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Johann Malagrav (played by Copper_Dragon)

Been busy developing Johann here, and as usual I keep combat in mind when character-making-- just in case he does get into a fight (or five).

But... I don't know. He doesn't seem entirely balanced, but I can't pick out what might be wrong. Anyone want to glance through his combat page (it's the second one on there) and give me an honest opinion/constructive criticism, if there's any to be had? You don't have to if you don't want to, but a fresh eye looking over things would be appreciated.

If it helps any (for those of you who consider both age and experience), he's in his 90s (young for a Gaia Dark Elf, from what I gather) but physically is somewhere in the 30-years area.
I think he looks reasonable for a sharpshooter/sniper--they basically are glass cannons in most structured combat systems, right? And you already seem to be leaning that way. So I'd just say to remember that it's reasonable for him to be either dodgy (which I read him as) or well-armored/sturdy, but probably not both.
Copper_Dragon Topic Starter

Well, he is kind of dodgy, but it's not because he's a glass canon-- if you put him up against a human fighter and force him to fight, hand-to-hand, he'll probably be a pretty even match.

He just doesn't like bringing large amounts of attention to himself. That's why he'd rather gtfo than stick around to do battle face-to-face.

... on the other hand he's not well armored. ... also I have no idea where I'm going with this post other than further character explanation. XD I'm sorry, Lyse! Thank you for the input; I really do appreciate it! I'd never really thought of snipers to be glass canons before, honestly.

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