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Forums » RP Discussion » READ FOR RP

ALRIGHT PEOPLE. I have 10 character slots that need filled. I don't wanna let them go to waste because they're from my epic membership. Sure they'll freeze when my membership goes, but they'll still be there! So here's what I want to know!

WHO WANTS TO RP WITH ME? If you're willing to do an RP (I honestly prefer 1x1 because it goes faster than group RPs and I'm already in a few group ones XD), tell me what kinda of genre and stuff and what kind of a character you'd like to RP with and I will make a character JUST FOR YOU. :D

Yes. I'm desperate for RP. Make no mention of this >>
Rin wants love. Or Arlo or Mephorae.

I could offer one, but we already have a RP going xD
CelestinaGrey Topic Starter

f0x1nth3b0x wrote:
Rin wants love. Or Arlo or Mephorae.

PM me with what kind of char you'd like me to make for RP with them xD
CelestinaGrey Topic Starter

Ruu wrote:
I could offer one, but we already have a RP going xD

This is true. xD And you need to post! I'm on pins and needles here!! <3
Wah! already got two with yougoing! xD
I've got a bunch with her; but what's a few more?
CelestinaGrey Topic Starter


Well you only have one private with me, Foxy. And you're reluctant to post on that one. XD
I'll RP with you! But I'm looking to make more characters too, so.. x)
CelestinaGrey Topic Starter

Wewt! PM me with what kinda RP you'd like. x3 we can both make new characters!
CelestinaGrey Topic Starter

Poking this thread to see if other people want in!

I am still up for 1x1 RPs! (It's easier for me to keep track of 1x1s than groups Dx)
Hesitant? XD
Im pretty shy about these things, but if any of my charas interest you, then sure. ^ . ^
I need to make new characters too, so if you wanna throw some of yours at me I`ll dig up some old ref sheets. <3
I'm in the mood for an RP

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