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Forums » Looking for RP » War In The Streets (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Gunner Jensen (played by BryceMyers513)

What was supposed to be a diplomatic meeting had devolved to chaos. Diplomats from around the world meeting to settle disputes and end tensions that had nearly reached the breaking point, however before they could gather, coordinated attacks around the city took out almost each and every one of them. The city in chaos, communications cut off, and armed assailants roaming the streets, alone diplomat as survived the carnage, but is now alone in an active warzone, until a former soldier comes along...

I'm looking for a character to be a diplomat targeted in these attacks and to work with my character Gunner to escape. I'll accept male or female, as well as human or supernatural. I'm also wide open to any ideas you might have as to how we can expand the idea further, so shoot me a PM if interested and I'll get back to you ASAP! Happy RPing everyone :) !
Hey, are you still looking? Also what era is this going to be set in? I'm assuming modern but figured I should ask. If you still want an RP partner this sounds really interesting and I'd definitely want to give it a shot!

If you're still looking, this sounds awesome! It's so funny; I was planning on making a more passive character, but didn't think he/she would be able to be used because so few people like characters with calmer personalities...

I know someone already posted, so not to worry! ;)

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » War In The Streets (closed)

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