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Forums » Looking for RP » Girls Und Panzer Rp (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Hello everyone! I'm interested to see just how much demand for an rp like this, I've always been a big fan of this show and I'm hoping to have a good time rping with others in this universe.

For those of you who don't know, Girls Und Panzer is a lighthearted anime series that revolves around the sport of tankery - or Senshado as the show calls it. The sport consists of schools with their own teams made up of a varying number of tanks, most schools stick to a theme and only have tanks from the country their school is based on. Tanks that were developed after 1945 are not eligible to be used in the sport, and certain matches set a limit on how many tanks you can take. If you haven't watched the show and are still interested then I suggest to look a bit at the show's wiki for more information.

Now for those who are wanting to join, this rp will take place during an impromptu round robin tournament made up of select schools. Basically you may choose pretty much any school from the show as you wish, and you can even make your own school entirely from scratch or take a school that only had characters shown on screen and flesh them out. Do note that if you make your own school you'll have to make a roster of tanks yourself. Each player will be able to rp as their selection of schools, rp the characters of the schools as you see fit, if you wish to only rp the commander then do so.

Do note that the point of this rp is to have fun and enjoy yourself, so it isn't necessary to have a bunch of knowledge in tank specs and tactics. Also the plot for this rp can always be changed, this is just the only way I could think of to have it so everyone will be able to rp with each other. Let me know if you have any questions.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Girls Und Panzer Rp (closed)

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