Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)
*hands her the doll she opened*
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
She gets up and runs from it afraid she will get yelled at
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
She's hiding in the closet *
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)
*grabs Luna* "whats wrong?"
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
(( a lot lol))
Luna looks up at u*
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
Luna seems scared of the presents and the baby doll*
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
(( ask devin if it's ok ))
* Luna doesn't take it *
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
She takes it nerviously *
(( is he allowed to enter the Roleplay))
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)
((He can if he wants but Idk what positions are left))
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
(( same ))
She hugs u lightly *
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
She looks around * momma?