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Forums » Looking for RP » WANTED: a Mechanic Skilled in Robotics (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Alrighty, so I've got something in a new world for y'all today!

Lenore's Favorite Mechanic

So this RP would be with Lenore, a robot who's exploring the world beyond the house in which she was created. Our story could begin in the bustling city of Morerome, capital of Arædia and former capital of Arædia's biggest rival, Saak Saabad. Full of artisans from all walks of life, magical or not, the city hides a dangerous underground criminal system beneath the steampunk creations it produces. While you eat at any one of the city's gourmet cafés, be sure to keep a keen eye; they say the Copper Father's eyes are everywhere.

However, if a more dangerous, risque city is more your style, then our story could take place in Swallow's Nest, Aeromore's equivalent of Tortuga (from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise). Here, pirates — of the land or sea — drink from dusk to dawn in the numerous taverns, often frequenting the city's signature Cabaret, where almost everyone knows everything about anything. Careful who you trust here, you never know where you might end up in the morning...

All of these take place in Aeromore, a world I'm working on with my friend. We'd, of course, talk a bit more about what you'd need to know about the world and how your character could fit (or what you would need to know to make a new character) if you're interested. :)

I am mainly looking for a mechanic to be Lenore's go-to for fix-ups, someone who will develop a strong bond with her, however that may manifest. If you are not interested in being the mechanic but think that Aeromore sounds interesting, keep your eyes open as my friend and I work on the group for it. ;)

Looking forward to finding a good match for her!

Magic 90%
Magic is very common. Magic-tech, grand floating islands, forests that sing, magical creatures may be an every-day occurrence.
Technology 40%
Industrial revolution
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.


Is this still open, because I would love to pester you as a roleplay partner fufufu. Teach me your wooooorld roboat! If I am, indeed, graciously permitted to present you my words of carefully plotted fiction upon this glowing screen of technological marvel, I would like to introduce you to a certain gnome tinker you've already seen. He works with robots, and could likely fix up yer gal in a jiff!
tisonlychaos Topic Starter

I do already have a promising taker, but, believe you me, I will not hesitate to contact you if that doesn't work out. And furthermore, you can still be your little gnome you in Aeromore! Don't worry, we'll find a little nook for him somewhere...
Eris (played anonymously)

Yes, how fun, we should definitely have some gnomes. We have some steampunk widgets needing some repairs!

Just keep me in the loop, my world-building friends~!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » WANTED: a Mechanic Skilled in Robotics (closed)

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