Hello and I apologise to anyone who will come to know me or my characters. I can't say what I may or may not do but for what it's worth, I didn't mean to. Now that being said I look forward in participating in Roleplays and making friends on this forum, but to be in good conscience I am going to warn you just this once (so don't say I didn't warn you). Knowing me is like getting to know a bad girlfriend, I'm clingy, I will text as often as possible, I occationally swap personalities, and I will eat everything in your fridge. One of those may be false. I am also a liar, maybe.
TrapsCanRp wrote:
Hello and I apologise to anyone who will come to know me or my characters.
Uh, hello. I understand that some people are clingy as I am as well, but please don't put yourself down. I welcome you to this place and I hope you have a wonderful time, but remember. You don't need to apologize for being you. Just keep on trying to be better. Be brave, bold, and honest. That is my motto. Once again, welcome. And if you ever need anything, don't be shy to come talk to me. Even if it's just to chat.
Welcome to RPR!
*slides in* *falls flat on face* *swears for an exceedingly long time*
Welcome, to the RP Repository! I am absolutely stoked to see you here and glad you've made the absolute life-changing decision to join us all as we slowly plot to take over the world!
I am FlamingPsycho, virus extraordinaire!
I've been roleplaying for a while and would love to RP with you now that you are here, lol. I'd also love to answer any questions you have!
So, if you need help or are just up for a roleplay, please please PLEASE PM me! I'm always around!
Well, nice meeting you! Enjoy our little haven here, and have a wondrous 2019!
Welcome, to the RP Repository! I am absolutely stoked to see you here and glad you've made the absolute life-changing decision to join us all as we slowly plot to take over the world!
I am FlamingPsycho, virus extraordinaire!
I've been roleplaying for a while and would love to RP with you now that you are here, lol. I'd also love to answer any questions you have!
So, if you need help or are just up for a roleplay, please please PLEASE PM me! I'm always around!
Well, nice meeting you! Enjoy our little haven here, and have a wondrous 2019!

MitsuHarp wrote:
TrapsCanRp wrote:
Hello and I apologise to anyone who will come to know me or my characters.
Uh, hello. I understand that some people are clingy as I am as well, but please don't put yourself down. I welcome you to this place and I hope you have a wonderful time, but remember. You don't need to apologize for being you. Just keep on trying to be better. Be brave, bold, and honest. That is my motto. Once again, welcome. And if you ever need anything, don't be shy to come talk to me. Even if it's just to chat.
I had hoped that the click bait title and the way I had written this would had conveyed my sarcasem. I'm sorry if this came off as depressing, I just wanted to avoid writing "Hi" because I couldn't think of a good introduction based on that. I have garnered the reputation of being kinda like a calamety in discord and other forums I've interacted with. I had once randomly claimed that my friend and I were in a big contreversy due to our unethical and unorthedox relationship. When she denied our having a relationship I took it a step further and claimed that she needn't pretend there wasn't anything there. I knew that her father didn't agree with how we conducted our selves. More so I understood that we could never be. I mean she was a baroness and I was a humble begger, but I refuse that she would pretend that there wasn't anything there. Under the moon light, the light rain trickling down, overlooking our fallen foes. Needless to say I almost was banned for rping in the public chat. Was banned later for unrelated reasons. Even so I like to introduce myself with an apology because I have a tendancy to destory communities. I wont purposfully, like my post implys, but I have a tendancy to be a "that guy" I think. None the less sorry for the confusion and I hope we get along.
TrapsCanRp wrote:
I had hoped that the click bait title and the way I had written this would had conveyed my sarcasem. I'm sorry if this came off as depressing, I just wanted to avoid writing "Hi" because I couldn't think of a good introduction based on that. I have garnered the reputation of being kinda like a calamety in discord and other forums I've interacted with. I had once randomly claimed that my friend and I were in a big contreversy due to our unethical and unorthedox relationship. When she denied our having a relationship I took it a step further and claimed that she needn't pretend there wasn't anything there. I knew that her father didn't agree with how we conducted our selves. More so I understood that we could never be. I mean she was a baroness and I was a humble begger, but I refuse that she would pretend that there wasn't anything there. Under the moon light, the light rain trickling down, overlooking our fallen foes. Needless to say I almost was banned for rping in the public chat. Was banned later for unrelated reasons. Even so I like to introduce myself with an apology because I have a tendancy to destory communities. I wont purposfully, like my post implys, but I have a tendancy to be a "that guy" I think. None the less sorry for the confusion and I hope we get along.
Oh I see. So you're the kind of guy that knows he's doing something wrong, but keeps not taking it seriously. Well, that's totally fine as long as you don't start telling random lies to me. I hope we get along as well

TrapsCanRp wrote:
Even so I like to introduce myself with an apology because I have a tendancy to destory communities. I wont purposfully, like my post implys, but I have a tendancy to be a "that guy" I think. None the less sorry for the confusion and I hope we get along.
Oh hon, you can't destroy this community. Mightier things than you have tried any only brought us closer.

Anyway, welcome! You've found one of (if not the) friendliest places on the internet. That probably sounds a little cultish. We're not perfect or anything, but I remain so glad I ended up here. If you have any questions, the Help documentation is actually super digestible, and folks are usually happy to help with all sorts of questions.

Novalyyn wrote:
TrapsCanRp wrote:
Even so I like to introduce myself with an apology because I have a tendancy to destory communities. I wont purposfully, like my post implys, but I have a tendancy to be a "that guy" I think. None the less sorry for the confusion and I hope we get along.
Oh hon, you can't destroy this community. Mightier things than you have tried any only brought us closer.

Anyway, welcome! You've found one of (if not the) friendliest places on the internet. That probably sounds a little cultish. We're not perfect or anything, but I remain so glad I ended up here. If you have any questions, the Help documentation is actually super digestible, and folks are usually happy to help with all sorts of questions.

*Ahem* I would just like to say that I found Nova's comment here really sweet. Therefore I decided to put my one cent in as well.
The fact that you apologise makes me immediately not believe you. Kind of like when someone says "I'm so arrogant!" or something, thereby proving they cannot be that arrogant because otherwise they wouldn't think they're arrogant. So, I don't believe you! And welcome to the community!
Just in case you're telling the truth just know that one of the reason this place is great is because of the moderators and rules, especially rule #1, be nice. It's just like be kind to one another. It's one of those abstract things, but it's the best rule I think there could ever be and it seems to work. So yeah, don't worry, you won't destroy anything.
And yes, I've felt that way before. Not about a whole community, but about groups of people. I've felt that when I join into a group conversation that the conversation just falls apart, things like that. The group disperses. It's very disconcerting. So if you DO feel that way just try to remember that what you have to say has value. And the people who will understand you will understand you, and the people who don't, that's ok. This place is like a campfire where people gather around on their way to wherever they're going. They're not all going to the same places but sometimes they are and in the meantime, they have someone to walk with them part of the way.
Ok this sounds like an after school special at this point so I'm gonna hush. Point is.......RELAX. Don't create a self-fulfilling prophesy. You'll be great. It'll be great. You'll see. :p
Welcome to the site! Have fun! I'm available for RPs so just PM me! Don't worry! I don't bite! I walk into walls! So yeah! Have fun! I hope you enjoy your stay! *walks into wall* Okay! My knowledge has been gained! I must roll 7 dice, each with 12 sides to welcome fellow roleplayers!! Here we go! (Look Below) And the official guess for my welcoming roleplayer dice roll is... 43! OH MY GOD! NANI! Did I get it right? Well, I do need to find out by posting it and not carrying on typing! STOP IT KARL! Ok. I SAID STOP IT! You're typing too. OH YEAH! *post*
rolled 7d12 and got 41
Hi, and welcome to RPR! We are all glad to have you here, and we all hope that you will have a lot of fun here!
My name is Kamryn, but feel free to calling me Bean, as that is my nickname! If you're ever interested, feel free to shoot me a PM so we can chat if you'd like, or possibly strike up an RP! I'm very easy to get along with, and I'm always up for making new friends! Don't be afraid to reach out to me if you need help or would like someone to talk to about the site!
Again, welcome to RPR, and I hope you enjoy your stay!
My name is Kamryn, but feel free to calling me Bean, as that is my nickname! If you're ever interested, feel free to shoot me a PM so we can chat if you'd like, or possibly strike up an RP! I'm very easy to get along with, and I'm always up for making new friends! Don't be afraid to reach out to me if you need help or would like someone to talk to about the site!
Again, welcome to RPR, and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Hello and welcome to RPR! If you’re looking for roleplay I suggest going to “Looking for RP” or “Find RP”. There you will find the exact roleplay you would like. If you need any more help then just PM me!

There’s no need to be sorry!

There’s no need to be sorry!

Welcome to RPR! I'm super glad you've joined us here!
I really recommend checking out the Looking For RP boards, and I definitely recommend hitting up the OOC Chat as a place to get to know some of your fellow roleplayers!
Thank you SO MUCH for coming to us and helping us make our community great!
Welcome to the RPR community! We're glad to have you join! If you have any questions or just wanna chat, feel free to shoot me a message! 
Also, I'd like to address what you said about ruining communities. You may have just found a good one for you. I joined back in 2014. I was 14 at the time. Unless it was in December. Then I'd be 15... Hm... Anyway, I digress. On one of my first days, I pretty badly triggered one of the most wonderful and most widely loved people on this site. Not only has she forgiven me, we're great friends now. There was another person I put into a situation I shouldn't have, just being an idiot. They also forgave me and now we're also friends!
What I'm saying is, this community is incredibly kind. I sometimes can't believe how sweet everybody is. The forgiveness, encouragement, and kind words from those people that I've hurt have helped me to mature a lot. I owe a lot to the people of this community. So don't worry about it. This is a great place to be.
Anyways, I wish you luck. And, again, feel free to message me any time!

Also, I'd like to address what you said about ruining communities. You may have just found a good one for you. I joined back in 2014. I was 14 at the time. Unless it was in December. Then I'd be 15... Hm... Anyway, I digress. On one of my first days, I pretty badly triggered one of the most wonderful and most widely loved people on this site. Not only has she forgiven me, we're great friends now. There was another person I put into a situation I shouldn't have, just being an idiot. They also forgave me and now we're also friends!
What I'm saying is, this community is incredibly kind. I sometimes can't believe how sweet everybody is. The forgiveness, encouragement, and kind words from those people that I've hurt have helped me to mature a lot. I owe a lot to the people of this community. So don't worry about it. This is a great place to be.
Anyways, I wish you luck. And, again, feel free to message me any time!
Glad to hear you’ve joined! Hopefully you’ll have fun!
Hi there Otokonoko, welcome to RPR! As you can see the community is fun, friendly, welcoming and helpful (regardless of what you've said about yourself, lol)! If you haven't yet, we recommend browsing the tutorial, it's got a ton of helpful tips and guides for all sorts of different RP-related subjects, from making characters to looking for RP partners--even experienced roleplayers may find things they hadn't thought of, I know I sure did.
And if you're still not sure about something on the site after checking out the tutorial, feel free to ask questions of the mods and anyone else who offers to help.
If you're hankering for some specific kind of RP, we have an awesome Find RP tool that has a bunch of neat filters and stuff you can use to look for particulars. If you just wanna browse, you can go straight to the Looking For RP forum and see if anything there catches your eye, or even post ideas of your own!
Or if you just wanna chat for a bit as you decide what kind of characters you want to make, we have a place for Smalltalk too!
And above all...hope you have fun and stick around a while to make a bunch of RP friends! These people being friendly sure helped me decide to stay, too, when I was new!

If you're hankering for some specific kind of RP, we have an awesome Find RP tool that has a bunch of neat filters and stuff you can use to look for particulars. If you just wanna browse, you can go straight to the Looking For RP forum and see if anything there catches your eye, or even post ideas of your own!

Or if you just wanna chat for a bit as you decide what kind of characters you want to make, we have a place for Smalltalk too!
And above all...hope you have fun and stick around a while to make a bunch of RP friends! These people being friendly sure helped me decide to stay, too, when I was new!
Welcome! I am sure you are a great in rp.
I joined only a few days ago myself and i promise you, it is amazing.
If you get bored PM me and maybe we can create an rp together.
Or if you ever just wanna chat ill be here.
Have fun!!
I joined only a few days ago myself and i promise you, it is amazing.
If you get bored PM me and maybe we can create an rp together.
Or if you ever just wanna chat ill be here.
Have fun!!
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