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Forums » Looking for RP » Pokemon RPs (closed)

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Pokemon Trainers (played by KansasVenomoth)

I haven't done any Pokemon RPs for a while and I'd love to get some going, though I don't have too many plot ideas, but I'm always up for some brainstorming. Most of the characters I'm suggesting are a bit underdeveloped and because of this, I would like to get some development with a few. I'll be throwing a list of some of the trainers and regions I'd be particularly interested in exploring. Now, while each of my trainers are best suited for whichever region is mentioned in their tab, they could easily be adjusted for another region. So, just because you see a trainer currently traveling in Hoenn, that doesn't mean I can't throw them in Alola if you'd prefer. Listed below are also genres and themes I'll do for the Pokemon world. You'll find each trainer under the tab of the same name.

- Action
- Light Combat
- Adventure
- Light Drama
- Comedy
- Romance (I'd actually love for something like this to happen)
- Crossovers (I'd really love to do some crossovers)

Pokemon Trainers

The Gastly Trainer - Lars is a simple trainer hailing from the Sinnoh region, he is the owner of the Haunted Gastly Mansion in Hearthome City, a small attraction that's home to him and his six Gastly, though while it is a haunted house, it's more comical than scary. The haunted house relies on the cheesy pranks and cheesy jump scares, so you're more likely to burst into bouts of laughter than you are to scream in terror. This haunted house is being used to fund Lars' next project, a sanctuary specifically designed for Ghost-type Pokemon. Though, while he adores his Gastly, he would love to find himself a girlfriend, believing having someone by his side would be beneficial in the long run.

The Eccentric Trainer - Lucas is an energetic, kind hearted trainer hailing from the Johto region. He has simple goals of exploring everything that his home region has to offer, from the highest mountain peaks to the oldest ruins, for him, it doesn't matter. Though his flirting skills are absolutely atrocious, he would love to start a relationship. He isn't much for battling, so he hopes to find someone who will share his love for adventuring and exploring.

The Ford Siblings - Ashley and Austin Ford are eccentric, almost sickeningly cheerful siblings that have goals of one day creating a successful and unique manga series, currently under the working title 'The Eevee Rangers', they haven't developed much of a plot due to the fact that they're incapable of sitting down for very long. Austin wishes to find himself a girlfriend, though he's had little luck. Ashley has been interested finding herself love, though she's found herself attracted to both genders, appearing to be a little more attracted to her own gender. At this point, anyone that can put up with their energy and cheerfulness would be a great choice for them.

The Wentz Siblings: Cyrus and Celia are a pair of loving, happy siblings that are currently exploring the Sinnoh region in hopes of finding a fun adventure, new Pokemon, and to complete whatever goals they have. Cyrus simply wishes to become the strongest trainer in the world, not caring whether or not his dream is cheesy or not, while Celia simply wants to see what the world has to offer.

The Hill Siblings - Jonah and Charlene are a pair of overly energetic, adventurous siblings that are currently wandering about Alola in order to see everything it has to offer. Jonah has goals of changing how the people of Alola view the Ultra Beasts, hoping to show them that these otherworldly Pokemon aren't violent for the sake of it, while Charlene simply has goals of becoming the most powerful trainer in all of Alola.

Champion of Sinnoh - Jonathon is a friendly trainer hailing from Sinnoh, he has a passion for battle, Pokemon, and food. He has simple desires of holding onto his position as Champion of Sinnoh, though he also has desires to start a family one day, though he's had little luck in the romance department lately. If he isn't tending to his Pokemon League duties, he can often be seen in Veilstone City with his Pokemon. He is a cheesy flirt, but he's sincere in what he says and often won't hit on a person unless he feels there's a chance with them.

The Mythical Trainer - Michael is a shy, awkward trainer that has a love for Pokemon, whether they be his own, someone else's, or just some wild Pokemon. He hails from Tsuki, a strange region where science and history collide in a beautiful way. Though he loves Pokemon dearly and will approach them without much of a problem, he's a lot quieter around new people, but once he warms up to them, he'll be fiercely loyal to them. Romance is difficult with him as he isn't flirty and most advances will go right over his head.

Champion of Unova - Wyatt is a confident, level headed trainer that'll never shy away from boasting about his many achievements as a Pokemon trainer, going from his victory in the Unova League to his numerous victories in the Pokemon World Tournament. Beyond his arrogance, he has a good heart and never hesitates to help someone in need, he loves his Pokemon, he has a desire to start his own family in the future and harbors a crush on Roxie**, the Virbank City Gym Leader, though he's had little luck in the way of confessing to her.

Champion of Kalos - Alexander is a video game loving trainer that has goals of becoming a successful game developer in the near future. Whenever he isn't traveling or battling, he's frequently playing his signature 3DS, raising virtual Pokemon or saving Ylisse from a variety of threats. He harbors a deep crush on Korrina, but unfortunately for him, he's a bit of an idiot and has been unable to confess this undying love for her.

Champion of Johto - Jay is a cool, calm, and collected trainer that has a bit of an obsession with anime and manga. He's currently traveling in hopes of finding inspiration for his upcoming manga, the cheesily cliched 'Entei Knight and the Princess', though he's completely unaware of how cheesy and cliched it really is, he doesn't seem to care however.

Now, for the RP, I don't have too many requirements, all I ask for is a bit of patience with me, I might respond immediately, sometimes it'll be a century before I get back to you, and I need at least a paragraph per post. While the characters I listed above are the ones I'd like to use most, all trainers within the profile are available for playtime. Shoot me a PM if you're interested :)

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

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