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Forums » Looking for RP » Osiris (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Can you get more people?

Here: Hello! I am doing this for my bud, Beldesia, from my OWN desire so don't get mad at them just because I'm doing this for them. Okay?

Still good? Okay. This is a, to quote the post... 'Multiple dimensions and alternate realities cross over one another in Osiris, its like a world made of other worlds. Filled with different timelines and technologies, as well as all manner of races and cultures.'

To enter, reply to the post with this information.
Orientaion/realtionship status
Starting world location- ie. Fantasy realm, sci-fi, Main Osiris, Romance Isle, Modern Marvels.
If you want to join, go to
If you have any questions before joining, reply here with the question/s.

Sorry for the random message, and as always, stay happy! ^v^
Beldesia Topic Starter

Ok all that are joining, please use the template lazri has posted with your character info, i will be making a map and such once we have everything together. And the worlds/areas of osiris are as follows: Fantasy land, Mainland Osiris, Romance isiles, Modern marvels, and sci-fi realm.
Beldesia Topic Starter

Lazari-Not_IEPFB- wrote:
Can you get more people?

Here: Hello! I am doing this for my bud, Beldesia, from my OWN desire so don't get mad at them just because I'm doing this for them. Okay?

Still good? Okay. This is a, to quote the post... 'Multiple dimensions and alternate realities cross over one another in Osiris, its like a world made of other worlds. Filled with different timelines and technologies, as well as all manner of races and cultures.'

To enter, reply to the post with this information.
Orientaion/realtionship status
Starting world location- ie. Fantasy realm, sci-fi, Main Osiris, Romance Isle, Modern Marvels.
If you want to join, go to
If you have any questions before joining, reply here with the question/s.

Sorry for the random message, and as always, stay happy! ^v^

Thank you! For all the help❤️
Name: Glorp(&Glorp)
Age: 23
Species: Eerthleen
Orientation/Relationship Status: ???, Strictly platonic relationships so far
SWL: Sci-Fi
Awww... thanks!
Lexx haylee Foxx (played by Beldesia) Topic Starter

Name: Lexx
Age: 19
Species: foxshifter
Orientation/status: lesbian/single
SWL: Fantasy
Robin ann Mills (played by Beldesia) Topic Starter

Name: Robin
Age: 19
Species: Human
Orientation/status: Lesbian/Engaged to alice
SWL: Fantasy
What's the limit of characters? 2 or 3?
Felicity Jones (played by ShadowWolfie)

Name: Felicity Jones
Age: 19
Species: Pikachu
Relationship Status: Single & Lesbian
World Location: Fantasy Realm
Robin ann Mills (played by Beldesia) Topic Starter

(( 2 ))
Robin ann Mills (played by Beldesia) Topic Starter

Now to at least figure out which forum to put the IC and Ooc in...thinking general? Also how do i link it to here?
Name: ??? 'Lazari' ???
Age: Some may say 16, but we don't believe that... do we?
Species: Unknown, but looks human.
Relationship Status: Single
World location: Unknown, but she has pine needles on her sometimes...
Name: Ben ???
Age: 19?
Species: Human and ??? hybrid
Relationship: Interested but single
World Location: Also unknown
Anybody else want to input another character? We have... 9 people, 3 of which who didn't input a character.
I'll throw in someone in like an hour if no one shows
Okay, but you didn't mention your main character so...
Orientaion/realtionship status
Starting world location- ie. Fantasy realm, sci-fi, Main Osiris, Romance Isle, Modern Marvels.
Glorp- wrote:
Name: Glorp(&Glorp)
Age: 23
Species: Eerthleen
Orientation/Relationship Status: ???, Strictly platonic relationships so far
SWL: Sci-Fi

tis moi my friendo
Oh didn't see it XD

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Osiris (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus