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Forums » Introductions » Zombie Rp


Does anyone out there want to do a Zombie Apocalypse Rp set in Modern day

also im new i dont know how most of this works

Welcome to RPR my friend! Here we are all willing to help a fellow rper out so never be afraid to ask questions!
stonecoldlife Topic Starter

=) Welcome to RPR! =)
=) I hope you have fun! =)

Here is a helpful link to help you design your character sheets!

Here is a helpful general roleplay link, fantasy roleplay link, and sci-fi roleplay link to help you get to the general role play forums!

A nice tip to is to check this link, it is the 'browse character link', this is handy cause you can see the most currently active people on the site, see the characters they are refreshing and bringing up to date to write with. Messaging them is like fishing for RP! You might get a bite and catch an amazing fish, or you might not catch a fish that is stil amazing! All the fishes are amazing, just like the fisher! =)


You might want to go to forums and put it in the "Looking for RP" forum, you might get more requests to rp there.

But welcome to RPR anyways!
Hey there stonecold, welcome to RPR! As you have noticed the people here are friendly and welcoming, and have been helpful in providing links and advice :)

Hope they help you decide to stay like they did me ^_^
Welcome to the site! And Happy Holidays! I hope you find someone to roleplay with!

Hello and welcome to RPR. You should post this in "looking for rp" section.

Welcome to the site!
Firstly, you'll wanna make a character page (or several) - there's a great step-by-step character wizard included in the site. It doesn't have to be crazy elaborate, but it'll help people get an idea of who you might be playing in what setting, which can attract potential rp partners!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Zombie Rp

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