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Forums » Introductions » Hoist the colors!

Ohai there. I am a humble college undergrad with a major in Nautical Archaeology and a minor in history. Therefore, I am a pirate.

I've been roleplaying for... I actually don't know how long. Since middle school, I'm sure. My first arpee that I remember was a generic semi-medieval-europe WOW-esque shpiel, and my first character I made up was such a Mary Sue I have no idea how people were willing to put up with me! But my tastes in arpees have evolved, and I certainly hope my arpee-ing skills have as well.

My genres of choice (for the moment) are cyberpunk, steampunk, post-apocalyptic and urban fantasy. But I like most types (I'm in an rpg-satire, as well as an epic fandom mashup and a rather amazing paranormal one set in 1920's Chicago)

I don't usually have default characters I use for things. I make up characters to fit the arpee, as opposed to finding arpees to fit my characters.

I LOVE roleplaying. I think it's about the potential a story could have. You never know what kind of a twist the other members will put into play! It's like writing an epic story with a few friends.

I'm a reliable arpee partner and a quick replier (with impeccable spelling and above-average grammar skillz, if I do say so myself). Ask a few of my friends, and they will tell you I DO tend to nag people to post if it's been a few days... but I mean it out of love, I promise!

So, that's Sparrow in a nutshell! Feel free to drop by and say hello!
Kim Site Admin

Whoa, nautical archaeology! That is awesome!! I am going to add exclamation points to everything because that is awesome!!

Does that sometimes involve underwater camera robots?(!!!)

Y'arr! If it isn't the awesomest pirate ever! Blackbeard!


I mean, Sparrow!
CaptainSparrow Topic Starter

@Kim: Depends on how deep the wreck is. If it's more than, say, 150 feet down, we'd prolly use bots. Less than that, we'd just scuba.


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