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Forums » Smalltalk » I return!

Ilmarinen Moderator

I'm so good you didn't even know I was gone!

About a week and a half ago I came down with some bizarre crazy vaguely flu-like sickness. That pretty much destroyed my ability to do anything. Some medicines would have helped it but my options were limited because I had surgery last Friday. :P (And I'm not telling what.) My nurse was like "hey, yeah, you'll be just fine after a weekend of rest!" but that is... only half true. :P I'm in hot water with regards to a couple of my classes but I'm recovering well and am largely okay.

So that, as they say, is that!
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Welcome back!

Frustrating to be that ill but it sounds like you're getting better. So keep it up! :)
Kim Site Admin

Welcome back! So sorry to hear you weren't feeling well.

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