play an aunt, tho. Is it ok if I play a friend of Elena's or something?
If not, it's fine. :) Just wanted to say how cool this idea is and see if I could join.

I'll be peter

Let me make his character
(can anyone join?)
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

Rose (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

((She's very friendly as venom, please))
Tin Man (played by -Danny-)

((Oh, this was a public RP story line, it wasn't labeled as private. I assumed you wanted a plethora of Marvel heroes in your story. I will retract my post and exit this story line, sorry to intrude. In the future please make sure to label that the story line's only hero can be your character. Thank you.))
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

((No it fone just little more warning ask Elena if its for multiple heros not me))
Elena parker (played by Fantasygirl2) Topic Starter

(( oh my gosh lol!!))
Rose (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

Elena parker (played by Fantasygirl2) Topic Starter

(( I'm rolling in the floor in laughing so much ))
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

((Bold letters=Batman voice))
Elena parker (played by Fantasygirl2) Topic Starter

(( sure :) ))
Venom (played by Axeslinger)

((Venom's already left, mate.))
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)

((Sorry there are to many venoms here and heros lost track))
Jonathan (played by Stereotype)

((K bye))
Jonathan (played by Stereotype)

((I gtg too.))
Venom (played by Axeslinger)

((If you want to close the RP, you could just write an OOC post saying that it's closed. And if anyone joins in, then you tell them that it's closed))

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