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Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for romance rp partner! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I am currently looking for someone creative who is willing to do a romance role play on realistic topics

Such as:
- flatmates
- roommates on a college campus
- strangers bumping into one another at an airport bar / sitting next to one another in a plane
- childhood friends meeting again after several years / at a party
(you can come up with your own ideas too!)

I have Manu, the character I will role play as. He's a 19 year old Spanish ex-musician willing to know his purpose in life after retiring from the music industry. He's humorous and mannered, with a kind soul and willing to get to know people in order to change himself into a better person.

If you decide to role play with me, I have a few things to ask for:
-minimum 1-2 paragraph(s)
-correct use of grammar
-creative ideas in order to keep the role play going (and not get bored, of course)
-preferably no strong language

If the ad sounds appealing to you, I am one message/comment away!! <3
Jessica Saraiva (played anonymously)

Hmm.... strangers at the airport bar then on the plane net to each other... maybe a transatlantic flight or something?
I could be interested.
Sage Mecker (played by Cherry_Red)

I have Sage who is also 19 I think and is also a musician herself. You'll have to ignore her relationship status, it's not suppose to affect other rps. Otherwise you can check out my other ones if you'd like. They could be flatmates.
Vaporwave Topic Starter

Jessica Saraiva wrote:
Hmm.... strangers at the airport bar then on the plane net to each other... maybe a transatlantic flight or something?
I could be interested.

Yes, that would work! If you re interested in role playing please dm me! :) <3
Amber diaz (played anonymously)


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