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Forums » Looking for RP » Repairig what was once Ours (Broken Roma (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


So I've been listening to 'Hoodie' by Hey Violet non-stop for around three hours, and now I'm in the mood for an emotional, broken, dramatic romance RP. So, this plot is based off of the song!

After a two year relationship, my character and your character decide to end a romantic relationship. This was because either my character was moving away, or your character was moving away. After this, my character, Sarah, was told several rumours by a friend; your character was having an affair while they were together. This can be true, or it can be false (up to you) but either way, she to Sarah being so gullible, she believed it. It tore her apart inside, and she was filled both with anger and sadness.

However when you hear Sarah's moving back to town (or Sarah hears your moving back to town) you/Sarah goes to greet her/you at the airport. However, Sarah ignores you and gets on with her week. After several encounters and asking what was wrong, she finally tells you.

if the rumours were false, she's hesitant to believe you. However, she agrees to trying to repair the friendship and maybe have another relationship- though that'll be after hearttbreak, meltdowns, fights etc etc

If the rumours were true, she hates you more and refuses to have anything to do with you. But after persuasion by both you and friends, she agrees to grudgingly trying to fix the friendship. MAybe, after a looong time, she'll agree to havong.Another relationship? Agaon, many fights, breakdowns, hearttbreaks, etc etc

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Repairig what was once Ours (Broken Roma (closed)

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