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Forums » Looking for RP » Organising a LoZ: Breath of the Wild RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Heya, RPR! I've been putting together a Breath of the Wild role playing group. Currently, it's privated as I work on it, though I would like to see if there are others out there that are interested in participating in a Breath of the Wild setting role play group. The story is still in the works, though it takes place fifty years after Calamity Ganon has been defeated by Link.

It's a work in progress, though I would love to have people that are interested in putting a BotW group together with me offer their thoughts, opinions, and contributions to the group. :>

When the group is up and running, it'll be open to everyone and will have a PG-13 rating to it. There will be dice mechanics, though no one will have to abide by them if you don't want to (but if you're going to participate in big battles that get planned and posted, you will have to use dice mechanics).

If anyone is interested in helping me put together this BotW group, please message me! I'm going to be a little strict with who helps and gets moderation roles, though. Anyone can contact me to get early access and help with the group, but only people that are over eeighteen can be a moderator for the group. ; v ;
Magic 60%
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Technology 30%
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.

Details: Occasional dice use, adjustable length posts, one-off scene.

I am super intrigued by this, would you mind if I took a peek at it?
FreeJayFly Topic Starter

Sure thing! I'll get a PM sent to you shortly. :>
FreeJayFly Topic Starter

I honestly don't know how many people use the Find RP tool... so...!

Gentle bump to let people know that I'm still working on this and still am looking for people that would be interested. :>

Lemme peep at that group rp.
FreeJayFly Topic Starter

Here's another gentle nudge so that people know I'm still looking for people that are interested in a BotW setting. :>
I'm definitely interested in anything Zelda related. If you want to include me in this feel free :)
Awwwwwwwwww heck man I might be interested, I want to take a peek too? ; v; do you allow canons?
FreeJayFly Topic Starter

Zinroth wrote:
Awwwwwwwwww heck man I might be interested, I want to take a peek too? ; v; do you allow canons?

Unfortunately, we will not be accepting canon characters in the group. From our written up rules and our FAQ developed thus far:
In-Character Rules wrote:
  • No canon characters. Sorry, but if you're wanting to join as canon characters such as Link, Mipha, Revali, Din, Zelda, and any other official characters found within the games, please find somewhere else. Canon characters will play mostly as background characters that can be later interacted with upon getting mod permission for their time.
FAQ: In-Character Related wrote:
Q: Why won't you allow canon characters? They exist in the setting provided, so why can't people play them?
A: We don't want heavy importance being placed on the canon characters. We would like to build a setting that builds up one's own characters -- makes them feel important rather than just a side character. Mods will only use canon characters briefly, but they will not be the main focus of the story line in this group.

Plus, we realise that a lot of people have an idea for how they imagine a character to act and behave. We all would have different portrayals on how these characters would react to situations. We would rather not have people that see ways that they disagree with and be upset by.

If you're still interested even after that, I'm still happy to share a link for you in order to check out the group and see it for yourself to see what's going on.
FreeJayFly Topic Starter

Gentle bump to let people know that I'm still looking for people with an interest for a BotW group. :>
This looks super interesting! Would you mind if I snuggled up in this new group? ^~^
FreeJayFly Topic Starter

Happy to see that there's a good handful of people that have been interested! :D

As always, I'm still looking for anyone that's interested in a BotW group with an entirely optional game system in place. The group has been coming along really well, and I'm really happy with a lot of the stuff that I've been able to release so far.

I've released some basic information on how the homebrew game system works for anyone interested in using it, and I'm working on getting some playable race handouts done soon.

If interested, please feel free to contact me in some fashion. :>

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Organising a LoZ: Breath of the Wild RP (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus