Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)
*grabs miles and jumos down*
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
She hides under the couch *
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
Stays under the couch even though it's time to open presents *
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
* sits in your lap and watches miles open his presents*
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
She snuggles she's to afraid to open the presents cause she's afraid she will get yelle at again*
Peter Parker (played by DevinGardner)
*hands her the doll she opened*
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
She gets up and runs from it afraid she will get yelled at
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
She's hiding in the closet *
Elena (played by Starwarsfan)
(( sure who will u play))