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Forums » Looking for RP » Seeking RP for my Warlock (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Avery (played anonymously)

Greetings all, as the title says, I am looking for an rp with my Warlock character, Avery.

Third person and multi para is preferred, I like to have lots of freedom to write details and have something to react to in your response. I most enjoy roleplay when it is considered a collaboration between two writers within a single story. (Romance is also great, but not necessary)

I am very open to plot suggestion, but I will mention a few ideas I have below.

YC (Your Character) is in need of some magical assistance, be it spellwork, enchanting, a portal, a guide into another world, or a potion. And seeks out Avery, whom is rumored to be a skilled warlock, but also a recluse. He is hesitant to engage with YC, but...(we can go in many different directions from here, depending on who your character is).

YC is a hunter (or shadowhunter, if you're familiar with the mortal instruments series) and tracks down Avery intending on killing him. This can go two ways. Either something Avery says makes YC hesitate, or YC is injured by another supernatural creature and Avery uses magic to help them.

YC is completely unaware of the supernatural, and either visits Avery for some sort of herbal remedy (perhaps being dragged along by a friend) or they happen across one another by chance. YC is intrigued by the quiet, yet insightful man, and they begin some form of friendship. Eventually leading to the discovery of Avery's magical abilities.
Alternatively, one of our characters could be drawn to the others darkness or mystery, wishing to learn more, or help. (Avery does have a dark past)

Please send me a PM if I've managed to catch your interest and we can discuss the rp.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Seeking RP for my Warlock (closed)

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